Who's enjoying pride month

No thanks you Feces Eater and gargler.

We all know you as SHIT LIPS so, in fact it's YOU who eats feces and LOVES it.

How's Funk's pegging of YOU going?

The OT Fucktard Roster:

A four year old.

Two guffawing idiots who’ve been repeating
themselves for months.

A mentally deranged conspiracy theorist.

A Nazi.

A raging antisemite.

A weird hermit who thinks he’s funny and pretends to be a Christian.

Sir Galahad The Virgin.

A chick who’s probably a dude.
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The OT Fucktard Roster:

A four year old.

Two guffawing idiots who’ve been repeating
themselves for months.

A mentally deranged conspiracy theorist.

A Nazi.

A raging antisemite.

A weird hermit who thinks he’s funny and pretends to be a Christian.

Sir Galahad The Virgin.

A chick who’s probably a dude.
"A chick who’s probably a dude."

Playing with fire there Fella :shocked: .............you'll be singing soprano soon you chicken shit coward.
No thanks you Feces Eater and gargler.

We all know you as SHIT LIPS so, in fact it's YOU who eats feces and LOVES it.

How's Funk's pegging of YOU going?
Dude, you're the guy posting over and over and over about dominating via anal sex. Women and kids. You're a sick, sick dude. I bet you end up in jail in Thailand when you move there.

You and Gary Glitter can start a prison band.
That's Herr Himmler to you butt-monkey.

We need a new nick for you due to your latest perversion admission. Pharaoh of Feces is taken. Sultan of Shit? That's a good one.
Hey Art...oops...I meant Himler you Jew hater.............You do know you're the epitome of Mr Shit Lips..................you should be wearing a bib as you're forever driblling shit.