Bogner XTC vs Axe FX Ultra clips!

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Like night and day... Bogner all the way... Nice playin' fo sho

Digital Jams":2dyfl292 said:
I believe the re-amping could have been done better and saying that with respect and not a knock.

I don't understand this comment. Please explain... what are you hearing?

Here is what I posted in the TGP thread....just in case anyone here would like the opinion of someone who actually owns an Axe :D

That was some awesome playing!

As a very happy Axe Fx owner, I have to say I liked the first clip better, but I am not sure if it is because of flat out better tone from the XTC or inexperience reamping with tha Axe(no offense ment...heck, I don't even know how to do it!).

Thank you both for sharing!
sah5150":3nrrbacp said:
Like night and day... Bogner all the way... Nice playin' fo sho

Steve contest - Bogner hands down in all respects, and if for some reason we are getting jacked around and the first clip was actually the AXE-FX, well I still like the first clip better.

Steve E
sah5150":1yfrbevc said:
Digital Jams":1yfrbevc said:
I believe the re-amping could have been done better and saying that with respect and not a knock.

I don't understand this comment. Please explain... what are you hearing?


I know very little about re-amping but I do know that his attempt did not stand up very well to the real thing, every part that a real tube amp excels at was not covered well by the axe-fx.

Maybe someone else running the signal through the axe-fx would have better results is what I meant and also I was trying to be nice :)
Well Peterson now has the entire internet re-amping Angus's clip and the same problems are there, what is this guy trying to prove anyways? He seems VERY passionate about the FX for some reason :confused:
Love the swampy groove in your playing Angus - you got your own thing with that.

Both clips had great useable tone. The Axe FX was tighter, dynamicaly flatter and less complex sounding as expected but still great. I'd hazard to guess they might compliment each other in a mix.

Mike T
ratter":133zf7g7 said:
I didn't bother listening to the axe-fx clip to be honest, but the Bogner clip was bad ASS. :rock:

I thought that bogner clip... was an axefx clip :confused:
Is it OK to not like either of the clips? I mean the playing was cool..but couldn't really get into either tone :-/
I liked the first clip way better. If this is a trick and that's an Axe FX, I want one. I don't think it is though. I hear the same "problem" with the 2nd clip as I hear with my $300 Pod XT. On the gainier stuff there is too much fizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I'm surprised no one else has mentioned it. Heck, there is even more fizz than my Pod has. :confused:

I did hear a certain forum member busting out some Yngwie era Alcatrazz on his Axe FX over the phone the other day and it sounded pretty cool so my mind is open. I SO want to dig this unit and be done with loud 100 watt tube amps shaking my house down to the foundation when I record.
Chubtone":1qjd75om said:
I liked the first clip way better. If this is a trick and that's an Axe FX, I want one. I don't think it is though. I hear the same "problem" with the 2nd clip as I hear with my $300 Pod XT. On the gainier stuff there is too much fizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I'm surprised no one else has mentioned it. Heck, there is even more fizz than my Pod has. :confused:

I did hear a certain forum member busting out some Yngwie era Alcatrazz on his Axe FX over the phone the other day and it sounded pretty cool so my mind is open. I SO want to dig this unit and be done with loud 100 watt tube amps shaking my house down to the foundation when I record.

The only reason I say it is.. is because right below the link it says amps sims and effects from axe fx :confused:
Damn, Angus! You`re a hell of a player. I get a little Richie Kotzen-feel from this one :)
I like modellers a lot, but it this case I`ll have to say that the Bog sounds better... Well, the first clip sounds better, and if you`re yanking our chain, I guess I like modellers better than Bogners :lol: :LOL:
Thanks for all the kind comments guys :)

Eric deserves most of the credit though, it was his idea and he spent ages reamping it, it took me about 10 minutes (most of that looking for cables lol!)

I think the Axe-FX has a load of potential, but I do agree there are less dynamics for whatever reason - when I loaded both clips into Pro Tools it was actually quite visible. The Bogner seemed to have deeper more explosive transients on inspection of the waveform.

I've been on the list for almost a year now and still looking forward to giving it a whirl :yes: :rock:
Gainfreak":1v7gyj6m said:

I love anything that you play so that's a given! You are one of my faves for sure. That said, The bogner sounds better hands down but that doesn't mean that the axefx sucks! The bogner has more of a 3-d sound and the zxe-fx just has that plastic tone that I hear with a lot of modelors. That said, I wonder how the AXE-FX would sound if it was miked up though an H-30 cab?

YOU ROCK and really great groove bruthah!! :rock: :rock: :rock:


Hey Ralphie! :rock:

Thanks man! I'm sure the Axe-FX is great. You know, I'd be kind of exasperated if a $1700 rack unit sounded as good or better than a $5500 rig! :lol: :LOL:

I think someone reamped the guitar through a Modena on TGP and posted the result - don't think it was a G12H30 cab though.
The Bogner clip sounds much better IMO. The Axe-Fx clip has that plastic modeler sound like Ralph mentioned. I honestly didn't like either tone though.
ke2":10fw3w9t said:
Damn, Angus! You`re a hell of a player. I get a little Richie Kotzen-feel from this one :)
I like modellers a lot, but it this case I`ll have to say that the Bog sounds better... Well, the first clip sounds better, and if you`re yanking our chain, I guess I like modellers better than Bogners :lol: :LOL:

Knut! You're too kind mate! :D

Kotzen is very cool indeed, wish I could play as well as him :(

Definitely not yankin' anyones chain!! :lol: :LOL:
The mic'd bogner clip is well, clipping all over the place, so in that regards, its an unusable clip for anything serious. the tone is nice, but the recording technique is flawed. its really hard to beat a mic and some moving air from a good amp, it has a presence that can only be atained by using mics and such, but the Axe clip does sound pretty dang good for a modeler eh, plus no clipping. A little too brite on the axe eq, pull that back and it would smooth out. The overall eq's are a bit different, the mic'd clip sounding like a little more scooped.
Yeah, the Bogner is much more interesting and three dimensional. It just has more...stuff in dar! :lol: :LOL:

I'm surprised at how much hiss is in the Axe FX. :cry: :lol: :LOL:

Very cool playing. :rock:
The Axe has VERY little noise, so yeah, I am surprised in that as well, something a bit off in the chain perhaps, cause I can attest its probally the most quiet distortion I have used. Plus you can turn on the noise gate to eliminate any static noise