A little LBGTQ fodder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Strandberg Junkie
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Bitch please! Quit trying to act like you have an understanding of manly tools. Finish your soy latte, and get back to your pottery making.
I bet you couldn't use a table saw without cutting off a few fingers.
I say that your daughter is a woke retard, and your grandkid is well on the way to being a good little democrat sheep. Must be awesome witnessing stupidity flow down thru the generations.

If you ever want to find out, stop by my wood shop. I would love to run your head thru mine, so I could have a close up look at what is causing your retardation. Sheeeeit! I’ll even make you something cool to take home to your husband
Pics of shop or bullshit.
Pics of shop or bullshit.
It’s a wreck at the moment. About to sell it all off. I like working on Harleys more than I do wood these days. More shit that a fag such as yourself would know anything about.


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It’s a wreck at the moment. About to sell it all off. I like working on Harleys more than I do wood these days. More shit that a fag such as yourself would know anything about.
Dude, don't feel like you should have to justify ANYTHING to that clown show alt. He/she only posts on breaks at the factory where he/she is the double dildo R&D person.
Oh, fuck him, I just can’t pass up a chance to show off or talk about tools, because unlike Faggles & Dickcheese, I am a man.
Right on. Just be warned though, now that you've said you like to work on Harleys, you're gonna get a line of them at your door on Vespas holding Starbucks gift cards asking to "fix the broken thingy"
Right on. Just be warned though, now that you've said you like to work on Harleys, you're gonna get a line of them at your door on Vespas holding Starbucks gift cards asking to "fix the broken thingy"
I’ll just tell them that they will have to leave it for a week, then load them in my trailer and take them to Thunderbeach next weekend. People will pay good money to take a wack at a Vespa with a sledge hammer.
Very nice shop, VR👍
Thanks man. I went thru several years where I really enjoyed it. I still enjoy it, but between my business, band and traveling on my bike, I don’t have the time for all of the hobbies that I would like to get into. I am going to slim the wood shop down to mostly hand tools . Would like to keep enough to build a guitar heat and there, and some furniture.
I love that show! But really, the only people you see complaining about Harleys are those that wish they had one, and homos.

What do an Harley and a dog have in common?

They both like to ride in the back of a truck!
I love that show! But really, the only people you see complaining about Harleys are those that wish they had one, and homos.
I could never get in to the motorcycle thing. Loved playing ExciteBike though