Apologies for the delay. I've been in major research mode on a lot of this trying to gain an understanding. Getting VERY close to pulling the trigger on this now.
Able to address some of your comments now. Thanks RSM.
I see two inputs, the combo mic/instrument and guitar 1/4"; Keyboards can go directly into FRFR or into a mixer / PA
I was thinking the keyboard could attach to the midi socket.....
You could get a switch box that allows you to connect a few inputs to one output, and select which input is active. I've not used one except for a simple ABY pedal.
This would be good for guitars maybe. But probably just easier (and less cables) as I think about it if I just unplug guitar and replace with another. Unless I'm missing something.
I'd keep the EAD for drums separate from the Core; since EAD is mono/stereo out, you can take the stereo outs of the EAD and go into the two inputs in the FRFR.
That makes sense as I think it through. But then how do I handle the Headrush Core to the FRFR? I notice that there are two inputs to the FRFR. So I would just plug in the mono plug from the EAD10 (since no stereo capabilities anyway.... right?) Then also the mono plug from the Core in the other jack. So both EAD10 & core feed the FRFR and sound from each is audible from the FRFR? Then if down the road I get another FRFR, I would just add new cables from both the EAD10 & the Core from the stereo outputs to the FRFR?
Doing this way then I can simply either turn on the EAD10 or the Core or both? Is that right?
And I wouldn't need a mixer. And because vocals (mic) and keyoard are possible inputs to the core (and therefor possible outputs in the mix then I can have vocals, drums & guitar (or keyboard) and possibly other combinations that will be mixed together in the FRFR. That sounds almost perfect. FYI I Found out after talkig with a rep that the Core only supports two instruments or 1 instrument & vocals even though has midi for keyboard. That was kind of a bummer but not a deal breaker.
You could get a unpowered mixer and run the Core, EAD, etc. into the mixer, and the stereo outs of the mixer into the FRFR-112 - you won't get stereo separation because there's only one FRFR cab, with two inputs.
This makes sense too and I've been considering a mixer. Was hoping to not need one but may end up having to get one. Have been researching. Looking for a 10 or 12 channel that has usb out that is multitrack (at least I think my understanding is correct on this). Hard to find ones that are within my budget. Wondering if I could potentially make do with an "audio interface" vs the mixer. I understand that I wouldn't be able to do any mixing on the fly (would need to do all on a DAW).... and really don't like this idea. But, since I'm able to "mix" all of my drum stuff (for the most part) on the EAD and all of my guitar and vocal stuff (for the most part) on the core, then thinking this approach could be manageable. So.... only use the computer software for fine tuning type studio mixing.
Why would I need to get an "unpowered" mixer?
Some mixers I've been looking at that might have multitrack capabilities are:
Soundcraft Signature MTK12 14in12out. $619.00
Behringer 4FX12. Only $189.00 New on amazon. It's classified as a "legacy" product so not sure what that means. Might be worth it to start with the whole mixing thing.
There's also Tascam Model 12, Tascam 1202Xenex 1202 SFX Analog, & 1204 USB..... But I'm back and forth on whether any of these are mult-track capable.
I like the yamahas but I don't think any of those are multitrack cable with the usb they offer.
I'm confused about what other options there are that are sub $800.00 or so. Can't understand the specs on some of these as relates back to multitrack capable.
There is also the option of just going X number of channels (say 4) that can be output individually. But I'm not clear on how this would be accomplished.... and what the specs are saying relative to whether this will accomplish the task I'm looking for.
Not even 100% sure I would want/ need the multitrack capabilities but seems like would be nice to have.... for no other reason than futureproofing.
SEEMS like there are more options for audio interfaces that have either multitrack or individual outputs than mixers (at least in my price range.
Down the road I could always get another FRFR and have stereo.
If the band has a mixer and PA, you can go direct from the Core into the mixer, or Core --> FRFR ---> Mixer; you would control your sound from the Core.
