Why RT’s MAGATS are so angry 24/7/365.

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Freud said it – it’s all about sex and power.

Executive summary (because reading is hard for maggots)

Sex: The maggots aren’t getting any and hate anyone who is.

Power: The maggots are losing the little they once had and losing it to the people they’ve been told to hate by their betters.

The detail (read to the end for an astounding prediction you won’t want to miss)

The sex thing is simple. Maggots are incels. Either single, divorced, or trapped in marriages to dried up old women who long ago got fat to the point they have back tits and gunts and pimply cellulite asses that look like moonscape. The maggots hate the fact that the left are all enjoying healthy sex lives while they’re reduced to masturbating to porn when the wife is out shopping. Want proof? Look at how a maggot will try to insult you. Their insults are all sexually based. “You’re a fag” or some variation is a favorite. Even the gay guys and gals are getting laid while they’re not and that really pisses the maggots off. I’d bet that they sneak long and hard (short and hard?) peeks at gay porn. All those gay insults put the projection at a film festival to shame. Want more proof? You’ve got guys pushing 70 who are drooling over bikini pics featuring girls nearly a half century younger than them. Full on CREEPY. One maggot here loves to call people pedophiles or groomers. Check the mirror dude. You’re a whisker away. I guess if you can’t get any in real life you descend into fantasy.

The loss of power is even simpler. The young, the immigrants, the people of color, the LGBTQ, the left, the intellectuals, and the people who got vaccinations are all voting against them. The far right nuts have lost the last 3 elections in a row and are poised to implode and lose in 2024. They’re fighting back though. By trying to cutting your freedoms. You no longer control your body, you no longer can read what you want, you no longer can move about freely. The maggots are basically bondage bottoms. Have you seen Pulp Fiction? Maggot = The Gimp.

The prediction: Watch the replies. Masterspy will post an oil can (keep guessing buddy). The Blob, the Tin Man, All Hat no Cattle, and others will post clown pix. Why? Because they don’t have a reply. Nothing. Zero. Nada. All they can do is lash out like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum who can’t use his words. They can’t even come up with a new meme. Their intellect is an eyelash deep. Dumb as rocks.
The left doesn’t have near as much sex . Problem is, you are counting all of the dudes that you bite the pillow for. Take them out of the equation and the math is a lot different. Also, women on the left are fucking ugly, inside and out. 300 pounders with purple hair and work boots. MAGA has the hottest women by far.
Not reading the whole thread- Mad because we are sick and tired of your transgender. BLM, CRT, Socialistic viewpoints stuffed down our and our kids throats daily and be expected to "Accept it as Normal" Fuck You- it is not. Trying to bury Christianity, Pledge of allegiance to our Country. You Fucktards have Brainwashed enough and hope a swift demise to all of you..
Not reading the whole thread- Mad because we are sick and tired of your transgender. BLM, CRT, Socialistic viewpoints stuffed down our and our kids throats daily and be expected to "Accept it as Normal" Fuck You- it is not. Trying to bury Christianity, Pledge of allegiance to our Country. You Fucktards have Brainwashed enough and hope a swift demise to all of you..
You asked for it..

The left doesn’t have near as much sex .
"I wish they all could be California girls."
Problem is, you are counting all of the dudes that you bite the pillow for.
Right to the homophobia. Why not just tattoo Ignorant on your forehead?
Also, women on the left are fucking ugly, inside and out. 300 pounders with purple hair and work boots.
Right to anti everything LBTGQ. Again, why not the tattoo?
MAGA has the hottest women by far.
Holy fuck. How to lose absolutely every tiny spec of cred in one sentence.
The left doesn’t have near as much sex . Problem is, you are counting all of the dudes that you bite the pillow for. Take them out of the equation and the math is a lot different. Also, women on the left are fucking ugly, inside and out. 300 pounders with purple hair and work boots. MAGA has the hottest women by far.


Big projector. Tiny lens.
Not reading the whole thread- Mad because we are sick and tired of your transgender. BLM, CRT, Socialistic viewpoints stuffed down our and our kids throats daily and be expected to "Accept it as Normal" Fuck You- it is not. Trying to bury Christianity, Pledge of allegiance to our Country. You Fucktards have Brainwashed enough and hope a swift demise to all of you..
Ask your Dr if Prozac is right for you.

And fuck religion (while we're at it). All of them.
You have no clue what prozac is used for. And Fuck you and your ideologies.
Educate me. What are you using it for?

Thanks but no thanks for the offer. You're not my type.
And fuck religion (while we're at it).

Let's be clear about something here - and I think you'll agree.

Religion and having religious faith


Using YOUR religion as an 'excuse' to suppress, ostracize, alienate, demean, OR GOVERN others.

The former falls under personal freedoms which everyone will agree is a good thing.

The latter is utter bullshit and fuck anyone who is like that.
Let's be clear about something here - and I think you'll agree.

Religion and having religions faith


Using YOUR religion as an 'excuse' to suppress, ostracize, alienate, or ridicule others.

The former falls under personal freedoms which everyone will agree is a good thing.

The latter is utter bullshit and fuck anyone who is like that.
And fuck religion (while we're at it). All of them.
There’s something we can agree on. Too bad that you can’t see that the left operates exactly like all of those religions that you claim to despise. You are as indoctrinated as any cult member. You’ve been taught to except deviant sexual behavior as normal, and to despise everything that made this country awesome. You worship your commie corrupt politicians like they were your boyfriends cock. BTW, “Homophobia” implies that I have a fear of limp wristed Nancy boys. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your soy laden brain has confused fear with disgust. Having “cred” with you is unimportant to anyone. At MAGA , we like chics that don’t have a hog leg in their trousers. Redo your math, and subtract everything that requires rinsing shit off of your dick, faggot.