Who's enjoying pride month


Can YOU smell it because it stinks.
This reminds me of someone who floats around and continually lies on here because he's not that bright.

Maybe he needs to take his usual dump on TGP's lawn and not here.


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Unbelievable! San Francisco Police Record Viral Video Saluting the Pride Flag​

Isn't this what you do when you conquer a foreign country, you raise your flag on their soil.

Police officers are seen handling the LGBTQ flag with high honors, careful not to let it touch the ground. They then raise the flag high and proud above the county jail as officers stand at attention and salute it while it’s raised. The song “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga is their new anthem.

You won’t see viral videos of Christian flags flying high above government buildings while government employees salute it. America has now been separated into a strict caste system.

The oppression hierarchy mandates that straight, white, Christian men are at the bottom. They are to be treated as second class citizens. Those who can identify themselves as a so-called oppressed or marginalized special class of people simply rank higher in the caste system.

They are to be treated like royalty. Employers, colleges, and voters are expected to give special privileges to those in the “marginalized” communities at the direct cost of those at the bottom of the hierarchy.

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You've earned this once again.
View attachment 213550
And why would there ever be christian flags at a government building? They don't belong there.
You really have no intelligence.

If you understood the end to end impact on an operating society you'd be singing a different tune.

I'm happy that you're happy in your blind ignorance and support of the destruction. I know I won't be here for it so please continue doing what you're doing FULL steam ahead..................as YOU deserve every bit of it.

Go get em' champ!
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