Biden tests positive for COVID

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Well Justin, you damn sure are biased. And if you did believe that Trump tried to have himself fake killed, then it would be because you are biased.

And I said what you actually believed isn't necessary biased, just naive and stupid.
considering we don’t know anything about the gunmen, how how many there even were apparently, that was an incredibly ironic post for you to make
considering we don’t know anything about the gunmen, how how many there even were apparently, that was an incredibly ironic post for you to make
Not really. Biden becomes unviable, someone tries to kill Trump. It's logic.

Dan would know this.
Like I said, way dumber than the real Dan. Which is how I know you're an alt and not the real Dan.
It's definitely him bro'. He posted proof yesterday but I checked his Profile page for you just now and this:

Screen Shot 2024-07-20 at 12.55.04 pm.jpg

I dunno 'though; I think I preferred Danno as Aynirar. He seemed more-friendly in that incarnation. :LOL:
It's definitely him bro'. He posted proof yesterday but I checked his Profile page for you just now and this:

View attachment 325242

I dunno 'though; I think I preferred Danno as Aynirar. He seemed more-friendly in that incarnation. :LOL:
There are still people (here) that think I am just pretending to be the guy who was as the “real Aynirar” from the gear page. I’ll never be able to post anything without contention.
There are still people (here) that think I am just pretending to be the guy who was as the “real Aynirar” from the gear page. I’ll never be able to post anything without contention.
No one thinks that. That's not why your posts are contentious. If we're being honest they are contentious because you are pretty liberal. There's nothing wrong with that except when you pretend like you're not. Or when you pretend like you aren't imbibed with the same confirmation bias everyone else is. That is to say, a lot of people here, myself included and you included tend to believe things that align with our ideologies. If you post something that you claim is "Scientific method" or claim to be "Settled science" or objective and it aligns with your liberal leaning it's gonna be contentious. Particularly with shit like man made climate change, which is very far from "Settled science" and when you take the typical leftist position and claim it is unbiased you're gonna get called out on it.

I like you Dan. As far as internet acquaintances go I consider you a friend. Nevertheless I'm not gonna let you make the same arguments most liberals make, claiming your position is unbiased and settled fact without giving you my opinion. I think MOST people here are civil which really is about all you can ask of someone. One of my best friends is a militant pro union anti-capitalist douchebag. I've known him since we were young kids. Gave him his first bass lessons. I mix for his fairly popular band sometimes. We shoot together, go to dinner with our wives and kids and shit. He's still a fucking retard and I tell him he's a retard. But we are civil about it.
No one thinks that. That's not why your posts are contentious. If we're being honest they are contentious because you are pretty liberal. There's nothing wrong with that except when you pretend like you're not. Or when you pretend like you aren't imbibed with the same confirmation bias everyone else is. That is to say, a lot of people here, myself included and you included tend to believe things that align with our ideologies. If you post something that you claim is "Scientific method" or claim to be "Settled science" or objective and it aligns with your liberal leaning it's gonna be contentious. Particularly with shit like man made climate change, which is very far from "Settled science" and when you take the typical leftist position and claim it is unbiased you're gonna get called out on it.

I like you Dan. As far as internet acquaintances go I consider you a friend. Nevertheless I'm not gonna let you make the same arguments most liberals make, claiming your position is unbiased and settled fact without giving you my opinion. I think MOST people here are civil which really is about all you can ask of someone. One of my best friends is a militant pro union anti-capitalist douchebag. I've known him since we were young kids. Gave him his first bass lessons. I mix for his fairly popular band sometimes. We shoot together, go to dinner with our wives and kids and shit. He's still a fucking retard and I tell him he's a retard. But we are civil about it.

You really don’t have a grasp on this “confirmation bias” thing dude. I mean you saying “your posts are contentious because they sound liberal” is easily the most basic example of being bias. I am incredibly impartial with my posts. Nothing I’ve said about climate change is even remotely disputable. Your bias makes you respond in a way that over sensationalizes it to the point where we are barely even having the same conversation. There are very few people here that I’ve seen that can take anything at face value. All I have said about climate change is that humans contribute to it and that’s important because it means we can change it. Of all the factors contributing to climate change, our impact is the only one we have control over. That is an absolute fact. Get over it. No amount of incorrect predictions or Taylor swift memes someone posts is going to change the data we have.

If you can’t accept the scientific method to create facts then you either don’t understand the scientific method, or you have mutated the term “fact” into meaning “just something that I believe” which again, is you showing your bias.

It’s unreal bro. I don’t mind the contention because I find this place to be fascinating.
You really don’t have a grasp on this “confirmation bias” thing dude. I mean you saying “your posts are contentious because they sound liberal” is easily the most basic example of being bias. I am incredibly impartial with my posts. Nothing I’ve said about climate change is even remotely disputable. Your bias makes you respond in a way that over sensationalizes it to the point where we are barely even having the same conversation. There are very few people here that I’ve seen that can take anything at face value. All I have said about climate change is that humans contribute to it and that’s important because it means we can change it. Of all the factors contributing to climate change, our impact is the only one we have control over. That is an absolute fact. Get over it. No amount of incorrect predictions or Taylor swift memes someone posts is going to change the data we have.

If you can’t accept the scientific method to create facts then you either don’t understand the scientific method, or you have mutated the term “fact” into meaning “just something that I believe” which again, is you showing your bias.

It’s unreal bro. I don’t mind the contention because I find this place to be fascinating.

Well one of us hasn't got a grasp on confirmation bias obviously.

