Who's enjoying pride month

Ft. Lauderdale’s LGBQT community, Wilton Manors, is almost directly across the street from my apartment, there’s more about pride month in this forum than there is in Wilton Manors, ya’ll are obsessed with this shit. :LOL:

I’d love for DeSantis to check out Wilton Manors, actually, he could see what a clean, prospering community looks like instead of all the fuckin’ broken down cars taking up space in and around the trailer parks in Northern/Central Florida.

That’s the crux of it right there man. I’m willing to bet most of the dudes here (and elsewhere) that have the strongest views against gays, have probably never actually known any gays.
They get l their info from other assholes on Twitter. Misery loves company so to speak.

I’m not saying all gay people are magnificent people, there are good and bad just like everyone else, but if people took some time to get to know the people they hate, there would be a lot less hate
I guess companies don’t really care about pride… if they did, why not show their pride across the world?

Countries where it's ILLEGAL to be homosexual.

That’s the crux of it right there man. I’m willing to bet most of the dudes here (and elsewhere) that have the strongest views against gays, have probably never actually known any gays.

I have to admit 20 years ago that would have been me. Not that I had any real hate, I just didn't like seeing, hearing, or being around anything gay.

I realized I needed to start knowing people I don't like, or approve of. Once I did, It all changed, and I no longer had to deal with the negative feelings I had towards them.

It was I that the had the problem, and It was easy to fix.

Hate stems from fear, and people have an irrational FEAR these groups.
I have to admit 20 years ago that would have been me. Not that I had any real hate, I just didn't like seeing, hearing, or being around anything gay.

I realized I needed to start knowing people I don't like, or approve of. Once I did, It all changed, and I no longer had to deal with the negative feelings I had towards them.

It was I that the had the problem, and It was easy to fix.

Hate stems from fear, and people have an irrational FEAR these groups.
You've leaned on a false positive to accept.

Humans are easily persuaded by familiarity but THAT still doesn't make it right.

In fact, their movement is using that very behaviour.............if you haven't noticed.
Worked in an engineering department with the same small group of people for years.
We hung out after hours often and really got to be as much friends as co-workers.

One day we're all sitting around shooting the shit and the subject of the strangest place
you ever had sex came up. Everyone is taking turns telling their tales and then it gets to Pete.

He pauses for a sec, then sheepishly says, "You all know I'm gay, right?" Stunned silence
for just a tick and then it passed and he told his story and everyone laughed cause it was
funny. And that was the end of it.

He was a good friend and co-worker before we all knew he was gay. And then he just kept
on being a good friend and co-worker.

Dude was in San Diego on business a few years ago and me and Lin met him for dinner.
Had a blast rehashing old war stories.
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Worked in an engineering department with the same small group of people for years.
We hung out after hours often and really got to be as much friends as co-workers.

One day we're all sitting around shooting the shit and the subject of the strangest place
you ever had sex came up. Everyone is taking turns telling their tales and then it gets to Pete.

He pauses for a sec, then sheepishly says, "You all know I'm gay, right?" Stunned silence
for just a tick and then it passed and he told his story and everyone laughed cause it was
funny. And that was the end of it.

He was a good friend and co-worker before we all knew he was gay. And then he just kept
on being a good friend and co-worker.

Dude was in San Diego on business a few years ago and me and Lin met him for dinner.
Had a blast rehashing old work war stories.
and then you blew him in the parking lot
So fuckin what if he did
STOP being a supporter of such disgusting behaviour.

Jokes aside and let's have a reality check...........

IF you're honest....................

If you walked in on your 19 yo son sucking another guy's cock how would you feel?

If you walked in on your 19 yo son having sex with an actual 19 yo woman, how would you feel?