I find it amusing when people feel the need to justify things. Especially when they say something like my playing isn't good enough for this particular amp or I'm not gigging right now so I can't justify having more than a practice amp. Who gives a shit? If you want 2 dozen Mark II C+'s and can afford it then go for it.
It's pretty simple for me having multiple amps. The main reason is I wanted them and can afford them. If I can't afford it at that moment I'll save up what I need then buy it. A secondary reason; which is more of why I buy a particular amp, is I don't just buy something to try it out and sell later. If I buy something it's for a particular reason, I'm 100% sure I want it, and will keep it for life.
If I do happen to decide I no longer want something; which is very rare, I'll straight out give it to a friend. Either that or bring it to the local music store and tell them "next kid who's been working hard to afford something decent; sell it to them for a dollar."
This is my basic process when deciding to buy a piece of gear or not. In the initial do I want this amp I usually evaluate the reasons I'm wanting it. This and waiting at least 6 months if I'm not sure helps separate if I really want it or it's just GAS.
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