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  1. R

    EVH 5150III 100S EL34 vs Marshall JCM800 2203 [Update]

    Was it a newer, post 2018 version by the company Soldano sold his rights to? Or an OG version? If it fell apart at 5, that's NOT an SLO thing at all. I've had 4, all pre BAD buyout and every one stayed together to almost 11 on the master. Not that you need that kind of volume, but the only amp...
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    Tube power amps

    If you call them, they might change their minds.
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    Tube power amps

    Those are killer too; but super hard to find
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    Tube power amps

    This! I've had an S400, still have a V800 but picked up a Peavey 60/60 last yr after I had a Morin Pre. Very impressed with the Peavey...still have it in case I go modeler at some point. The S400 is very 3D; and a Monster but this Peavey also has a 3D tone just not as huge of course...I did...
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    NGD USA Charvel San Dimas Wild Card 1

    Congrats! You have now graduated to the best kept secret in awesomeness. Haha ok maybe not, since you've had a few cool 80s Jacksons now but these USAs from 2008-9, are killer and a few that I've had are as good or even better than custom shops I've owned. They are on par with the original...
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    Diezel modded marshall - HAS ARRIVED

    Well, there's one you don't see every day. Congrats!
  7. R

    EVH 5150III 100S EL34 vs Marshall JCM800 2203 [Update]

    Have you played one? If so, did you open it up to 3-5 on the vol? I've always felt it has GREAT clarity. Far better than ANY 5150 iteration.
  8. R

    The JCM900slx is the best Marshall 👹👹

    The 2205/10/Jubilees in the 80s were Marshall's first 'modded from the factory' amps. Then, the 900s continued that...Slash reissue in the 90s...then the KK 800, AFD, YJM....But I think we all want a real Jose fire breather like the artists all seemed to have in the 80s. I think the SLX has the...
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    EVH 5150III 100S EL34 vs Marshall JCM800 2203 [Update]

    Let's revisit the 5150II SLO clip. By that clip, yes they both sound nearly identical. Yet, I've played both, and they are VERY VERY different in person than that clip can show. For example, the 5150 is a tighter amp by a good margin straight in. The SLO is an amp that has the clarity to make...
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    Winger - ProgPower USA

    I've always been a fan of Pull...still listen to it every few months. Who's the one is a great track.
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    EVH 5150III 100S EL34 vs Marshall JCM800 2203 [Update]

    So much this.... I totally get that we just can't always play before we buy, so clips are helpful but they just don't tell the whole story. I'd rather get a good description from one of us here at RT, than just write something off because of a clip that doesn't do much for my ears.
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    EVH 5150III 100S EL34 vs Marshall JCM800 2203 [Update]

    So, back in 14 I used the EVH settings on the lead ch, which if I remember right were: B 8-10, Mids 3-5, Presence 10, Treble-bring up from 0 till it just gets bright enough...Gain was 5-7, then I boosted it with a simple Dano Fish n Chips EQ pedal, frown mid bump. Through a G12 65 cab it was...
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    🤓 Tone Nerd Pickups? 👊BKP Polymath/Silo? MOJOtone Hornet Gen II? 🔥Hellbender?

    I'll jump in and say, for the longest time the MCP Afwayu was my fav pup. It's similar to a Duncan Custom (to my ears anyway) but with MORE of everything I like about a Custom. But, after playing Scotts pickups I've sold the MCPs. The only pup I can honestly say is maybe a touch better than...
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    My end game is this: How does the amp sound? Comparison with others? Does it have the qualities I like best? My fav amp tonal points are: Clarity, thump, feel. If an amp checks those 3 boxes, I'm in. In the Marshall camp, which is where I personally live, I've found the older the...
  15. R

    EVH 5150III 100S EL34 vs Marshall JCM800 2203 [Update]

    The key for me was boosting the SLO, and setting it up with the EVH settings I found on the now defunct SLO forum. I didn't really gel with the amp until I boosted it...then, it was almost like a great modded Marshall in some ways. Got tighter, and bloomed like a monster through a 1983 800 cab...
  16. R

    The JCM900slx is the best Marshall 👹👹

    Hahaha nice try. Every 900, including the SLX, which IS a part of the 900 series btw, sounds thinner than any 800, or JMP. Period. Everyone that has any experience with both amps, knows this to be true. If you feel the SLX or any 900 sounds as full as a JCM 800 or JMP anything, well that's...
  17. R

    The JCM900slx is the best Marshall 👹👹

    The SLX is a thinner sounding amp than any of the amps I mentioned preferring. It's not a 'thin' amp per say; just not as 'full' and 'big' sounding as those I preferred. Which is a common theme for all of the JCM 900 line. It's like the AFD amp; cool amp but very thin sounding compared to a good...
  18. R

    EVH 5150III 100S EL34 vs Marshall JCM800 2203 [Update]

    The clip is accurate but when you are in the room, there's a HUUUGE difference between those two feel, thump, and clarity. It's absolutely anyone who's played an SLO, and a 5150, ANY version. If you think they are close in the room, get your hearing checked. Sorry.
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    EVH 5150III 100S EL34 vs Marshall JCM800 2203 [Update]

    This!!! HAHAHAHAHA! This is the clown show vid that proves my point of CLIPS DON'T MEAN SHIT. Play each of these IN THE ROOM and get back to me. Why? You may ask...... BECAUSE!! This 'comparo' proves that in a clip, NOTHING translates vs playing these amps in person. I've played both, owned...
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    Ladies and gents, we got 'em. (Vented T75's)

    That's interesting; because the pair of ET65s I had in a SLO combo (yes I had one; rare af) sounded dead nuts to a 1983 cab with 65s....the difference being, the ET 65s farted out very quickly as I turned up the SLO volume