Why RT’s MAGATS are so angry 24/7/365.

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How have ya been PLX? Long time no chat.
Lol. Noooo it hasn't
You angry, angry faggots provide an endless supply of material from which to riff.

Imma get another cup of coffee.. Post some more "ooh burn" stuff, Dorothy.


You seem angry. Is more caffeine a good idea bud?

Please, you're making me look like a crystal ball genius when you call me a faggot. Don't post so quickly and think through what you're saying.
Funny thing is, I'd love to see one of these guys call a homosexual a fag to their face. Most of my gay male buds I've known are tough and fight like their life depended on it.
You seem angry. Is more caffeine a good idea bud?

Please, you're making me look like a crystal ball genius when you call me a faggot. Don't post so quickly and think through what you're saying.


🤡. /. 🤡. /. 🤡….

The Juggling Clown🤡

What the fuck garbage did I just read? You have more posts in a week than I've accumulated in a year and accuse others of being incels. Strange take. Curious what you think about people who post things like this:

Nobody brought up that subject, but I suppose that's normal response, right? Nothing at all strange or odd about it or the numerous times it's been brought up on different forums by someone... how'd you put it? "pushing 70"? In fact, after giving it some thought it did ring a bell; a very similar unsolicited message was sent to me in a private message on TGP around 2020/21 from an eyeball. This dude is sickly disturbed and likely has a few extra dark skeletons. Where's the great purveyor of truth; Diarrhea of an Asshole, when you need him? I'm sure he has something racist and transphobic to add to your Sherlock level of self reflection.

Let's dive into a reality. Men cannot be women without a sufficient level of genetic engineering that currently doesn't exist. People rarely "hate" anyone, but they do tire of obnoxious and often inappropriate actions being shoved down the throat of society and being told to accept it as normal or pay the price (fascism, mind you).

Some people play along with those fantasies; to the detriment of society. Some people condemn them, often laced with ignorance. Some people counter them with reality or with their own level of absurdity, but 100 times out of a 100 I would rather get a 70 year old's fantasy take on a bikini thread than the above extreme red flag or your laughably nonsensical BS. Second to last paragraph? That was a real gem. Fantasies thrown in with virtue signalling. I bet you're up for a participation award of some sort for that. I wonder what's worse; calling someone a childish name or feeding unrealistic fantasies to a person already dealing with mental health issues?

So far we have;
Donnie the Disturbed Douchebag
Chief Petty O'Diarrhea of a Valor Thief (He prefers Princess Rambo, if I'm not mistaken.)
BeerandNutcase, the hopeless romantic schizophrenic incel caught in a house of mirrors.

Quite a starting lineup your team has there, William Bill dipshit. Now if y'all could just agree on a uniform that matches your bullshit. Maybe like a brown shirt or something...I don't know it all gets a bit out of hand, tbh. But maybe, the "whack job magas" are right?! You people are clowns and y'all should go slither back into whatever sewer you crawled out of.

What the fuck garbage did I just read? You have more posts in a week than I've accumulated in a year and accuse others of being incels. Strange take. Curious what you think about people who post things like this:

Nobody brought up that subject, but I suppose that's normal response, right? Nothing at all strange or odd about it or the numerous times it's been brought up on different forums by someone... how'd you put it? "pushing 70"? In fact, after giving it some thought it did ring a bell; a very similar unsolicited message was sent to me in a private message on TGP around 2020/21 from an eyeball. This dude is sickly disturbed and likely has a few extra dark skeletons. Where's the great purveyor of truth; Diarrhea of an Asshole, when you need him? I'm sure he has something racist and transphobic to add to your Sherlock level of self reflection.

Let's dive into a reality. Men cannot be women without a sufficient level of genetic engineering that currently doesn't exist. People rarely "hate" anyone, but they do tire of obnoxious and often inappropriate actions being shoved down the throat of society and being told to accept it as normal or pay the price (fascism, mind you).

Some people play along with those fantasies; to the detriment of society. Some people condemn them, often laced with ignorance. Some people counter them with reality or with their own level of absurdity, but 100 times out of a 100 I would rather get a 70 year old's fantasy take on a bikini thread than the above extreme red flag or your laughably nonsensical BS. Second to last paragraph? That was a real gem. Fantasies thrown in with virtue signalling. I bet you're up for a participation award of some sort for that. I wonder what's worse; calling someone a childish name or feeding unrealistic fantasies to a person already dealing with mental health issues?

So far we have;
Donnie the Disturbed Douchebag
Chief Petty O'Diarrhea of a Valor Thief (He prefers Princess Rambo, if I'm not mistaken.)
BeerandNutcase, the hopeless romantic schizophrenic incel caught in a house of mirrors.

Quite a starting lineup your team has there, William Bill dipshit. Now if y'all could just agree on a uniform that matches your bullshit. Maybe like a brown shirt or something...I don't know it all gets a bit out of hand, tbh. But maybe, the "whack job magas" are right?! You people are clowns and y'all should go slither back into whatever sewer you crawled out of.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake."

-- Sun Tzu
Funny thing is, I'd love to see one of these guys call a homosexual a fag to their face. Most of my gay male buds I've known are tough and fight like their life depended on it.
I believe you yo. I've seen them in action