A little LBGTQ fodder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Strandberg Junkie
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What picture you referring to? Pink pants?

Jeez, while we're talking about ALTs, got a really good idea who you are.

You haven't had a good idea... well ever.
Just look at this thread, for example.
In what world do you think it's okay to victimize children to try and make an edgy point?
You have no shame whatsoever. This isn't the place for your fantasies about kids and you damn well know it.

Don't really care who you think I am because you're nothing but a bottom feeding sociopath on their way back to prison.
You have no friends or family that give a fuck about you anymore due to your behavior.
So you come on a music forum to show us all how that happened and constantly lie about your "family" and life.
I’ve been asking you for years and you still haven’t delivered.
ok, here you go:

one dick pic for you...

You haven't had a good idea... well ever.
Just look at this thread, for example.
In what world do you think it's okay to victimize children to try and make an edgy point?
You have no shame whatsoever. This isn't the place for your fantasies about kids and you damn well know it.

Don't really care who you think I am because you're nothing but a bottom feeding sociopath on their way back to prison.
You have no friends or family that give a fuck about you anymore due to your behavior.
So you come on a music forum to show us all how that happened and constantly lie about your "family" and life.
You could tell the whole story was bullshit.

For him, it’s all about baiting, trolling, attacking, then, when there’s any retaliation at all, he’s the poor victim.
It’s the same song, for years.

He has spent years and years doing just that on the gear forums.
This is Donnie‘s life.
You could tell the whole story was bullshit.

For him, it’s all about baiting, trolling, attacking, then, when there’s any retaliation at all, he’s the poor victim.
It’s the same song, for years.

He has spent years and years doing just that on the gear forums.
This is Donnie‘s life.
I don’t know anything about Donnie. What his backstory is, who he was on other forums, etc.
but I can say that scenarios similar to the one in his OP have happened to me many times and I’m certain many other families as well
I don’t know anything about Donnie. What his backstory is, who he was on other forums, etc.
but I can say that scenarios similar to the one in his OP have happened to me many times and I’m certain many other families as well

They know I'm in my 60s.
They know I have an adult daughter.
They know I have grand kids.



Some of the members here are really weird people.
Is that Taco Bell? Home of the stuffed crust?

Ha! Little hole in the wall strip mall joint that turned out to be ridiculously good.
Ordered bread pudding and it was served deconstructed on a chilled slab of stone. :giggle:

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Why any sane person or any person with an ounce of dignity would even create a "A little LBGTQ fodder" thread
is beyond my understanding.
Like half the threads here are created with lbgtq fodder in mind.
The other half are modern day tabloids

Plus a few BabyMetal threads
Personally I'm plumbing the depths of everyone's soul here for chapters in a book I'm writing.
Each one centers on a specific member.
I'm up to number 14 and could you some help with the title.
Any suggestions?

XIV - Picasso: The ___________________________________________ of Rig Talk

@Donnie B If I'm in it, which would surprise me, make sure you call me out as the BIGGEST PRICK of all on OTC.

Don't you let me down you retard.