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…….and they still make the best guitars in the business in the past 3 years IMO if you want that 70’s/80’s hard rock beef.

…….and they still make the best guitars in the business in the past 3 years IMO if you want that 70’s/80’s hard rock beef.
You have good taste in hobbies.nah, education leading to a good career; living below your means; learning finance and investing for yourself; worked for me. I had to pay my way though college, got a job in my field that paid for more schooling; got burned by a financial advisor early on, made it a mission to learn how to do it myself; became an accredited investor, and in 2-3 years plan to retire early with sufficient FU money for myself and kid; while enjoying the present and indulging in my hobbies: music, sailing and shooting.
EBMM gave fluff a signature model? Isn’t he a review guy on YouTube?anyone missing Henry J?
The clowns running Gibson circus keep getting worse with each takeover. At least their attorneys are doing well. I'm sure will see more Slash and Adam Jones signatures, Mustaine too...
I was disappointed to see EBMM give Fluff a signature guitar, but thought it was great that Ibanez gave Ichika Nito a signature model, but hey it's their businesses, I buy what I like
Jimmy page will always have fans.lol. Who should they give them to then and promote on social media? Jimmy Page? Rhoades? Angus? Or 100 other iconic Gibson players from the golden age? Promoting those names are not a good business plan when your clientele is dying.
Like I said, they are a business. Don’t know how old you are, but Gibson doesn’t need to fight for name recognition with me. And despite the QC problems in the recent past, they are back on track. Don’t like them, don’t buy them.
Sounds like she worked to get this 61' Gibson
yes, https://www.music-man.com/instruments/guitars/ryan-fluff-bruceEBMM gave fluff a signature model? Isn’t he a review guy on YouTube?
Dang, 4k. Looks like Mr. Massad has high end tastes.also Rabea Massad
I just saw a video where she's talking about a bunch of Murphy-Aged SGs that Gibson just "gave" her. Apparently, she's an "endorsed artist" or something but she's HORRIBLE ? and she has no albums...or singles...or anything apparently. Is this how Gibson rolls these days with neverending price increases, for everfalling quality instruments? So they can endorse tweens from the internet? I mean, I'm not like "jealous jealous" but I'm like 5% jealous. I've lost a lot of respect for Gibson if this is the best they can do. I mean come on...
She says she did session work for it.. I'm sure if you looked like her and were as famous you'd get some guitars.. she's obviously got "Star" quality if people are treating her so well.Showed up, played some covers and given a 61 Gibson. Wish someone would give me a guitar to show up and play a few covers.
I was thinking myself about how 80s her hair looks.. I love it! Bring those 80s back...I liked her work in Tesla. Alot.View attachment 307221
Why does she have a “Rig Rundown” when she has no material or albums? I watched a video where she said she was “given” a 1961 SG at age 12 or something…She’s “earned” literally nothing. Her playing is average but there’s a million children in China her age that would absolutely smoke her, so what am I supposed to gather from the Gibson endorsement?
post clips or shut the fuck up
Dude you look like you chug 10 gallons of soylent every single day.Also, you’ve talked enough shit in this thread- post clips or shut the fuck up.
The Warning. Three sisters from Mexico.