New Bogner amp leaked- Snorkler 50

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yehuda
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If you email Bogner direct on these they literally don’t want to deal with contacts on direct sales. So it won’t be anything like the Pandora (which is freaking amazing). SW hopefully will get the normal product page up and rolling and mention if anything is limited or not.
If I had to choose I wouldn't know. If the fish wasn't hotter than the original I would have more interest in the X88R.
What gave it away to you?

Just looking at the preamp schematic, it seems like it would sound like it does with those couplers, cathodes, small bright cap, plate-fed stack, and 100K slope. Kinda dark, very low-mid voiced, a bit wooly and loose in the lows. Typical Bogner voicing. I prefer the Helios—punchier, more upper-mid grind. But you gotta make up for one less gain stage with diode clipping.
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Just a heads up, SW has them in the system and you can order. Give my man Bill a ring and tell him Mike sent you. (I get $0 from this just trying to help a cool rep out.)

Did your guy have an ETA?
I had high hopes that the “Snorkler” was going to be Rock’n’Chippy’s new signature Cameron amp. He’s got his head so far up Mark’s ass that he needs a snorkel to breathe. I wonder if Chippy ever bumped noses with PsychoDave when he’s all the way up in there.
Mine just showed up today! Put her through her paces for about 60 minutes so far. A lot of great tones in this amp. Many ways you can run it. Overall, very mid-forward and likes a lot of presence. Bass is fairly thin in Standard and Drop D (gotta run it at about 6-8) but we'll see how it takes my Drop C guitar this afternoon. The thinner bass might be useful when downtuning. The Deep switch also makes a very large impact on tone and feel. The two modes in a single channel amp was smart. Bright switch only works on Ch 2 but really give it "the" sound. I'm very happy with it so far!
The plate driven tone stack.

That’s the magic.. the plate driven tonestack
Mine just showed up today! Put her through her paces for about 60 minutes so far. A lot of great tones in this amp. Many ways you can run it. Overall, very mid-forward and likes a lot of presence. Bass is fairly thin in Standard and Drop D (gotta run it at about 6-8) but we'll see how it takes my Drop C guitar this afternoon. The thinner bass might be useful when downtuning. The Deep switch also makes a very large impact on tone and feel. The two modes in a single channel amp was smart. Bright switch only works on Ch 2 but really give it "the" sound. I'm very happy with it so far!
Mine just showed up today! Put her through her paces for about 60 minutes so far. A lot of great tones in this amp. Many ways you can run it. Overall, very mid-forward and likes a lot of presence. Bass is fairly thin in Standard and Drop D (gotta run it at about 6-8) but we'll see how it takes my Drop C guitar this afternoon. The thinner bass might be useful when downtuning. The Deep switch also makes a very large impact on tone and feel. The two modes in a single channel amp was smart. Bright switch only works on Ch 2 but really give it "the" sound. I'm very happy with it so far!

Gotta' love that they're shipping them but STILL don't have them listed on the site lol

EDIT: Sweetwater, not Bogner
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Mine just showed up today! Put her through her paces for about 60 minutes so far. A lot of great tones in this amp. Many ways you can run it. Overall, very mid-forward and likes a lot of presence. Bass is fairly thin in Standard and Drop D (gotta run it at about 6-8) but we'll see how it takes my Drop C guitar this afternoon. The thinner bass might be useful when downtuning. The Deep switch also makes a very large impact on tone and feel. The two modes in a single channel amp was smart. Bright switch only works on Ch 2 but really give it "the" sound. I'm very happy with it so far!
Awesome, mine should be here tomorrow!!
Mine just showed up today! Put her through her paces for about 60 minutes so far. A lot of great tones in this amp. Many ways you can run it. Overall, very mid-forward and likes a lot of presence. Bass is fairly thin in Standard and Drop D (gotta run it at about 6-8) but we'll see how it takes my Drop C guitar this afternoon. The thinner bass might be useful when downtuning. The Deep switch also makes a very large impact on tone and feel. The two modes in a single channel amp was smart. Bright switch only works on Ch 2 but really give it "the" sound. I'm very happy with it so far!
Michael Nielson's vid he made it sound like it had major balls. Are you saying that's not the case? I'm not expecting or looking for Uberschall lows on this amp but I want some sort of wallop to it. Can you explain a little more?

Also congrats! I hope mine arrives soon. Haven't got a notification yet.
Just looking at the preamp schematic, it seems like it would sound like it does with those couplers, cathodes, small bright cap, plate-fed stack, and 100K slope. Kinda dark, very low-mid voiced, a bit wooly and loose in the lows. Typical Bogner voicing. I prefer the Helios—punchier, more upper-mid grind. But you gotta make up for one less gain stage with diode clipping.
I really appreciate that dude!
I feel your words.
This amp isn’t the all ‘rounder with tone shaping options.
That slope you speak of is EXACTLY what Cantrell grabs onto with his moody licks,
riff’s like “It Ain’t Like That”,
Jerry ‘s grip on the neck & grunge thwack in the dope spots in his guitar solo’s, the tail-end outro of the songs super riff’s,
It all ties into that slope.
The slope is the “Love Stink” btw.

So amps like that never seem to last long for me due to I truely don’t enjoy being that precise to someone else’s bag,
-what should Jerry sign my nuts ?
- He signed the back of my Friedman!
Definstely’s a rad amp,
can’t you put some of dat’ on some push -pulls?
-that Love Stink.
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This is just a shitty iPhone recording I made this morning for @pipboy90. It’s a private video but figured I’d share it here for RTers! Enjoy forum brothers ?

Oh man, that sounds freakin killer. I’m glad my Helios 50 purchase went south, definitely ordering one of these.