As far as Climate change there really isn't a way to definitively prove that anything man has done is responsible for temperature differences, all of which are less in severity than cyclical temperature changes in the past long before the industrial revolution. Assuming that it is likely having an effect, which I think is probable, the severity is highly questionable and certainly not settled science. Get over it. And the plans the left comes up with to combat it, besides amounting to taking a piss in the Atlantic ocean and thinking you've contributed to the water level, are designed primarily to destroy the fossil fuel industry and for "Wealth redistribution".

At any rate, almost every single thing you've said in this post is exactly the same shit I have heard from liberals for years. So to my main point, don't fucking pretend to be unbiased or centrist. You're liberal. Maybe not as far left as AOC, but you are liberal. You have absolutely zero credibility to ride anyone here for believing things without, what did you say, "remotely credible sources", when you are guilty of the same thing.
Well one of us hasn't got a grasp on confirmation bias obviously.

As far as Climate change there really isn't a way to definitively prove that anything man has done is responsible for temperature differences, all of which are less in severity than cyclical temperature changes in the past long before the industrial revolution. Assuming that it is likely having an effect, which I think is probable, the severity is highly questionable and certainly not settled science. Get over it. And the plans the left comes up with to combat it, besides amounting to taking a piss in the Atlantic ocean and thinking you've contributed to the water level, are designed primarily to destroy the fossil fuel industry and for "Wealth redistribution".

At any rate, almost every single thing you've said in this post is exactly the same shit I have heard from liberals for years. So to my main point, don't fucking pretend to be unbiased or centrist. You're liberal. Maybe not as far left as AOC, but you are liberal. You have absolutely zero credibility to ride anyone here for believing things without, what did you say, "remotely credible sources", when you are guilty of the same thing.

Jesus Christ dude
Jesus Christ dude
Your position and my position, both confirmation bias dumbass.

Just because you say something has been debunked or is settled fact sure as fuck doesn't mean it is. Even if the majority of people believe it ( which they don't). That's another liberal trait of yours. It's like saying Jan 6 was an armed insurrection, which the bitch at The Guardian does almost daily. In other words, making shit up and claiming it on the internet doesn't make it a fact.
Your position and my position, both confirmation bias dumbass.

Just because you say something has been debunked or is settled fact sure as fuck doesn't mean it is. Even if the majority of people believe it ( which they don't). That's another liberal trait of yours. It's like saying Jan 6 was an armed insurrection, which the bitch at The Guardian does almost daily. In other words, making shit up and claiming it on the internet doesn't make it a fact.
It’s not liberal to accept hundreds of years of scientific data. Data and methods proven time and time again to be correct by people of all races and ideologies all over the world. It’s not political lol.
I’m talking about the data. Not some news article from the 70s where a guy guessed we were going in an ice age. Not someone telling you to use paper straws. Actual effing data. Data that shows the earth getting increasingly warmer as soon as we started introducing greenhouse gases.
Actual data that shows the greenhouse gases make an atmosphere warmer. That data is irrefutable.
It doesn’t matter how many natural cycles we are going through. It is a simple fact that things that we do make the planet warmer than if we were not doing them.
And if we stopped doing them, the earth would not be as warm as if we were still doing them. It’s simple bro.
I have never even said that I think we should be doing anything to combat climate change. That is not my stance on it. My stance is that it’s a real thing that’s actually happening.

If you can’t accept that as fact, then the work fact has no meaning.
It’s not liberal to accept hundreds of years of scientific data. Data and methods proven time and time again to be correct by people of all races and ideologies all over the world. It’s not political lol.
I’m talking about the data. Not some news article from the 70s where a guy guessed we were going in an ice age. Not someone telling you to use paper straws. Actual effing data. Data that shows the earth getting increasingly warmer as soon as we started introducing greenhouse gases.
Actual data that shows the greenhouse gases make an atmosphere warmer. That data is irrefutable.
It doesn’t matter how many natural cycles we are going through. It is a simple fact that things that we do make the planet warmer than if we were not doing them.
And if we stopped doing them, the earth would not be as warm as if we were still doing them. It’s simple bro.
I have never even said that I think we should be doing anything to combat climate change. That is not my stance on it. My stance is that it’s a real thing that’s actually happening.

If you can’t accept that as fact, then the work fact has no meaning.
I literally just said it was probable. It's also probable that other naturally occurring things attribute to it. Dumb animals, geological phenomenon, etc.. The importance of it is what we are being lied to about.
Polar bears going extinct, having ocean front property in Illinois, all that bullshit. Greta Thunberg is now worth more money than any of us will ever see in our lifetimes. It's all bullshit. Every fucking tornado or flood gets blamed on climate change and it's bullshit.
Instead of focusing on forcing everyone back into the dark ages in the name of staving off temperature changes, maybe we could do something about the floating garbage islands in the middle of the oceans. Or sea lions being killed in fishing nets. or all our rivers being essentially open air sewer channels. Or every fucking tree on the continent being ripped out so we can put in another condo community.

I think the answer to all those problems is to quit putting it on society to take care of people who can't or won't take care of themselves and their progeny. There's too many fucking people.
I literally just said it was probable. It's also probable that other naturally occurring things attribute to it. Dumb animals, geological phenomenon, etc.. The importance of it is what we are being lied to about.

That is your bias though, and because you think “the narrative” is a lie doesn’t dispute the factual information that I talk about.
Nothing I’ve said about climate change is even remotely disputable.
Everything is disputable. If Christ's feet walking on God's green earth is disputable for some people, then everything can be disputed. I mean, you just used his name as a pejorative.