Best amp at each category

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The only similarity I heard with my Hell Razor was that both were punchy and powerful, but otherwise almost polar opposite for me. The Hell Razor, especially for a non-vintage amp, impressed me with how raw and organic it sounds, open, the note connection actually isn’t bad, and there’s lightyears more detail and clarity to the notes I found when compared. The eq curves were quite different too. No Wizard IME, even the MTL, gets that same huge low mid thickness like the Uber’s. Again, just my honest opinion, but my Hell Razor made the Ultra comparatively sound blurry, undefined and almost like it was underwater
Well. I definitely havent spent a lot of time with either amp. And it is certainly possible that i like filtered cardboard, lmao
Well. I definitely havent spent a lot of time with either amp. And it is certainly possible that i like filtered cardboard, lmao
Yeah all good. What we like is what we like and I did like some things about the Ultra and KSR, so I did keep both for a bit. The KSR’s have a nice throaty growl to them
Not to get too negative again, but I also don’t like amps that quack rather than growl on powerchords. Splawn’s are the quintessential example of this for me. Some amps like the 5150/6505’s I find a bit nasal or boxy sounding on powerchords, but there’s still some growl in there
It is interesting that most of us probably would agree more on what we like for feel/response in amps more than the sound itself. You might like for what you described also the Naylor’s and Hermanssons’s (at least for modern metal)

What we like for feel can also be very style dependent. For metal and more aggressive rock styles most would probably want the same type of feel/response you want, but then for more bluesy or classic rock-ish stuff want something more round, soft in attack and that’s where amps like the Jim Kelley, Gjika and Ronin have excellent feel as long as you play music suited to them

For ideal cleans I actually look for something kind of close to what you described liking too, but it’s a balancing act because if it’s too hard or sharp in sound and feel it tends to not get a lush/beautiful tone like the truly great clean amps, so they to tend to still have some roundness and a bit airier usually than high gain amps with good clean channels
Agree! And you know, the take home is that there really is never a "be all, end all" amp that checks every single box at the pinnacle. And that is completely OK! I have learned over the past few years to love an amp based on its strengths, and if those strengths inspire you and work for you....keep it!
Maybe there's a a blanket honeymoon phenomenon occurring around here, but I have yet to see any negative reviews of the Wizard Hell Razor....It's rare that positive sentiment regarding an amp is this unanimous. Especially considering how judgmental we all can be.
Agree! And you know, the take home is that there really is never a "be all, end all" amp that checks every single box at the pinnacle. And that is completely OK! I have learned over the past few years to love an amp based on its strengths, and if those strengths inspire you and work for you....keep it!
Yes, 100% agreed, but unfortunately this is also why I have so many keeper amps lol
Maybe there's a a blanket honeymoon phenomenon occurring around here, but I have yet to see any negative reviews of the Wizard Hell Razor....It's rare that positive sentiment regarding an amp is this unanimous. Especially considering how judgmental we all can be.
Yes, I've had mine almost for almost 6 months now and don't see it going anywhere. I think it basically delivered what many were wanting: the same Wizard flavor with a lot more available gain (no boosts needed), tighter, punchier and more aggressive. Basically a more is more scenario lol

With its powerful controls it can also be shaped for a lot of different sounds, so maybe that's also why it can work well for some of our varying tastes
I understand. I loved the punch of wizards. Very addictive. But most important to me is the voicing. Second is volume knob on guitar being powerful in turning single channel amp into a "two channel"
Man...I used to be very "anti-boost" and all about the multi channel behemoth amps. Don't get me wrong, I still dig some of them, but plugging in to a good, old single channel with a boost and giving it some volume has really become one of my favorite ways to play now.

I mean, who knew taking a '78 JMP, which has great base tone AND feel, boosting it (as much or little as you need) turning it up and playing would be a better experience than many much more modern or fancy amps! I know....I am late to the party, but glad I arrived! ?
Yes, I've had mine almost for almost 6 months now and don't see it going anywhere. I think it basically delivered what many were wanting: the same Wizard flavor with a lot more available gain (no boosts needed), tighter, punchier and more aggressive. Basically a more is more scenario lol

With its powerful controls it can also be shaped for a lot of different sounds, so maybe that's also why it can work well for some of our varying tastes
Yeah. I think it was the wizard people expected wizards to be. He knocked it out of the park. It wasnt simply an evolution.
Maybe there's a a blanket honeymoon phenomenon occurring around here, but I have yet to see any negative reviews of the Wizard Hell Razor....It's rare that positive sentiment regarding an amp is this unanimous. Especially considering how judgmental we all can be.

I think people who pay that much for an amp, aren't going to come out the gate saying how bad it sucks.

I think they sound good. But they just have too much highs and next to a jvm it sounds weak.

The MTL though, I like that one. ?

