Best amp at each category

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That’s an interesting question. I don’t use effects other than very occasionally some reverb or delay on cleans, so I can’t help there. For leads it can be quite good too, but I honestly in a perfect world wouldn’t choose it for leads over some of my other amps like the iic+, Rev C, Rev 1 Uber, SLO, or Hermansson. If you want an ‘80’s type of lead tone it probably won’t be for you. Those other amps I mentioned (other than the Hermansson) would be more my choices for that plus the Purpleface and the right modded Marshall’s. I mostly like it for stuff involving palm mutes and chords. It might have the most impressive chordal clarity I’ve heard in a high gain amp so far. It has for a high gain amp very good cleans too. It can do a lot of things well, but I guess more rhythmical type stuff is where it’s a 10/10 amp for me
That's super helpful when comparing it to some of the other amps you have. I appreciate it!
Everyone has certain things that make an amp a "keeper" or just another amp to trade/sell. Reading posts on here, I find some guys put high priority on specific tonal traits/requirements and some guys put more priority on response/feel.

I am firmly in the response/feel camp. I find I can make a Friedman, Bogner, Marshall....whatever....sound good to my ears. I don't get caught on things like,"Oh....this amp lacks a smidgen of upper mid complexity...or harmonic swirl..." lol! You give me a Hughes and kettner triamp, or a JCM 2000 or whatever and I can find tones I like on it.

That said: I am a picky bitch when it comes to feel/response. I prefer an amp to be relatively tight, punchy, immediate, open and have a bounce, but not too much sag. Wizard and Fryette check these boxes for me, as do some older amps. Old 4 hole Marshall's, late 70's/early 80's 2203's and 2204's and Hiwatts really have a feel I love as well. These are often called "unforgiving", but the lack of excess gain, saturation and weird frequencies (like clanky mids in many modern amps) mean nothing gets in the way of your playing.
I have been thinking more about what you said here. I discounted most of it because it has been awhile since i had to sacrifice the feel/tightness of an amp when looking for what i find most important which is the quality/clarity of the voicing.

To be more specific,

1. It must not have the microphonic static overlay to cover up the notes in a complex chord. (In my current amp, that is helped by fewer gain stages, though as @RedB4Black told me, my amp does not lack in gain)

2. It has to have an open powerchord voicing that rocks my world

3. The muted powerchord or note has to hit. (This may seem like a feel thing, and i am splitting hairs maybe, because it is related, but there is a percussive sound that is tied to a palm mute that must be nasty.)

4. Playing fast has to not get mushy.

I want the amp to not need a boost, but that isnt necessary. I want the amp to not need a gate, but that isnt necessary. The fact that my MGL absolutely needs no boost and needs no gate are bonuses.

The feel and tightness are there. The punch is there. But the wizards and the new uber and groundzero stuff all punch way harder. So i suppose that is my sacrifice. To be fair, though, i am pitting a 50 watt against some bigger guys. Wizards are the only amps i have seen the 50s hit like a hundred watter
Yeah. If i were gigging, i would use a kemper or a jcm 900 all day. But shit gets stolen at gigs. A wizard is not different from other amps in that it is a fun amp to play. I like to keep amps in the "bedroom"

There are cult followings of many brands. I like wizards, but by no means think they are better than all the other top end amps out there.

If you dont have enough money for one, or dont want to put one in a singlewide, then there are a million great amps out there. Just dont play a bargain amp in same room as some of the top amps out there, and you have nothing to compare it to. It will sound awesome

I guess my point is i dont understand hating wizards. If you dont want one or think they are overpriced dont get one. I dont know any cult wizard guys. Everyone i know that have them have other high gain amps too. Most of us that have or had wizards had them for fun. Not that serious

Wizard is a cult for sure. But there's also the other cults. There's a 6505 cult... a slo-cult, a boost cult, a diezel cult. Some worse than others. It like the Ford vs Chevy thing that never makes any sense but they are polarized so much they honestly can't help how they view it at that point,.it's almost instinct then.. lol

My house is an old 50s shit. I was just saying you won't see a dude in a single wide posting up a wizard vid. If you find one let me know because its ironic and I'll find it highly entertaining.

And dude I didn't mean to sound like I can never afford an amp, I've had enough. Plenty of rectifiers, triple crown, marks, all 6505/5150, 3 Marshall's (dsl x 2 & SlX)... randall satan, 2 engl savages, peters chimera, vht d120... archon 100... Cobra.. etc etc..

