Why RT’s MAGATS are so angry 24/7/365.

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Let's be clear about something here - and I think you'll agree.

Religion and having religious faith


Using YOUR religion as an 'excuse' to suppress, ostracize, alienate, demean, OR GOVERN others.

The former falls under personal freedoms which everyone will agree is a good thing.

The latter is utter bullshit and fuck anyone who is like that.
Oh, like you do with your Socialistic agenda being forced down us? Fuck off, you are and idiot.
There’s something we can agree on. Too bad that you can’t see that the left operates exactly like all of those religions that you claim to despise. You are as indoctrinated as any cult member. You’ve been taught to except deviant sexual behavior as normal, and to despise everything that made this country awesome. You worship your commie corrupt politicians like they were your boyfriends cock. BTW, “Homophobia” implies that I have a fear of limp wristed Nancy boys. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your soy laden brain has confused fear with disgust. Having “cred” with you is unimportant to anyone. At MAGA , we like chics that don’t have a hog leg in their trousers. Redo your math, and subtract everything that requires rinsing shit off of your dick, faggot.
Thanks for confirming everything I said in my OP.

Here, some free education (it's not just fear)

Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay or bisexual. It has been defined as contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred or antipathy, may be based on irrational fear and may also be related to religious beliefs.
Thanks for confirming everything I said in my OP.

Here, some free education (it's not just fear)

Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, gay or bisexual. It has been defined as contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred or antipathy, may be based on irrational fear and may also be related to religious beliefs.
Nope. You are just so indoctrinated in lefty socialist religion that you think you can redefine long established definitions.- Everything that you listed is a natural reaction from a healthy person that is disgusted by deviant sexual behavior being pushed on society by faggots like you. There is a reason people don’t have those same reactions when they see a guy and a girl walking down the street holding hands. Now please, go die from monkey pox, AIDs , or one of the many other plagues you fudge packers pass amongst yourselves.
And I'm correct to call you homophobic you creep.
@DemNuts Good morning you miserable prick...................have a good night? You're up early for shits and giggles. Another day in the round and here we go! :cheers:
Nope. You are just so indoctrinated in lefty socialist religion that you think you can redefine long established definitions.- Everything that you listed is a natural reaction from a healthy person that is disgusted by deviant sexual behavior being pushed on society by faggots like you. There is a reason people don’t have those same reactions when they see a guy and a girl walking down the street holding hands. Now please, go die from monkey pox, AIDs , or one of the many other plagues you fudge packers pass amongst yourselves.

Did ya see this yesterday. Someone handed Ron a gift he seemed to really like.
Look at it closely. :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, I see it. But is he really OR just looking out for the majority of his constituents. Why ANY politician would pander to 5% and anger the remaining 95% is a complete catastrophe to any and all. Disney? About time they were reeled in, they're NOT The law NOR do they run Florida.......fact. What say you?
Yeah, I see it. But is he really OR just looking out for the majority of his constituents. Why ANY politician would pander to 5% and anger the remaining 95% is a complete catastrophe to any and all. Disney? About time they were reeled in, they're NOT The law NOR do they run Florida.......fact. What say you?

He started out with some pretty good ideas but then the success went to his head and his little man syndrome kicked in.
If Woke folks can be accused of taking it too far, then it's more than fair to say that DeSantis is long past going a bit too
far with his anti-woke shit.

Great for him in Florida and MAGA world but doesn't stand a chance in the general. Plus Donald will beat the piss out of him
once he officially announces.

So we got that to look forward too! 🍿
He started out with some pretty good ideas but then the success went to his head and his little man syndrome kicked in.
If Woke folks can be accused of taking it too far, then it's more than fair to say that DeSantis is long past going a bit too
far with his anti-woke shit.

Great for him in Florida and MAGA world but doesn't stand a chance in the general. Plus Donald will beat the piss out of him
once he officially announces.

So we got that to look forward too! 🍿
I agree the great orange one will beat him. I 'sort of' like DeSantis but there's something fishy about him. Maybe time will prove me wrong.
I 'sort of' like DeSantis but there's something fishy about him. Maybe time will prove me wrong.

He always came across really arrogant to me. Read a bunch of his old college pals say he's cocky as shit.
Nothing wrong with being cocky but it's not a good look for any politician imo.
He always came across really arrogant to me. Read a bunch of his old college pals say he's cocky as shit.
Nothing wrong with being cocky but it's not a good look for any politician imo.
@DemNuts Agree.

He's a fucking lawyer isn't he? That says it all about his attitude.