Well we’ll just have to strongly disagree then lol. Part of it may be that I owned the amp for a few months (lived with it for a bit) since I did like some things about it, but my opinions come from a place more of comparisons vs other amps and honestly (without saying names or disrespecting any brands) some amps you mentioned liking at that amp fest would also be amps I hear as being more on the sterile side of the spectrum. If you heard some of the same comparisons I did (especially vs my Rev 1 Uber) you may see where I’m coming from
With the Ultra in particular, I think its strong low mid presence (that all Ubers have) can give a false impression of warmth (which the amp didn’t have an ounce of) plus the power and punch can be impressive at first, but I find if you really listen to it there is zero warmth or richness to the core tone. It’s very filtered and cardboardy. It’s a prime example of it for me. Especially when compared to my Rev 1 Uber it was extremely exposed in where it lacked severely (no chewiness or richness of the OG, nor that trademark greasy feel). And the feel was very disconnected. Play something melodic or leads and the notes just did not connect well at all. For that I want a human quality, which is the opposite of sterile or clinical. An amp like a Jim Kelley, Gjika, Dumble or IIC+ has what I consider great note connection and why many love them for playing leads
For tightness, I haven’t tried a Hellion, but had a Ground Zero MOAB modded Marshall and while it was tight, it was nowhere near on the same level for that as the Hermansson’s I had, the Dino’s I tried nor my Hell Razor KT150. Other guys I know that also have a Hell Razor and Hermansson and had a Hellion seem to agree with me on that