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The Uber Ultra and Hell Razor are very different flavors. Maybe the UU is just more your cup of tea. It’s a fatter amp with strong low mid presence that the Hell Razor doesn’t get the same way. Coming from the Herbert I can see it being more up your alleyIt's up to us to fill in the gaps based on what we've learned. It's the whole reson demos are even a thing, of any type. Like take the dravon dude... horrible tone. Obviously, I can also tell the amps are being dialed that way.. so I don't have a whole judgment based on anything like that.
However some attributes are what they are. And the hell razor is a more expensive Uber ultra. Except the ultra sounds better to me. Every clip conveys the same clank I dislike in the core tone. Period... you can tell if it's dialed shitty or not after a few examples of the same amp. Man I get the feel thing trust me, I do... but the sound is there. Obviously.
Honestly seems like alot of you guys just put the highs and precense on TEN and then boost it because it "feels good" and you want it easier to play, while sacrificing dynamics FOR SURE. Been down that rabbit hole too, it's confirmed. To me anyway.
Upper mids? No dude.... you guys are leaving mids behind and becoming clarinet players with strings. Its so funny. "Agressive aggressive" ??
Hell yeah. ?
And pretty much anyone who’s tried a Wizard can tell you that while they do feel good to play, they are some of the more unforgiving amps that can expose more than other amps technical issues in one’s playing and actually are hands down the most dynamic, uncompressed high gain amps I’ve tried so far. And I don’t use boosts with them either. If anything, they kind of are the epitome of what I’ve tried of an amp where you need to be an aggressive player to get the most out of them. I actually find the Herbert’s IME to be more homogenous, compressed amps that don’t let as many expressive nuances in playing to come through. I still like those amps, but to me they have lots of limitations in what I like in an amp. YMMV