The 5150 is a one trick pony?

Holy-diver":23xo74vb said:
Jason, the bias mod is a requirement imo.

Hey dude, I know you want to argue your point here to the death... that's cool.

I will tell you that I've owned both a 5150 and II. Both did bias mods myself and added chokes later on.
Thought they sounded great for hard rock metal. They have a tone that you can not dial out of them. Something in there mid range almost like cocked wah sounding. Like Pete says they always have this going on.
Both had terrible clean channels.
saxxamafone":kbfmv79o said:
moltenmetalburn":kbfmv79o said:
Holy-diver":kbfmv79o said:
Jason, the bias mod is a requirement imo.

then its no longer a 5150 in the sense that the "vibe" of that amp is gone. No crossover no extra crunch n grind. you would then be far better served by many other amps.


a bias modded 5150 still sounds like a 5150

have you ever played both?!

I do agree that "vibe" is lost in a 5150 if you do bias it to hot. I just like them a touch hotter then stock other wise they get mushy and to warm sounding.
saxxamafone":3uhwlw1m said:
moltenmetalburn":3uhwlw1m said:
Holy-diver":3uhwlw1m said:
Jason, the bias mod is a requirement imo.

then its no longer a 5150 in the sense that the "vibe" of that amp is gone. No crossover no extra crunch n grind. you would then be far better served by many other amps.


a bias modded 5150 still sounds like a 5150

have you ever played both?!

yes I have , I currently own one that collects dust that I modified for adjustable bias so I can go either way at will. There is No BS about it, the ONLY thing that separates a 5150 from a plethora of high gain amps out there (aside from price) is the power amps' crossover distortion.

If you want a high gain amp that doesn't have crossover distortion why wouldn't you buy the Soldano SLO 100 which the 5150 preamp is very heavily based on? It will kill a bias modded 5150 dead.

What does the bias modded 5150 do better than the SLO 100, or that the SLO 100 cant do?
i cant believe some of the crock in this topic :hys:

properly biasing an amplifier or replacing a resistor with an inductor is nothing more than proper circuit changes for its intended purpose of existance. an inductor will serve the purpose of preventing surge currents just as much as an X value resistor in it, if not more. alot of the things peavey did had more to do with production price than overall tone.

a properly biased amplifier brings the speakers out of crossover phase distortion, something ALL push pull amplifiers, not just the 5150, can have a problem with if the bias is too cold. you never hear anyone else bitching that a properly biased amplifier is a negative thing? or that a SLO sounds better biased cold? then dont say the 5150 does.

the cocked wah thing deals with 1 resistor, and its in my mod list of things i change. it also deals with cheap production on peavey's side. its why you dont hear it in the SLO, or the 5150 III.

the 5150 is an underrated amplifier. you have to know what tone you are looking for in order to coax it out of such an amplifier. if you are looking for straight plug and play tone, then stick to your diezels and bogners. blues is easily the best tone i can get out of mine, and i bought my block letter from a country bar being used as their house amplifier in nashville, TN.

keep the arguments going over tone all you like. but fact is fact. 5150 = WYSIWYG. those who can make it work have the best tones out there, those that have no clue with what they are dealing with will dog it more than anything else.
glpg80":1bybgllh said:
i cant believe some of the crock in this topic :hys:

properly biasing an amplifier or replacing a resistor with an inductor is nothing more than proper circuit changes for its intended purpose of existance. an inductor will serve the purpose of preventing surge currents just as much as an X value resistor in it, if not more. alot of the things peavey did had more to do with production price than overall tone.

a properly biased amplifier brings the speakers out of crossover phase distortion, something ALL push pull amplifiers, not just the 5150, can have a problem with if the bias is too cold. you never hear anyone else bitching that a properly biased amplifier is a negative thing? or that a SLO sounds better biased cold? then dont say the 5150 does.

the cocked wah thing deals with 1 resistor, and its in my mod list of things i change. it also deals with cheap production on peavey's side. its why you dont hear it in the SLO, or the 5150 III.

the 5150 is an underrated amplifier. you have to know what tone you are looking for in order to coax it out of such an amplifier. if you are looking for straight plug and play tone, then stick to your diezels and bogners. blues is easily the best tone i can get out of mine, and i bought my block letter from a country bar being used as their house amplifier in nashville, TN.

keep the arguments going over tone all you like. but fact is fact. 5150 = WYSIWYG. those who can make it work have the best tones out there, those that have no clue with what they are dealing with will dog it more than anything else.
So is your crock based on a modded 5150 or a stock one?
glpg80":1g7978h4 said:
i cant believe some of the crock in this topic :hys:

Those who can make it work have the best tones out there

I'm glad you're here to put some facts to this thread. Thanks! Here I was thinking people were starting to get into hyperbole. But an expert like you, talking about THE BEST TONES OUT THERE really makes me feel foolish.

