worst bands ever

Yuck. I keep the drummer awake on long rides home after gigs making fun of Bryan's retarded over the top southern accent. Man that guy sucks.

Carrie Underwood also sucks and has legs like a dude.

Lololololol I know the guy who is her personal trainer, I’ll pass the message along ahahahahahahahahahahah
She don't skimp on the makeup or leg day either. Yikes those are like something you'd debut at a WWF or female bodybuilding event. I only mention it cause my wife brought it up the other day. :LOL:

lol she pays (hefty sums of) good money for the workouts lolol
I think Meat Loaf is right up there with Dave Groin and VH.

Queen sucks too.

Hey now, Reba has got some pipes on her ok
She looks like the joker now.

It amazes me that after 40 years of live performance Kiedis still can't sing in key. I've always wanted to remove his crowbar teeth with a set of pliers cause his party boy attitude annoys me
His vocals are annoying. Sad they are all good players, but they just suck as a band.
Someone like Springsteen I don’t like, but I’m not gonna get angry and irritated like my OP bands, they just hit a special nerve very few can that puts me in a shit mood lol
And then the Springsteen Christmas song comes on…..