This is delusional. Maybe do a search on this and rather than trying to confirm your little conspiracy theory do the opposite search and see why Jesus is nothing like Osiris. Read the arguments against as well.
I guarantee you I know more about this than just about anyone here on this forum.
The long and short of it is, approximately:
* 3000BC Osiris and Horus merged from 2 gods into a Father/Son/Ba (spirit) Trinity
* Cyclical holidays based on Nile flooding and rebirth of the Dying Sun on Dec 25th and concurrent December rise of the 14 stars in the Sirius constellation
* Merged with Greek Mysteries religion around psychedelic death/rebirth rituals at Eleusis - Christian Communion is based on shared drinking of psychoactive ergot
* 332 BC to late 2nd Century BC Alexander The Great tries to unite pantheistic religions of Zeus-Amon and Amen-Ra into one to unite his kingdom.
* Osiris/Zeus (Jesus) and Amen (Amen) enter the lexicon
* Roman unification of this under Nero introducing Osiris worship around 50AD and early Gnostic sects combine Old Testament Judaism with Osiris/Jesus figure worship
* Constantine locks in monotheism in 325AB, removing a bunch of apocrypha (banned Gospels/books) into a homogenised Bible under The Nicean Creed.
* The Osiris story is renewed of his birth, death, mummification, being cut into 14 pieces and then baptismal resurrection and ascencion under the Catholic Jesus figure comprising 14 components of Jesus, Mary and 12 disciples.
* The “Dark Ages” is simply the 700 year genocide up till the Norman Conquest by the Catholic Church of any now illegal pantheistic cults, Gnostics and indigenous pagan belief systems which threaten the geo-political and economic domination of the Catholic Church.
* Tithing and taxes is used to fund the Church/Monarchy Feudal hegemony, with things like Christmas Trees and holly wreaths, holy water, Christmas/Yule and Easter (death/rebirth/fertility cycle holiday sticking around
* Holy Roman Empire and Vatican City run Europe until Protestant Reformation whereby Catholics torture and murder any competition under the Inquisition, heretic burnings targeting women leading to the English and European Wars of Religion and establishment of the Commonwealth in the 17th Century.
So yeah, that’s Jesus for you.
Anytime anyone prays to him, they’re also talking to Zeus and Osiris.