I'm glad folks like you are out there spreading the unvarnished truth so us poor fools can someday get rid of our shitty Soldanos, Bogners, Mesas, Marshalls, Diezels, VHTs and other inferior amps. All hail the 5150, bestest toned and most versatile amp evar!

Yeah I am glad that a discussion topic means I'm arguing this to death

Anyways, those lower gain sounds sound nice to me! Thanks for posting.
The modded 5150 I had preserved those aggresive mids and growl while cleaning up that slight nasal tone and fizz. It had the clarity plus mod, the bias mod, and the mid sweep and it sounded FANTASTIC. Covered a lot of tones too ;)
stratotone":1bqxwvve said:
glpg80":1bqxwvve said:
i cant believe some of the crock in this topic :hys:

Those who can make it work have the best tones out there

I'm glad you're here to put some facts to this thread. Thanks! Here I was thinking people were starting to get into hyperbole. But an expert like you, talking about THE BEST TONES OUT THERE really makes me feel foolish.

I'm glad folks like you are out there spreading the unvarnished truth so us poor fools can someday get rid of our shitty Soldanos, Bogners, Mesas, Marshalls, Diezels, VHTs and other inferior amps. All hail the 5150, bestest toned and most versatile amp evar!


not what i meant at all. nice try in taking my words out of context. an example would be some of the progressive metal bands that are somewhat well known - pagans mind for example.

the explanation was that there are those who dog them because they are fed up with them, and those that make them work. its two categories - obviously you and i are on the different sides of the fence.

and +1 for you on the dickhead scoreboard, you really know how to try to start an arguement over the fucking internet. grow up old fart.
glpg80":iff96roq said:
stratotone":iff96roq said:
glpg80":iff96roq said:
i cant believe some of the crock in this topic :hys:

Those who can make it work have the best tones out there

I'm glad you're here to put some facts to this thread. Thanks! Here I was thinking people were starting to get into hyperbole. But an expert like you, talking about THE BEST TONES OUT THERE really makes me feel foolish.

I'm glad folks like you are out there spreading the unvarnished truth so us poor fools can someday get rid of our shitty Soldanos, Bogners, Mesas, Marshalls, Diezels, VHTs and other inferior amps. All hail the 5150, bestest toned and most versatile amp evar!


not what i meant at all. nice try in taking my words out of context. an example would be some of the progressive metal bands that are somewhat well known - pagans mind for example.

the explanation was that there are those who dog them because they are fed up with them, and those that make them work. its two categories - obviously you and i are on the different sides of the fence.

and +1 for you on the dickhead scoreboard, you really know how to try to start an arguement over the fucking internet. grow up old fart.
And you must be up to about +10 now? Really this know it all attitude is getting old.
who is the one egging this on? i am clearly not on the offensive here.

who is the one talking shit instead of stating pure facts? if there is a dissagreement to something i said then point it out and i can clarify - or better yet - correct me if i am wrong. thats what you do on a forum.

if you otherwise want to bitch about the subject, i have better more important things to do.

i also have nothing to say to any one person over their OPINION about an amplifier. i could care less. dont care at all. say all you want.

but dont say false information about a circuit that you cannot backup. this is RT - home of information, not HCAF.

and you want to know what gets old? all the boutique cork sniffing this forum is known best for. but you dont hear me bitching now do you?

take your PMS somewhere else, and if i have said something to offend you then i am sorry, otherwise, you can kiss my white ass.
glpg80":2zqquhdz said:
who is the one egging this on?

who is the one making the calls?

who is the one talking shit instead of stating pure facts?

i have nothing to say to any one person over their OPINION about an amplifier. i could care less. dont care at all. say all you want.

but dont say false information about a circuit that you cannot backup. this is RT.

and you want to know what gets old? all the boutique cork sniffing this forum is known best for. but you dont hear me bitching now do you?

take your PMS somewhere else, and if i have said something to offend you then i am sorry, otherwise, you can kiss my white ass.

Oh, I'm not offended - you amuse me, kinda like a puppet but a puppet has a little more potential and more original thoughts to share. You are a lot better at googling shit and making it look like your own knowledge than a puppet though, so you know, kudos for that.

How is this forum known for 'boutique cork sniffing'? If you really think anything in my sig is 'boutique' or I am 'cork sniffing' or anyone else here is then you haven't been to the gear page. You enjoy what you have, I'll enjoy what I have, but if I think you're full of shit I'm going to call you on it. Sorry to knock you around like Tina Turner coming home 15 minutes late but you ask for it.

One interesting thing you posted about the 5150 and crossover distortion - the amp was meant to have it because that's how the factory shipped the amps. The amp was meant to have that cocked wah tone because... yes, that's how they shipped the amps. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that since they shipped the amps that way from the factory they know more about how a 'real' 5150 is supposed to sound than you do. Do you really think that Peavey doesn't know how to bias an amp or swap out a resistor, or do you think that you're such a Highly Evolved Internet Amp Knowitall that you know more than they did? Fuck, get Hartley Peavey on the phone, I'm sure his company needs you!