Blah blah, the list goes on bro.
I just do not hear anything near the price on any of the Wizard demos that make me think it's 3x better than any of the amps I've enjoyed before. So even if I could easily afford one, it would be a headfirst clone... because its ass rape of the highest level charging what they do for an amp. Sure some will pay it, and at the end of the day, there's enough small group that allows them to maintain the prices. They are absolutely not worth the price in any technical form whatsoever. But how else would Wizard stand above most modded marshall circuits and create a cult mystique??

It's as much a business stratgy as it is anything. And it works. I'm not hating on wizards, or the owners. I'm just stating some pretty common facts about the topography of how that works physiologically because it DOES.

Some also spend 5,000 for a roll cage for their 30k polaris atv... that's a dude who id go "he must play a Wizard" ???????
Wizard is a cult for sure. But there's also the other cults. There's a 6505 cult... a slo-cult, a boost cult, a diezel cult. Some worse than others. It like the Ford vs Chevy thing that never makes any sense but they are polarized so much they honestly can't help how they view it at that point,.it's almost instinct then.. lol

My house is an old 50s shit. I was just saying you won't see a dude in a single wide posting up a wizard vid. If you find one let me know because its ironic and I'll find it highly entertaining.

And dude I didn't mean to sound like I can never afford an amp, I've had enough. Plenty of rectifiers, triple crown, marks, all 6505/5150, 3 Marshall's (dsl x 2 & SlX)... randall satan, 2 engl savages, peters chimera, vht d120... archon 100... Cobra.. etc etc..

Blah blah, the list goes on bro.
I just do not hear anything near the price on any of the Wizard demos that make me think it's 3x better than any of the amps I've enjoyed before. So even if I could easily afford one, it would be a headfirst clone... because its ass rape of the highest level charging what they do for an amp. Sure some will pay it, and at the end of the day, there's enough small group that allows them to maintain the prices. They are absolutely not worth the price in any technical form whatsoever. But how else would Wizard stand above most modded marshall circuits and create a cult mystique??

It's as much a business stratgy as it is anything. And it works. I'm not hating on wizards, or the owners. I'm just stating some pretty common facts about the topography of how that works physiologically because it DOES.

Some also spend 5,000 for a roll cage for their 30k polaris atv... that's a dude who id go "he must play a Wizard" ???????
There is only one flaw in what you are saying. And I dont mean to pick on you, because so many do this shit. But dude, come to the next amp fest and PLAY a wizard. And a bogner uber ultra, and hellion, etc.

Then shit on them or dont. But dont tell us what you know about an amp based on fucking clips.
There is only one flaw in what you are saying. And I dont mean to pick on you, because so many do this shit. But dude, come to the next amp fest and PLAY a wizard. And a bogner uber ultra, and hellion, etc.

Then shit on them or dont. But dont tell us what you know about an amp based on fucking clips.
Exactly, just play the damn thing, decide for yourself and we all can respect an opinion coming from a place of actually experiencing it

If I also had a dollar for every time I heard someone say how ridiculously overpriced product x is just try it later on and buy it themselves. All it really takes is for them to hear what makes something special and if they can afford it they’ll usually buy it and if they don’t hear it they don’t hear it
There is only one flaw in what you are saying. And I dont mean to pick on you, because so many do this shit. But dude, come to the next amp fest and PLAY a wizard. And a bogner uber ultra, and hellion, etc.

Then shit on them or dont. But dont tell us what you know about an amp based on fucking clips.

Kinda the point of the clips and demos innit?
No? Brain no work? Brain go bye bye??

Cry about it all you want. Most recorded he'll razor demos sound like clanky ass. I don't have a desire to play an Uber Ultra I've already had better tone. It's sad because a good sounding amp definitely translates in a demo or room recording asshats. Jpwizard is a prime example. You can hear the amps... and I've owned some of those and they are accurate to the sound. His hell razor clips, same upper ear fatigue bullshit.

It's MY preference. Get over it ho.
I like a little more muscle in my tone ?
Exactly, just play the damn thing, decide for yourself and we all can respect an opinion coming from a place of actually experiencing it

If I also had a dollar for every time I heard someone say how ridiculously overpriced product x is just try it later on and buy it themselves. All it really takes is for them to hear what makes something special and if they can afford it they’ll usually buy it and if they don’t hear it they don’t hear it

Bro it's a modded marshall circuit that probably started as a Jubilee.

