I will not deny that the state of today’s music is awful, nor that I had a conversation with someone about that very thing earlier.
She has a VERY expensive haircut although it might not appear it initially. She’s playing on some fake, tailor made, down home, girl next door, T-shirt and jeans, middle America vibe, even though she is from San Francisco.
Shawn Lane was EVERYTHING this girl is not. He would not have and did not have any appeal based on looks, did not play music that would have been awards show friendly and he had TOO MUCH talent if anything.
Like anyone else I like a good show, I like the musicians to look good, play better than me usually, or at least be doing something catchy but I find HER in particular unworthy of these bogus accolades and bullshit. I mean riddle me this, why on earth is Forbes magazine doing an article on her? SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A SINGLE OUT. I’m not a hater or jealous and I’m almost always happy for new music and for younger artists to break through but if Thais is who Gibson deems is worthy of 12-20 grand in FREE gear than Gibson doesn’t need my thousands of dollars. It gives me what people might be calling “the ick” these days.