Who the hell is Grace Bowels...or Bowers???

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You callin' me an old cloud bro'? :LOL:

Besides, I didn't yell at him. :dunno:
Sometimes I do need to get reeled in a little, it’s true ??
It’s just so easy with some of these guys ?
Tell me you didn’t see the guy say he’d never tried Dees but then he said he really liked “Dragon” ? and I got to say “Dragon Dees balls across your chin” ? and then the guy above me starts talking about his mom and 20 years ago ?
I checked out a few of her videos and she's a great player. I dig her style and sound and I'm glad someone young is into that stuff.

If it gets other younger players into it vs the rest of the garbage on the radio, good for her being that influence.

Is she worth handing some expensive instruments? Who's to say. Gibson thought so and although they've made tons of questionable decisions before, it may pay off if she does continue to rise in popularity and they've got her locked down as a Gibson artist.
I checked out a few of her videos and she's a great player. I dig her style and sound and I'm glad someone young is into that stuff.

If it gets other younger players into it vs the rest of the garbage on the radio, good for her being that influence.

Is she worth handing some expensive instruments? Who's to say. Gibson thought so and although they've made tons of questionable decisions before, it may pay off if she does continue to rise in popularity and they've got her locked down as a Gibson artist.
“Great” Player ?
You must’ve joined her patreon and seen the really good stuff that we don’t get to see…
This thread and the OP that started it need to be removed.
This thread and the OP that started it need to be removed.
Do you often tell other people what to do?
Has anyone ever listened to you?
It doesn’t look like your demands are going to be met this day.
Maybe crawl back into your hole for a few more rounds of D&D and let the relevant people keep on keeping on while you, a nothing, wither away and cry yourself to sleep. ?
It ain't pretty, but it ain't illegal either.

That said, you might want to tone it down Wilfred.
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Amen…I think she’s pretty good at her age. Not amazing but pretty good. I’d never heard of her before this thread and below is the the first thing I found and it doesn’t suck. Considering how loosy goosy Page could be live and he’s considered a Guitar God, I just see in that Unskinny Bop video her having fun with it. I thought guitar was meant to be fun too? If anything she seems exactly who Gibson wants to be seen playing their guitars. My old ass got locked in 30 years ago.

badass....I'm a sucker for Hendrix though....
What I've noticed over time is that if you want to become rich and famous in any career, it sure seems to help when you're born rich, and have plenty of time growing up to focus on the career you want. Weather it be music, sports, acting.... lots of rich kids who never would have had to work for a living anyway.
Mimi pulled it off. The other girl is much much better though….
I checked out a few of her videos and she's a great player. I dig her style and sound and I'm glad someone young is into that stuff.

If it gets other younger players into it vs the rest of the garbage on the radio, good for her being that influence.

Is she worth handing some expensive instruments? Who's to say. Gibson thought so and although they've made tons of questionable decisions before, it may pay off if she does continue to rise in popularity and they've got her locked down as a Gibson artist.
They forcing her to plan in some Nashville producers project. They literally just have her add two tiny solos . Let her write and play like the rest of the world . Nashville is shitty and is pure bs . Fuck rascal flats didn’t even get to play on their album until like the 5 the album . I just wanted to bury about all this because it’s Nashville doing Nashville .
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I will not deny that the state of today’s music is awful, nor that I had a conversation with someone about that very thing earlier.
She has a VERY expensive haircut although it might not appear it initially. She’s playing on some fake, tailor made, down home, girl next door, T-shirt and jeans, middle America vibe, even though she is from San Francisco.
Shawn Lane was EVERYTHING this girl is not. He would not have and did not have any appeal based on looks, did not play music that would have been awards show friendly and he had TOO MUCH talent if anything.
Like anyone else I like a good show, I like the musicians to look good, play better than me usually, or at least be doing something catchy but I find HER in particular unworthy of these bogus accolades and bullshit. I mean riddle me this, why on earth is Forbes magazine doing an article on her? SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A SINGLE OUT. I’m not a hater or jealous and I’m almost always happy for new music and for younger artists to break through but if Thais is who Gibson deems is worthy of 12-20 grand in FREE gear than Gibson doesn’t need my thousands of dollars. It gives me what people might be calling “the ick” these days.
Ya Shawn Lane so awesum I still have a solid state amp model somewhere that he used so riffin crazy he boggled bucket Head
Oh my stars ✨ ? ⭐️?
:::clutches pearls:::
I’m just a young’n
How can you be using such hateful, adult language towards me, especially, after you SWORE that you were leaving and NEVER COMING BACK???
Seems to me that you are just jealous, and old, and moldy and you are just downright mean!
If anyone deserves to get blocked it’s you, for being a cranky pants non contributor Luddite with a teeny tiny Weiner.
I like the Moldy part I hate Clowns that Rain on my parade or any one elses outa jelousy get to work or buy some stinky bree cheese and a bottle of boones farm strawberry hill and Bitch about how we still love/play Hendrix
What I've noticed over time is that if you want to become rich and famous in any career, it sure seems to help when you're born rich, and have plenty of time growing up to focus on the career you want. Weather it be music, sports, acting.... lots of rich kids who never would have had to work for a living anyway.
nah, education leading to a good career; living below your means; learning finance and investing for yourself; worked for me. I had to pay my way though college, got a job in my field that paid for more schooling; got burned by a financial advisor early on, made it a mission to learn how to do it myself; became an accredited investor, and in 2-3 years plan to retire early with sufficient FU money for myself and kid; while enjoying the present and indulging in my hobbies: music, sailing and shooting.
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