Yeah, 1989 no DSLs lol; and 2000 the engineer was/is a good friend and no, he recorded my ADA mini rack.
Honestly, I wont agree to record a band if they aren't "on board" with me guiding the guitar sounds, it's literally the only production thing I'm great at/known for
But part of that is, if a guy brings in his amp, and it sounds good, I can work with it and make it work - I've done this in the past with some local punk bands and their oranges (all the versions of the terror are super popular in the punk scene locally) even though i'm not a super expert at getting tones out of them
And most of the other engineers I know are like this too
So as long as you brought something nice into the studio, I don't doubt for a second he thought he could make it work

Also most of the "house amps" for reamping or whatever for most of the local guys aren't DSLs, it's generally rack stuff - salvation modules (especially the bogner one which is very good sounding), a 3+, a demeter, etc
Don't get me wrong I like DSLs, but those are much more "the amps the band brings in" then "the tried and true stuff the engineers reamp the retarded local guitarist with"