It's not $6k or whatever they are. If you do it, cool, I'm glad you enjoy man. I thought expressing the different views was okay? I don't like the tones. I've had alot of the amps in demos, tweaked to hell and back with speakers, tubes, etc etc. I am just such a tone snob as anyone. Why I don't boost and consider you a girly picker if you do. Its my view.... get over it lil dookie!!! To add, I can tell somewhat if a demo is worthless or not or has some indication of an amps tone. It's usually obvious after you've had enough experience going through Amos and listening to them in different forms. You can tell if it's being dialed or if it's inherent to its tone. That's what sets them apart for some people. If you can't gain an indication from a decent clip then I dunno what to tell you? It's a base. How can every hell razor clip have the same qualities I don't like in an amp? "OH you must play it and bow to it's mystique"... man chill tf out.

I like you. But damn. You acting like the amp is directly connected to your sensitivity knob deep inside you. Kinda.... cultish.... ?

Damn. Look how the wizard people act.... and you claim you aren't a cult... ???????? acting like we just exposed the illuminati up in this bitch ????????????
preference is one thing. You’re being a fuck stick and talking down on peoples abilities who I know are better players than you.


So much better they need a crutch to get what their weak right hands can't deliver ?

Kinda the point of the clips and demos innit?
No? Brain no work? Brain go bye bye??

Cry about it all you want. Most recorded he'll razor demos sound like clanky ass. I don't have a desire to play an Uber Ultra I've already had better tone. It's sad because a good sounding amp definitely translates in a demo or room recording asshats. Jpwizard is a prime example. You can hear the amps... and I've owned some of those and they are accurate to the sound. His hell razor clips, same upper ear fatigue bullshit.

It's MY preference. Get over it ho.
I like a little more muscle in my tone ?
I definitely understand if you dont like the uppermid focus of voicing. That makes total sense and is a preference thing for sure.

But dont discount the feel and punch of an amp. That doesnt show up in clips, pumpkin
I definitely understand if you dont like the uppermid focus of voicing. That makes total sense and is a preference thing for sure.

But dont discount the feel and punch of an amp. That doesnt show up in clips, pumpkin

It's up to us to fill in the gaps based on what we've learned. It's the whole reson demos are even a thing, of any type. Like take the dravon dude... horrible tone. Obviously, I can also tell the amps are being dialed that way.. so I don't have a whole judgment based on anything like that.

However some attributes are what they are. And the hell razor is a more expensive Uber ultra. Except the ultra sounds better to me. Every clip conveys the same clank I dislike in the core tone. Period... you can tell if it's dialed shitty or not after a few examples of the same amp. Man I get the feel thing trust me, I do... but the sound is there. Obviously.

Honestly seems like alot of you guys just put the highs and precense on TEN and then boost it because it "feels good" and you want it easier to play, while sacrificing dynamics FOR SURE. Been down that rabbit hole too, it's confirmed. To me anyway.

Upper mids? No dude.... you guys are leaving mids behind and becoming clarinet players with strings. Its so funny. "Agressive aggressive" ??

Hell yeah. ?
Nobody I am aware of (other than our friend here) thinks that the Wizard HR clips sound bad. But to each his own I guess.
Nobody I am aware of (other than our friend here) thinks that the Wizard HR clips sound bad. But to each his own I guess.

I like most wizard tones. Something in the HR clips, conveys a very sharp attack up top that just seems to be there no matter what. I felt the same way about the fortin meshugga bullshit. It is what it is man. It's literally all good.

Again, I'd get an MTL based on my tastes and what I've heard from those. ? But I wouldn't tell anyone. I'm not sacrificing a virgin to be part of the wizard cult.

I might enter that give away though, wouldn't that be ironic? I win and then come back with a whole different view after I got my hands on it to dial it for me and my surroundings... that'd be great honestly right?

With christ all things are possible. ?
SmugClitorus making lots of friends here I see. Carry on...

Yeah because the entire rig talk genome requires me to lick the hell razors ballsack?

Come on. I'd say I'm only offending the elites at this point. Many agree but won't say it because you know... how some of yall act and all afterwards. ?