Edit: I will add, maybe it's just how the guys have been dialing them. Under my fingers and dialing it might be totally pleasing to me. Just haven't heard that at all in a demo of it...
Well. I definitely havent spent a lot of time with either amp. And it is certainly possible that i like filtered cardboard, lmao
The Uber ultra absolutely hangs with the hell razor for half the price. It’s a clinical tight metal amp. I say that as someone who loves their hell razor.
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Well we’ll just have to strongly disagree then lol. Part of it may be that I owned the amp for a few months (lived with it for a bit) since I did like some things about it, but my opinions come from a place more of comparisons vs other amps and honestly (without saying names or disrespecting any brands) some amps you mentioned liking at that amp fest would also be amps I hear as being more on the sterile side of the spectrum. If you heard some of the same comparisons I did (especially vs my Rev 1 Uber) you may see where I’m coming from

With the Ultra in particular, I think its strong low mid presence (that all Ubers have) can give a false impression of warmth (which the amp didn’t have an ounce of) plus the power and punch can be impressive at first, but I find if you really listen to it there is zero warmth or richness to the core tone. It’s very filtered and cardboardy. It’s a prime example of it for me. Especially when compared to my Rev 1 Uber it was extremely exposed in where it lacked severely (no chewiness or richness of the OG, nor that trademark greasy feel). And the feel was very disconnected. Play something melodic or leads and the notes just did not connect well at all. For that I want a human quality, which is the opposite of sterile or clinical. An amp like a Jim Kelley, Gjika, Dumble or IIC+ has what I consider great note connection and why many love them for playing leads

For tightness, I haven’t tried a Hellion, but had a Ground Zero MOAB modded Marshall and while it was tight, it was nowhere near on the same level for that as the Hermansson’s I had, the Dino’s I tried nor my Hell Razor KT150. Other guys I know that also have a Hell Razor and Hermansson and had a Hellion seem to agree with me on that
The Hellion I had was nowhere near hermansson or hellrazor tightness- not that it was a problem- it just wasn't the main feature of the amp
Maybe there's a a blanket honeymoon phenomenon occurring around here, but I have yet to see any negative reviews of the Wizard Hell Razor....It's rare that positive sentiment regarding an amp is this unanimous. Especially considering how judgmental we all can be.
Ya it’s a true keeper .
I think people who pay that much for an amp, aren't going to come out the gate saying how bad it sucks.

I think they sound good. But they just have too much highs and next to a jvm it sounds weak.

The MTL though, I like that one. ?

Edit: I will add, maybe it's just how the guys have been dialing them. Under my fingers and dialing it might be totally pleasing to me. Just haven't heard that at all in a demo of it...
Did you just say a Hell Razor sounds week next to a JVM ?
The Uber ultra absolutely hangs with the hell razor for half the price. It’s a clinical tight metal amp. I say that as someone who loves their hell razor.
I really liked my uber ultra but strongly disagree- which isnt to say you are wrong, but rather than tastes can vary for sure. To me the Hell Razor sounded way more organic and open. For an amp that was more in the same tonal ballpark as the uber ultra, the MI Beta is my favorite amp for that sound. The Rev 1 Uber Is also insanely good, but is a completely different sound than either
Maybe there's a a blanket honeymoon phenomenon occurring around here, but I have yet to see any negative reviews of the Wizard Hell Razor....It's rare that positive sentiment regarding an amp is this unanimous. Especially considering how judgmental we all can be.
Ive had so many people over who knew nothing about cost or prestige of amps, and they always rank the hell razor as the best amp Ive had- sometimes tied with the MI . I think its just a really great amp- punch, tightness, clarity, versatility, quick attack
To me the Hell Razor sounded way more organic and open.
Don’t get me wrong, it is more open sounding. Less compressed. More clear. It is a better amp. But do I think it should cost double the Uber? No, not at all. Honestly part of it may just be bogner not realizing they could Jack up their price more at this point.
Don’t get me wrong, it is more open sounding. Less compressed. More clear. It is a better amp. But do I think it should cost double the Uber? No, not at all. Honestly part of it may just be bogner not realizing they could Jack up their price more at this point.
Oh in terms of amp for the money the Uber ultra is a way better deal. Wizard prices are definitely higher than they should be, but I haven’t found an amp that does what the hell razor does, so at least for now, I know I couldn’t have the hell razor sound for cheaper.

The Uber ultra is the amp I recommend to anyone who isn’t trying to get super rare or expensive amps- I’d argue it’s the best currently produced amp which is widely available
Oh in terms of amp for the money the Uber ultra is a way better deal. Wizard prices are definitely higher than they should be, but I haven’t found an amp that does what the hell razor does, so at least for now, I know I couldn’t have the hell razor sound for cheaper.

Those prices are absolutely criminal. Its honestly weird and cultish. Which is why the owners are VERY polarized to the amps. The more you invest, the more you believe in what you invested in... it's science... it's always been this way. I found myself doing it with the Diezel because to me that's alot of cash. So I'm going to REALLY want to believe it sounds $4k good since all the othe badass amps I've had were 1200-2000ish average depending on the deals at the time. (Pre inflation covid gimmick, mind you)

But you can't tell me buying a $6,000 amp isn't going to create some type of bias. It's definitely going to make you feel like you're the guy at the party with the Ferrari when everyone else driving the gt500.

It's literally unavoidable when you become one of the "elites". ? Yes, I'm jealous I can't hang out on the yacht with the wizard owners. But that's the whole point. By pricing them that way, it allowed itself to create the mystique... and cult like followings.

I'm definitely still going to get an MTL clone at some point. But that he'll razor is too ear fatiguing how these guys dial that amp.