Digital Jams":46uzqh2m said:
Woah.................this forum is not that sniffy.

Sniffy for hot rodded marshalls maybe but not too sniffy.

Some people think an amp that sells used for over a grand is a 'cork sniffer' amp. Or to think that a Gibson Les Paul is better than an Epiphone LP is cork sniffery too. *rolls eyes* What cracks me up is that I've gigged recently with an amp even some of the Great Minds In This Thread would hate - A Line6 Spider Valve II. I just like amps and hate bullshit. GLP in particular likes to pontificate on amps he's never even owned or gigged, which amazes me. Seriously, if you check out an amp at low volume for 5 minutes at Guitar Center and then later own one and played it/rehearsed it for hours and played gigs, would you have the exact same feelings about the amp?

moltenmetalburn":n3tjll0x said:
saxxamafone":n3tjll0x said:
moltenmetalburn":n3tjll0x said:
Holy-diver":n3tjll0x said:
Jason, the bias mod is a requirement imo.

then its no longer a 5150 in the sense that the "vibe" of that amp is gone. No crossover no extra crunch n grind. you would then be far better served by many other amps.


a bias modded 5150 still sounds like a 5150

have you ever played both?!

yes I have , I currently own one that collects dust that I modified for adjustable bias so I can go either way at will. There is No BS about it, the ONLY thing that separates a 5150 from a plethora of high gain amps out there (aside from price) is the power amps' crossover distortion.

If you want a high gain amp that doesn't have crossover distortion why wouldn't you buy the Soldano SLO 100 which the 5150 preamp is very heavily based on? It will kill a bias modded 5150 dead.

What does the bias modded 5150 do better than the SLO 100, or that the SLO 100 cant do?

Mine's bias modded too
doesn't matter if I run it cold (stock) or still sounds like a 5150
And a 5150 doesn't sound like every other high gain amp
Well' I figured I'd go ahead and chime in on this. I've used a 5150 since I bought my first one in 93'. Never had it modded in any way. Is it a versatile amp? Hell no. Is it still a great amp? In my opinion, hell yes. I guess it depends on your definition of a great amp. My definition of a great amp is one that sounds great to my ears and inspires me to play. Look, it was designed to be a rock, hard rock and metal amp. Not a blues or jazz amp. You don't need (5) 12ax7 preamp tubes and 120 watts to play blues or jazz. I've played everything from John Cougar to Cheap Trick to Rush to Pantera with this amp. Is the clean channel the greatest clean channel of any amp? Nope. Is it the worst clean channnel of any amp ever? I doubt it. Is it a useable clean channel? Absolutely. Throw a little detune/chorus or what have you on it and it's a very usable clean. Are the chicks shaking their ass in the front row going to go "Yuk that clean channel on the 5150 sucks"? Probaly not. Now, will the guitarist in the crowd standing there with their beer and their arms folded thinking I could do it all better say it? Probably so! :D Let's face it , it is a "one trick" amp. Is that a bad thing? Not to me. I'm not a magician I don't need a "bag full of tricks". I just need my sound and my 5150 and 5150 III deliver every night. :rock:
Digital Jams":pzphsx5b said:
Woah.................this forum is not that sniffy.

Sniffy for hot rodded marshalls maybe but not too sniffy.

I want the forum to be just a little sniffy. There's some guys on here who obviously have cash but everyone seems to have a pretty down to earth attitude. Like it's hard earned cash and not hedge fund dividends...Fuck I don't know maybe you're all brokers and lawyers. Ayway I have no interest in a forum that only discussed what's at GC or any crappy Mom and Pop with no selection. It's really the only way I can hear clips or see info that helps experience some stuff that's not completely out of reach financially but not playable in person.

FWIW, I would love a SLO but would rather use a 5150 for chugging metal, much better low end response than the SLO (yeah, I've actually played SLO' volume). I can't get the bass knob above 4 on the SLO without it starting to loose it for aggressive down picking....and this is just when the low end starts to open up. For rock and most everything else the SLO is much sweeter. But for what I make I would still have a lot fun playing my "dirty blues" with a 5150.
victim5150":33sva1jh said:
Well' I figured I'd go ahead and chime in on this. I've used a 5150 since I bought my first one in 93'. Never had it modded in any way. Is it a versatile amp? Hell no. Is it still a great amp? In my opinion, hell yes. I guess it depends on your definition of a great amp. My definition of a great amp is one that sounds great to my ears and inspires me to play. Look, it was designed to be a rock, hard rock and metal amp. Not a blues or jazz amp. You don't need (5) 12ax7 preamp tubes and 120 watts to play blues or jazz. :rock:


btw, in a perverted way this has actually got me gassing a bit for a stock 5150... but if I gigged with it I'd probably run my fender twin for cleans and an A/B box. :)
