...any ENGL SAVAGE fans in here? 👀

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Cum again?

I've had the 120 in the room with a fireball. Agree for sure. Nasty mids slapped the fireball around.

The one I haven't tried, and want to is that new special edition. And I've always wanted to try the more rare Savage Special Edition too.
My friend has all these Engls and he swears by the first special edition
Seems like many people in RT don't like ENGL. But, I think ENGL's are pretty cool.
I had a Savage 120 MK II for a few months. The cleans were nice, and the Lead channel was killer. But way too expensive for a two-channel amp. Also, it kept eating tubes. Also had an Artist 100 for a second. I wouldn't mind trying that once again, but not as my only amp.
I had a Savage 120 MK II for a few months. The cleans were nice, and the Lead channel was killer. But way too expensive for a two-channel amp. Also, it kept eating tubes. Also had an Artist 100 for a second. I wouldn't mind trying that once again, but not as my only amp.

Needed a bias adjustment or tubes rated for what it was already biased at most likely if that was the case.

One of my all time favorite tones ever is savage 120 stereo with ARCHON 100.

The Archon is a top 3 amp for me since day 1.
You son of a boobsucker.

I want that SE savage.
I love the looks of them!

The artists are sweet too.
And honestly so is the Friedman.
Those and the retro amps seem closely related.
I also had a "red button" Savage and sold it because I was able to dial in the same/better sound on the Savage SE.
Red tolex is Petrozza signature, not Friedman. I had a Friedman too and regret selling it.
The Artist is very nice. In some ways I like it better than the Savage SE. He has a slightly different voicing and can be really aggressive, but at the same time it sounds fuller.
I'm loving the Softube Engl Savage suite and the Nembrini Hardball(Powerball). It's making me want an Engl head...
I also had a "red button" Savage and sold it because I was able to dial in the same/better sound on the Savage SE.
Red tolex is Petrozza signature, not Friedman. I had a Friedman too and regret selling it.
The Artist is very nice. In some ways I like it better than the Savage SE. He has a slightly different voicing and can be really aggressive, but at the same time it sounds fuller.
If the Artist had more gain on tap I would still own it right now. Not that it doesn't have enough gain, it does but I needed to run a boost to get it just a little more hairy - and I don't like running boosts, prefer to get all the gain out of the amp. I really liked it though, booted a Mezzabarba Trinity to the curb.
If the Artist had more gain on tap I would still own it right now. Not that it doesn't have enough gain, it does but I needed to run a boost to get it just a little more hairy - and I don't like running boosts, prefer to get all the gain out of the amp. I really liked it though, booted a Mezzabarba Trinity to the curb.
I know exactly what you mean. I always feel that the Artist lacks a bit of gain. But after playing for a while, I always find that it has more than enough. I would compare it to the third channel of the Savage SE (which one I slightly prefer to the fourth).
I had a Savage 120 MK II for a few months. The cleans were nice, and the Lead channel was killer. But way too expensive for a two-channel amp.
That was my feeling to some extent as well with the SE EL34 I had for a while. Cleans were really nice (but then again, so are those on my Invader), but the Crunch channel was not quite what I was looking for in a multi-channel amp, and Lead I and II were brutal, but in high gain mode easily too much. The Invader also has the lo/hi gain mode switchable and there, the intervals are chosen really well on each channel, making it more like a true 8-channel amp...well, granted, 6 maybe, because CH4 isn't my cup of tea. Too 'Santana' for an Engl amp.

But with the SE EL34 the gain boost interval is chosen poorly; either it adds or detracts too much, leaving you with a wimpy tone in one channel setting, if you're still going for useable tones that is. Guitarjon (Sonic Drive Studios) has a video on that Founders Edition version of the SE and you can hear it there as well.

I've played the Savage SE on multiple occasions as well and even helped a buddy of mine buying his. Years later he brought it over together with a Marshall JVM and we had a little shoot-out (see below).
I'll say the Savage SE does its own thing, pretty damn great, but...maybe half of the switchable functions are 'useless' in a sense that you leave them be.

Basically, if the Invader, Savage and SE EL34 had a bastard love-child, it would be 'the one to rule them all'.
Cleans of the Invader/SE EL34, Crunch a mix of Invader CH2 with added hair and snarl of the Savage, Rhythm = mix of Invader CH3+Savage+SE EL34, Lead=SE EL34 Lead II channel. Boom! done, son. :cool:


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I know exactly what you mean. I always feel that the Artist lacks a bit of gain. But after playing for a while, I always find that it has more than enough. I would compare it to the third channel of the Savage SE (which one I slightly prefer to the fourth).
Agreed, I loved the feel of the amp it just needed that smidge extra. That's what I love about my JVM's, there's too much but easy to find that spot because you aren't trying to dial for more. Seriously if the Artist had more I'd be fine with it and my JVM's. Easily the most Marshall out of all the Engls I've owned or tried and I love the simplicity of the amp.