The band does have a mixer. But I was hoping to figure out a way that they don't need to bring it when they come to the house to play. Not absolute but if I'm going to need one to accomplish my purposes would be great if it was big enough for them to use as well. In the past they have brought their own cabinet (and mixer) to the house. I'm trying to save them that headache if I can. So to your point, IF I have a mixer and I have the FRFR then my core would already be tied to "my" mixer and my mixer already tied to my FRFR, so all they would need to do is plug in to the mixer. If I brought my core/ guitar etc to the venue then all I would need to do is plug into their mixer (which would be tied into their PA. So basically I'm bringing the pedal with me for my effects and settings etc..... at least that's how I'm thinking about it.
Alternatively as I think you're suggesting, I could also keep my core hooked directly to the FRFR at home (no mixer) but that would suit my purposes only. But if I wanted to take both the core and the FRFR to the venue then I could daisy chain my setup (Core to FRFR) to their mixer and I would maintain control of my sound out of the FRFR? Is that what you are saying? What would be the downside of that? For me? For the sound guy.
in the Core --> FRFR --> Mixer, the FRFR is acting as stage monitor for whatever is coming out of the Core.
Stage monitor as in it's for me to hear what I'm sending to the mixer/ the soundguy? Not intended for playing audibly to the audience right? But guessing it could be used as speaker that is specific to my instrument with the sound techs blessing. Would this normally remain on? Does it have to remain on? Assuming if I were to adjust the volume either via the FRFR or the core that that would affect the volume coming out of the mixer as well?
and same for the EAD. You'd have to use the mono out on the Core and the EAD each going to one channel of the FRFR.
OK. Yes, this is what I was trying to think through above. But just to be clear, it doesn't matter anyway since I only have one speaker.... so no way to get stereo out as far as sound goes.
But this does bring up another question. What is the difference between supplying pure mono to the cabinet vs using both of the outputs from EITHER EAD10 or Core (because not a possibility since want to hook up both the EAD10 and the Core to one speaker). Meaning how is the sound different when from one device I plug in one mono cable vs plugging in both cables? Am I going to be happier with both cables from both devices? I guess if that's the case then the only way I'll be able to hook up the core and the EAD to the one FRFR with that setup is going to be through either a mixer or audio interface. Right?
The audio interface works with your computer to send/receive audio signals, and provide output to studio monitors; and it helps you manage sound quality vs latency.
I think this is what I'm describing above. Forgetting being set up for band to come over and I'm willing to just go mono output to cabinet from both the EAD10 and the Core, then for the equipment that I currently have I would not need one. But I will still need a way to connect both my EAD10 & my Core via USB to my computer and hardwired correct? I mean I'm not going to be able to run software for mixing and such wirelessly am I. Yes, my computer, the EAD10, the Core & the FRFR Cabinet are all bluetooth capable and wireless as well (I think). So, I get that I could conceivably send files and music to and from and listen to music from the different devices just not sure about actually using software and editing.
Similarly, I don't think that I'm going to be able to SEND audio from either the Core or the EAD10 to the FRFR cabinet wirelessly right? Going to have to be cabled.....
Unless I can do everthing wirelessly will need to be able to come up with a way to get both the EAD10 & the Core Connected to my computer and/ or possibly an ipad for mixing & recording. So guessing this is where the mixer or audio interface might come into play.
Or maybe there is a less expensive device that can handle this?
If you can send audio over bluetooth, and your FRFR accepts audio over bluetooth you can send wireless.
See above for some clarification I need to get my head wrapped around this.
If not, you can also get that in-ear wireless system I mentioned earlier. If your FRFR has an aux in, connect the wireless receiver into the aux in in the FRFR, and connect the transmitter to your computer headphone out? Haven't tried it, but this is what I got on Amazon:
Not thinking I will need this since everything I have is going to be wireless capable.
I'm probably going to start another thread regarding mixers and audio interfaces etc.....