Wizard Hell Razor Demo

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bram576
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Sounded like a boost/OD/MV masking a very big and clean amp to me. Now sure how hard you drove the power stage but it did not sound like a lot? Tell me if my ears are shit. I listened on m-audio monitors. I could be totally wrong because I was distracted by your kung fu grip on the on little mic stand in the early part of the video and I kept flashing back to this movie at about :12 seconds here and was waiting for you to bash someone with it

lol love me some Johnny Rambo!
Not a fan, sorry. Could be how it's EQ'd. Less treble and presence, more mids please. You've got the treble and presence at 2:00 and mids practically at 0. How about you put the treble and presence at 10:00 and mids at 2:00?

Here’s one of my mixes. Let’s hear one of yours. Sounds good to me.
Settings look somewhat similar to this clip but for the bass and gain staging. And boosting. Maybe @Mept2 can comment.

I feel like this would ear fatigue the f*ck outta me. I've always associated these tones with immediate satisfaction, versus a tone that isn't quite as sharp but is pleasing to the ear still after 30 minutes of playing. Those high strings are brittle.

Thanks for the demo.
Settings look somewhat similar to this clip but for the bass and gain staging. And boosting. Maybe @Mept2 can comment.

That sounds decent, but I feel like a jvm would make it sound pretty weak. Call me crazy.
I feel like this would ear fatigue the f*ck outta me. I've always associated these tones with immediate satisfaction, versus a tone that isn't quite as sharp but is pleasing to the ear still after 30 minutes of playing. Those high strings are brittle.

Thanks for the demo.
All good, I try to shoot for aggressive tones that cut in a mix. A couple posts above is an example of how it translates. Also what are you listening on?
That sounds decent, but I feel like a jvm would make it sound pretty weak. Call me crazy.

This clip has all the characteristics of wizards I’ve been called crazy for years for not digging.. open and dry with that rolled off top end that is just not exciting in the least to me, Brams clip has none of that though and some actual vibe which is why I dig it
I love my Wizard.

Probably not a popular thought but it sounds like the Hell Raiser has a built in Fortin 33.
I can see that. It does get clanky and modern if you dial it in that way. It does depend what you want to dial, I can get it a little looser if wanted.
This clip has all the characteristics of wizards I’ve been called crazy for years for not digging.. open and dry with that rolled off top end that is just not exciting in the least to me, Brams clip has none of that though and some actual vibe which is why I dig it
It sounded to me like the power tubes weren't being pushed hard enough in the OP clip. I just want to know if I'm wrong.
All good, I try to shoot for aggressive tones that cut in a mix. A couple posts above is an example of how it translates. Also what are you listening on?

Mixing monitors.
But, I think I just prefer more upper mid and less upper UPPER is all. That tippy top end gives me ear issues after a while even at medium output. It grates you could say. I like the older wizard tones better... everyone is making super harsh amps now.. it's a trend. I get it, but when does the buck stop. Next thing it'll just be 3 fortin 33 pedals in series ran to a power amp. They'll name it the "Lacerator" ??
This clip has all the characteristics of wizards I’ve been called crazy for years for not digging.. open and dry with that rolled off top end that is just not exciting in the least to me, Brams clip has none of that though and some actual vibe which is why I dig it
Thanks homie!
sounds pretty cool. i dont know this mimiq trick, but ive been preaching for years everyone with multiple rigs which i think is most of us needs a mimiq to play in stereo.
same. i run a boost to a boss stereo chorus in to a mimiq into two rectos. its flipping nuts!
same. i run a boost to a boss stereo chorus in to a mimiq into two rectos. its flipping nuts!

Yeah it’s great, everyone seems to have their own way of using it though, I just use it like an a/b box, leave it one 1 dub and send it to two amps.
Not a fan, sorry. Could be how it's EQ'd. Less treble and presence, more mids please. You've got the treble and presence at 2:00 and mids practically at 0. How about you put the treble and presence at 10:00 and mids at 2:00?
On my hell razor I find with the presence set low like that the attack gets too round. I prefer it close to dimed and backing off the treble and bright knob on back as needed. Not sure where his bright knob is set, but that’s a very powerful control on the amp and maybe the could be the answer. I like the mid knob on mine just below noon (~4.5/10). When set too high it can get a bit boxy sounding like a lot amps can be like that. Maybe it’s just not your cup of tea. Wizards have their own flavor that I’ve grown to love and in person there’s a lot of wow factor that’s hard to ignore with how open and punchy it is and how rock solidly defined every note is on fast palm mutes. In those specific ways I haven’t tried another amp yet as good yet as my Hell Razor, but the MTL and MC were very good too
I like the mid knob on mine just below noon (~4.5/10). When set too high it can get a bit boxy sounding like a lot amps can be like that.
4.5 winds up being just a bit too much for me with the hell razor as I use V30s, or variations of them for pretty much everything… crank the mids and throw an SM57 in front of it and it just sits awful with other instruments to me. In the room these settings I have by no means sound crazy bright. Because we don’t put our ear in front of a cab cone. I mic my cabs and choose bright IRs on purpose, because they cut through a mix well for dense metal mixes, which is what I play. I’d rather mic bright, and do some filtering as opposed to mic dark and cut 10 dbs of 250-300 hz to brighten my tone… which is a huge issue with a lot of IRs out there in my opinion.

I shared this here… basically doing a sweep of mid control in this clip here. 2.5, 1.5, 4.5.
