What amps are currently in your stable?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MadAsAHatter
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Bogner Ecstasy 101B (2020s)
Boogie Mark IV (very early B)
Diezel VH4 (2022)
Marshall JMP 2204 (1978)
Headfirst MCII
Mesa Stiletto Stage I

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Mesa Mark III KDRG blue
EVH 5150III 50s
EVH Iconic 6L6
Fortin Sigil


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As of the past weekend:

Bogner Ecstasy 101B (2020s)
Boogie Mark IV (very early B)
Diezel VH4 (2020s)
Marshall JMP 2204 (1978)
Headfirst MCII
Mesa Stiletto Stage I

View attachment 357065

Did you build the Headfirst MCII yourself or have someone do it for you?
I have that on my list of builds I would want to attempt at some point and wondering how complicated it is. Depending on how difficult it would be to complete I may decide to attempt it sooner that later.
Fender Super Twin (1976)
Marshall 1959x
Marshall JVM410H
Marshall JCM900 SL-X 2100
Marshall DSL40CR
Marshall Origin 50C
Marshall Origin 50H
Mesa JP-2C
Engl Artist Edition 100 E651
Engl E850/100 (power amp)
Ceriatone AC-100
Line 6 Catalyst 100
Did you build the Headfirst MCII yourself or have someone do it for you?
I have that on my list of builds I would want to attempt at some point and wondering how complicated it is. Depending on how difficult it would be to complete I may decide to attempt it sooner that later.
Jason built it for me back in early 2021. I thought about building it myself, but I didn’t have the skill or the patience to learn ?
USA Peavey 6505+
USA PRS Archon 100
Mesa Dual Rectifier Roadster
Bad Cat Lynx
Ground Zero Hellion V2
Freaking sick amp collections! Not sure I posted here before (I went back through all 11 pages).

Mine is a pretty short list, but all the amps get play time:

- Engl Savage 120
- Mesa Boogie Quad with Rectifier Stereo 2:100 (a Mark and a Recto hybrid that sounds killer)
- Marshall JVM410H
- VHT Sig:X
- Engl Fireball 100
- VHT Valvulator GP3 Preamp
- PRS Archon 25 combo (currently in storage)
- Darkglass Microtubes 900

In 2025, I'm looking to add a Diezel VHX and a Rectifier Recording preamp/Dual Rectifier and that will be the end of my amp GAS.
I have pared down my collection quite a bit.

Rivera Knucklehead II
Bogner Uber Rev Blue
Mesa Roadster
Rhino Beast
Peavey Ultra Plus
Crate BV150
Randall Diavlo RD1H

and currently building a SLO clone.

Rivera Knucklehead II
Bogner Uber Rev Blue
Mesa Roadster
Rhino Beast
Peavey Ultra Plus
Crate BV150
Bugera 6262 Infinium
Randall Diavlo RD1H
Pretty simple...

JVM 410
Fryette Sig X
EVH 50W Stealth

Buying another JVM for backup and I think I will get a 50W EL34 as a companion to my current Stealth. And I'm going to track down a JSX eventually again as well. And may possibly buy an old Laney GH50L. I have owned both the JSX and GH50L in the past and I would like to have them again. And I'm at a point where I don't want alot of stuff anymore. 95% of the time I'm on the JVM and have been since they came out.
Even more simple now...

2 JVM 410's
EVH 50W Stealth - which is gonna hit the market. Great little amp just never bonded with it.

Future - Maybe the Synergy Head with some modules to have some fun. So many great amps out there but just not much that really interests me enough to put money down at this point. I'm a one amp guy and I found my tone years ago with the JVM.
Friedman SSV-1s, black and purple versions
Friedman SSV2, first pink one with ray gun
Friedman JEL-100
Soldano SLO100 snakeskin
Metropolous DVL-1 purple
Blackstar Gus G signature 200 watter
Aiken Invader II combo in red (for sale)

63 Fender 6G6B
Friedman Marsha
Mesa iic+
72 Marshall JMP
56 Fender 5E3
67 Fender Deluxe Reverb
92 Matchless DC30
Analog Outfitters Sarge (not pictured)

Diezel VHX
Boogie Mark V 90
Bogner Alchemist
Synergy SYN-2/5050 and Modules

Want to add at least one more, but unsure of where to go with what I have.
how does the hell razor and evil joe compare tonally with each other?
They're pretty different. The Hell Razer is very modern and thumps harder than any amp I've played. The Evil Joe has its own thing going on and I like it for certain types of tones. They're both cool in their own ways but the HR is in its own league of amps imo.