Who is using preamps / rack these days?

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I think as many have said a rack can't be beat for versatility. I'm running a Soldano sp77 into a Lexicon G2 into a peavey 50/50, all wired into a rocktron looper with 3 pedals in rack for added versatility. The whole kit is 10 sp. and works in tandem with a floor board which has a footswitch and roland v-guitar on it. The whole set up is only 3 pieces (rack, speaker,floorboard) but does just about anything I can dream up and is fully automated for switching. I have no doubt that my rig does more than the next guy, and I try my best although people don't care much these days, to make lots of unique sounds even in small venues. Head and pedal board simply doesn't cut it for the range I push for. The rig in my sig is my studio rig, which is the best of everything; 2 heads with a rack in one case, incidentally is controlled by the same floorboard for my rack rig so it's easy for me to switch between them (6 plugs on a snake I made)
Stone Heavy Sound":10ayf5rh said:
I think as many have said a rack can't be beat for versatility. I'm running a Soldano sp77 into a Lexicon G2 into a peavey 50/50, all wired into a rocktron looper with 3 pedals in rack for added versatility. The whole kit is 10 sp. and works in tandem with a floor board which has a footswitch and roland v-guitar on it. The whole set up is only 3 pieces (rack, speaker,floorboard) but does just about anything I can dream up and is fully automated for switching. I have no doubt that my rig does more than the next guy, and I try my best although people don't care much these days, to make lots of unique sounds even in small venues. Head and pedal board simply doesn't cut it for the range I push for. The rig in my sig is my studio rig, which is the best of everything; 2 heads with a rack in one case, incidentally is controlled by the same floorboard for my rack rig so it's easy for me to switch between them (6 plugs on a snake I made)

lordriffenstein":v1es9cy1 said:
Still rocking this rig all the time. I have been doing a bunch of gigs with my Elmwood setup but every time I plug into the rack, I have a HUGE smile on my face :rock: :rock:


:yes: :cheers: :2thumbsup:
I used to gig with my Axe FX II straight to the mixing desk.... until I used my Diezels... ok..... it is easier to carry,has a great sound, still love it, but the Einstein just put it to shame though.

Of course the direct sound of my AxeFX was so much clearer than the mic'ed from a cab...
Just finished a new Preamp . . . so yes, I'm still using this stuff with a modded TS100 by Carvin.




and some wankery thru it . .
duesentrieb":2h6hwx3q said:
Just finished a new Preamp . . . so yes, I'm still using this stuff with a modded TS100 by Carvin.




Stop posting these awesome preamps I cannot buy! :doh:
I'm still using a rack. It never gets old and the tone is just brutal. It's super quite and I've been thru almost all the high end high gain amps and nothing compares. I use the recto's for practice since it's easier to carry around. My main recto is at my drummers house with another stiletto cab and nice size pedal board. Rack is where it's at!
This was my rack for a while, until one rainy night at a gig I couldn't push it up the trailer ramp. A girl from the audience came and helped me, :lol: :LOL:


Right now it's this;


Might even shrink to an Axe FX or Kemper in the future...
Was here....
now here..or there or anywhere..


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Shark Diver":1k60w845 said:
This was my rack for a while, until one rainy night at a gig I couldn't push it up the trailer ramp. A girl from the audience came and helped me, :lol: :LOL:


Right now it's this;


Might even shrink to an Axe FX or Kemper in the future...
That big rack looks sick!!!

On your small rack, what's the Manley piece?
It's a tube mic pre. I use it to warm up the IRs. Also functions as a master volume. I started running mono so I am thinking of using the B side now for the vocal mic.
I was using this, until I realized it was WAY more than anybody needs to "get the job done". Not to mention, it was just stupid heavy! :lol: :LOL: Now I'm back to two heads and a (relatively) small pedalboard.....


rlord1974":2imxa64c said:
I was using this, until I realized it was WAY more than anybody needs to "get the job done". Not to mention, it was just stupid heavy! :lol: :LOL: Now I'm back to two heads and a (relatively) small pedalboard.....


FISH >))))> :inlove: and Soldano pre amps
Fish, I forgot about those. I should probably have kept this one:

i bought a recording computer for x-mas. i've been putting pieces together for the last month or so. the latest thing i've been trying to do is dial in some tones on my old rocktron pro gap straight into the board. mostly just cleans with different guitars that i've got.. just to get a feel for it. i started by zeroing out the input and output levels. i've got a few other pieces at the rehearsal space that i need to bring home so i can patch a few things in. i'm just going to mess around with input combinations for awhile before i put a home studio together. i think i need to empty the whole room to do that.. so that won't happen before spring.
i do suppose that reading the manual would be helpful. i had to do some digging around to find it.. but i found it. :thumbsup:
i may also try plugging the gap into a couple of different amps that i have.. just to hear what the results are.
just plugged the gap into my vht special 6 on pentode mode and my homebrew 1x12 with a vin 30 and left it set clean. it's about the loudest 6 watts i've ever heard. :D this may merit more investigation. :confused: