First of all, I have been hearing for the past 20 years that Gibson QC is plummeting... lol! The 2023 Les Paul Jr that I picked up last year is a stellar guitar. In fact, all of the recent Gibsons that I have played have both played and sounded great. I think they are putting out some of their best guitars in quite a long time. A new Les Paul Standard will set you back $2999. For reference a new PRS Custom 24 costs $4500. While I don't relish spending $3k on a guitar, their pricing is not that bad when comparing it to their pears.
The industry trend for the past five years has been sig models or special edition models for internet influencers. Nothing new there... As far as Gibson giving her guitars... That's her word. May or may not be true... who knows and honestly, who care? We are a niche forum that complains about the industry. Companies are trying to reach new players. If some girl hacking through a Poison song online inspires other young girls to go buy Gibson guitars, then their marketing worked. You were not their target audience.