Who the hell is Grace Bowels...or Bowers???

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So you're mad cause she has a signature Gibson and you don't?

What if you got offered to have your own sig model except it's from a company you can't stand, like PRS or Fender? Do you take the axe or do you tell them "I'm a dapper dan man, dammit" and scoff in their faces?
Hey @WilfredTASD, I see where you are coming from, but I think what may be really frustrating you is the current state of music, art, and marketing for instruments (as others have pointed out).

Gibson needs to convince their investors that they will be a viable company after everybody on this forum is dead. They are not marketing to guitar geeks or Shawn Lane nerds. Their next target demographic isn't even on YouTube. Gibson needs someone who can look imitable in a 15 second TikTok clip or whatever the next iteration of that platform will be. The marginal cost to Gibson of gifting her a really expensive (to us) guitar and signaling on social media is pennies to a dollar, but her (or somebody like her) might click with the right algorithm and make Gibson a ton of money. Kind of a no-brainer. She's playing faster than she can make it sound good, but her vibe/hair/personality could go viral and really sell in today's market.

I get you though. I'm still sore my parents thought I sucked so much at guitar they rolled their eyes as they bought me the cheapest guitar and reminded me often what a waste of their money that was. This girl is receiving vintage instruments, good for her.

Have faith though, virality will die out, and good art will return. (y)

I just saw a video where she's talking about a bunch of Murphy-Aged SGs that Gibson just "gave" her. Apparently, she's an "endorsed artist" or something but she's HORRIBLE ? and she has no albums...or singles...or anything apparently. Is this how Gibson rolls these days with neverending price increases, for everfalling quality instruments? So they can endorse tweens from the internet? I mean, I'm not like "jealous jealous" but I'm like 5% jealous. I've lost a lot of respect for Gibson if this is the best they can do. I mean come on...

Its not CC but Ive danced to much worse in bars .Its a cover but ya she does have nice fluffy hair and it bounces well.
So you're mad cause she has a signature Gibson and you don't?

What if you got offered to have your own sig model except it's from a company you can't stand, like PRS or Fender? Do you take the axe or do you tell them "I'm a dapper dan man, dammit" and scoff in their faces?
She does not have a signature guitar. I like Fender. I like Brylcreem.
Hey @WilfredTASD, I see where you are coming from, but I think what may be really frustrating you is the current state of music, art, and marketing for instruments (as others have pointed out).

Gibson needs to convince their investors that they will be a viable company after everybody on this forum is dead. They are not marketing to guitar geeks or Shawn Lane nerds. Their next target demographic isn't even on YouTube. Gibson needs someone who can look imitable in a 15 second TikTok clip or whatever the next iteration of that platform will be. The marginal cost to Gibson of gifting her a really expensive (to us) guitar and signaling on social media is pennies to a dollar, but her (or somebody like her) might click with the right algorithm and make Gibson a ton of money. Kind of a no-brainer. She's playing faster than she can make it sound good, but her vibe/hair/personality could go viral and really sell in today's market.

I get you though. I'm still sore my parents thought I sucked so much at guitar they rolled their eyes as they bought me the cheapest guitar and reminded me often what a waste of their money that was. This girl is receiving vintage instruments, good for her.

Have faith though, virality will die out, and good art will return. (y)

I will not deny that the state of today’s music is awful, nor that I had a conversation with someone about that very thing earlier.
She has a VERY expensive haircut although it might not appear it initially. She’s playing on some fake, tailor made, down home, girl next door, T-shirt and jeans, middle America vibe, even though she is from San Francisco.
Shawn Lane was EVERYTHING this girl is not. He would not have and did not have any appeal based on looks, did not play music that would have been awards show friendly and he had TOO MUCH talent if anything.
Like anyone else I like a good show, I like the musicians to look good, play better than me usually, or at least be doing something catchy but I find HER in particular unworthy of these bogus accolades and bullshit. I mean riddle me this, why on earth is Forbes magazine doing an article on her? SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A SINGLE OUT. I’m not a hater or jealous and I’m almost always happy for new music and for younger artists to break through but if Thais is who Gibson deems is worthy of 12-20 grand in FREE gear than Gibson doesn’t need my thousands of dollars. It gives me what people might be calling “the ick” these days.

