I purchased what was advertised as a Mark IIC+ on ebay last month. He stated that it was a Mark IIC, with a Mark IIC+ PCB installed into it. After trying to sell it, I had people asking me to check the transformer numbers, and the letter coding... I pulled the chassis out, to find that the amps letter code "DRG" was changed to "HRG"! I then began a numbers search on the OT coding... What I found out was that the seller (calls himself "Silverwulf" on The Boogie Board. He is "new-world-man 2112" on ebay) had the amp converted from a Simul-Class Mark IIC, to a 60/100 watt - with a MESA MARK III OUTPUT TRANSFORMER! Also - I spoke with Mike B. at MESA, and he said that there's NO WAY that the amp had a Mark IIC+ PCB installed! All reverb equipped Mark IIC amps had a "C+ modded" Mark IIC PCB. Nice... After asking him why he wasn't truthful about the amps history - he said; "You didn't ask"! I requested a refund on the amp, and he refused. I even have his email where he admits that he knew about the OT swap! Here is his ebay listing:
https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 500wt_1182
Here is his ebay reply after I requested a refund... He admits to knowing about the OT swap also:
Hey man! It's easiest to just email me directly, I can respond quicker during the day that way (
silverwulf2@yahoo.com). I have no clue what OT it has, I just know it has the 105 PT. Even if it has a 562100, it's the exact same spec as the IIC 100W transformer. In fact, Hetfield has had a 562100 in his IIC+ "Crunch Berries" since the latter part of the "Justice" tour because he blew out the original (Kirk has one in one of his IIC+ also). The amp was an upgrade done by Mike B who replaced the board. It started life as a IIC, Simul and was converted to a IIC+, 100W. The conversion to 100W required Mike to swap the OT, which I assumed was the IIC+ tranny. The chassis markings would be changed accordingly. Even if it does have a 562100, it's the same thing, different part #. No one worked on that amp other than Mesa, and Mike B in particular. It's a IIC+ through and through.
- new-world-man-2112
This guy is as bad as a gear thief! All you need to do, is to take one look at the listing, and then read his email... No mention of any OT swap at all! No mention of it originally being a Simul-Class either. Plus, he lied about the "C+ PCB upgrade"! I paid $2,300.00 for this amp - and the seller thinks I'm the asshole? I would NEVER had paid $2,300.00 for this amp - no way! I would have purchased a Mark IIC Simul-Class for around $1,600.00 and then had Mike B. do a C+ upgrade.