Must be the harmony central rejects getting offended. But I'm okay with it.
I like most wizard tones. Something in the HR clips, conveys a very sharp attack up top that just seems to be there no matter what. I felt the same way about the fortin meshugga bullshit. It is what it is man. It's literally all good.

Again, I'd get an MTL based on my tastes and what I've heard from those. ? But I wouldn't tell anyone. I'm not sacrificing a virgin to be part of the wizard cult.

I might enter that give away though, wouldn't that be ironic? I win and then come back with a whole different view after I got my hands on it to dial it for me and my surroundings... that'd be great honestly right?

With christ all things are possible. ?
Interesting. No need to be defensive, I'm simply pointing out that you are literally the only person that has expressed negative opinions of this particular amplifier.
Bro it's a modded marshall circuit that probably started as a Jubilee.

It's not $6k or whatever they are. If you do it, cool, I'm glad you enjoy man. I thought expressing the different views was okay? I don't like the tones. I've had alot of the amps in demos, tweaked to hell and back with speakers, tubes, etc etc. I am just such a tone snob as anyone. Why I don't boost and consider you a girly picker if you do. Its my view.... get over it lil dookie!!! To add, I can tell somewhat if a demo is worthless or not or has some indication of an amps tone. It's usually obvious after you've had enough experience going through Amos and listening to them in different forms. You can tell if it's being dialed or if it's inherent to its tone. That's what sets them apart for some people. If you can't gain an indication from a decent clip then I dunno what to tell you? It's a base. How can every hell razor clip have the same qualities I don't like in an amp? "OH you must play it and bow to it's mystique"... man chill tf out.

I like you. But damn. You acting like the amp is directly connected to your sensitivity knob deep inside you. Kinda.... cultish.... ?

Damn. Look how the wizard people act.... and you claim you aren't a cult... ???????? acting like we just exposed the illuminati up in this bitch ????????????
A Recto is apparently also the “same” as an SLO (on paper) yet somehow they sound nothing alike (I have and enjoy both). I had a very good example 1987 Jubilee not long ago and AB’ed with a Wizard guess what it sounded nothing like it. A lot of guys make this mistake of judging what’s on paper rather than listening to how it actually sounds. And in most respects I felt it smoked the jubilee, certainly at least in terms of punch, power and clarity

Anyway, this isn’t meant to be a pissing match or argument. More so just informative in that the clips don’t at all give the whole story. I wouldn’t want one either based on many of them. You still may not like the amp in person, but if you tried it you’d know. That’s up to you. Anyway, that’s all I’ve got. I understand though if a brighter sound isn’t your cup of tea it’s probably not worth the gamble buying one

If this were about any other amp I like from in person experience I’d tell you the same thing be it an early Recto, Mark IIC+, Hermansson, early Uber, etc. Good is good
Interesting. No need to be defensive, I'm simply pointing out that you are literally the only person that has expressed negative opinions of this particular amplifier.

Seems like I'm one of the only ones not boosting everything by default also. But that's okay.
A Recto is apparently also the “same” as an SLO (on paper) yet somehow they sound nothing alike (I have and enjoy both). I had a very good example 1987 Jubilee not long ago and AB’ed with my Wizard guess what it sounded nothing like it. A lot of guys make this mistake of judging what’s on paper rather than listening to how it actually sounds. And in most respects I felt it smoked the jubilee, certainly at least in terms of punch, power and clarity

Anyway, this isn’t meant to be a pissing match or argument. More so just informative in that the clips don’t at all give the whole story. I wouldn’t want one either based on many of them. You still may not like the amp in person, but if you tried it you’d know. That’s up to you. Anyway, that’s all I’ve got. I understand though if a brighter sound isn’t your cup of tea it’s probably not worth the gamble buying one

If this were about any other amp I like from in person experience I’d tell you the same thing be it an early Recto, Mark IIC+, Hermansson, early Uber, etc. Good is good
Yes...It may smoke a Jubilee, BUT can it hang with a JVM??? Apparently it sounds "weak" by comparison (as we learned earlier in this very thread). On a side note, it's interesting (and perhaps mildly ironic) that one would remark that the Wizard HR is overly bright and "ear fatiguing" while favoring the the tone of the Marshall JVM series. I really like the JVM I owned and will probably buy another at some point...That said, I think the majority of us can agree that it is one of the all time most overly-bright (both treble and upper mids) voiced amps in the high gain spectrum.