As of today Saturday, April 27, 2024, Grace Bowers is ALSO being ENDORSED by DEES AMPS. Earlier someone was saying how much they love Dees but I personally have no opinion. Has anyone on here tried Dees?
Reply away if you want but I’m un-watching this utter display of a tantrum not worthy of a 6 year old.

Someone please ban this annoying fuckstick. Go back to your parent’s bassment and practice your Disturbed riffs.
Oh my stars ✨ ? ⭐️?
:::clutches pearls:::
I’m just a young’n
How can you be using such hateful, adult language towards me, especially, after you SWORE that you were leaving and NEVER COMING BACK???
Seems to me that you are just jealous, and old, and moldy and you are just downright mean!
If anyone deserves to get blocked it’s you, for being a cranky pants non contributor Luddite with a teeny tiny Weiner.
Oh my stars ✨ ? ⭐️?
:::clutches pearls:::
I’m just a young’n
How can you be using such hateful, adult language towards me, especially, after you SWORE that you were leaving and NEVER COMING BACK???
Seems to me that you are just jealous, and old, and moldy and you are just downright mean!
If anyone deserves to get blocked it’s you, for being a cranky pants non contributor Luddite with a teeny tiny Weiner.
Not sure what you did there, but that first quote is not mine. Kind of jealous because it’s a great response. BTW, mom jokes lost their fun about two decades ago.
How sad that @skoora will go to such great lengths to defend a tween girl, Gibson guitars, and musicians from 40+ years ago, but won’t even try to defend his sweet old throat goat mom, even one iota…

I guess you won’t be there for my moment by moment play by play recap of the bj I got from your 200 year old mother that took nine hours because of how slow she moves. The drool and total lack of teeth was a nice touch tho. ⬅️????️??????
I get that you're frustrated with the current state of affairs Wilfred, but this OTT ad-hominem is unacceptable in the main forum.

Even in OTC you'd be called out for it 'cause as of last year we don't put up with jibes of a sexual nature involving members' kin, so please, leave family out of it and... carry on.
old man yells at cloud 2.jpg

old cloud yells at man.jpg
I will not deny that the state of today’s music is awful, nor that I had a conversation with someone about that very thing earlier.
She has a VERY expensive haircut although it might not appear it initially. She’s playing on some fake, tailor made, down home, girl next door, T-shirt and jeans, middle America vibe, even though she is from San Francisco.
Shawn Lane was EVERYTHING this girl is not. He would not have and did not have any appeal based on looks, did not play music that would have been awards show friendly and he had TOO MUCH talent if anything.
Like anyone else I like a good show, I like the musicians to look good, play better than me usually, or at least be doing something catchy but I find HER in particular unworthy of these bogus accolades and bullshit. I mean riddle me this, why on earth is Forbes magazine doing an article on her? SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A SINGLE OUT. I’m not a hater or jealous and I’m almost always happy for new music and for younger artists to break through but if Thais is who Gibson deems is worthy of 12-20 grand in FREE gear than Gibson doesn’t need my thousands of dollars. It gives me what people might be calling “the ick” these days.

Who lit the fuse on your tampon? Kindly calm the fuck down.

A lot of old musicians lament that kids these days spend their lives playing video games instead of putting in the hours to learn to play an instrument. This young lady put in the hours to get to her level of ability, and she's playing an instrument instead of video games. How is that a bad thing? Sheesh!
I just saw a video where she's talking about a bunch of Murphy-Aged SGs that Gibson just "gave" her. Apparently, she's an "endorsed artist" or something but she's HORRIBLE ? and she has no albums...or singles...or anything apparently. Is this how Gibson rolls these days with neverending price increases, for everfalling quality instruments? So they can endorse tweens from the internet? I mean, I'm not like "jealous jealous" but I'm like 5% jealous. I've lost a lot of respect for Gibson if this is the best they can do. I mean come on...

why are you wasting part of your life caring about this??? 1- seconds in I could hear she was playing the fucking song wrong so I went back to my everyday life ... you can just turn the internet off .. it is magic