Breaking news from Germany : Pandemic is a Politic scam

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Racism... nope, nothing I have ever posted has been racist. Only you and your ilk do that. Ahhh, when all else fails, just arbitrarily throw out the race card. I’m surprised you just didn’t report it like you did with other posts. However, I’ve seen multiple posts of yours that are blatenly homophobic and disturbing and never reported them. You lose, again.
Like when he called France the "faggiest" country on the planet? He's just another typical "tolerant" lib hypocrite.
I don't think some people understand what the problem is, so let's tell it like it is...

No country has a medical system with even a fraction of enough beds to deal with all the cases that are coming in.

Meaning if you have a heart attack or need cancer treatment or need a broken arm set, then you will be in a traffic jam a thousand times longer than it normally is.

That is what it's about. The infrastructure to deal with COVID 19 was never there. The economic collapse saw medical care being scaled back.

We are lucky it's SARS2 and not Ebola going airborne.

There are 100 million diabetic or prediabetic people in the us alone. Treatment from 44-80 years old is $640,000. No economy can handle that.

Fact is there are players and officials in great games like healing arts, power politics, big business and theology that are sick and need to be quarantined from these games permanently. Essentially we have a world-wide HR problem.
Like when he called France the "faggiest" country on the planet? He's just another typical "tolerant" lib hypocrite.
A post from the real person that complained to the mods. It wasn't me.
Racism... nope, nothing I have ever posted has been racist. Only you and your ilk do that. Ahhh, when all else fails, just arbitrarily throw out the race card. I’m surprised you just didn’t report it like you did with other posts. However, I’ve seen multiple posts of yours that are blatenly homophobic and disturbing and never reported them. You lose, again.

On another note, 15 days in and already a scandal and removal of staff ?
What you said was most definitely xenophobic, prejudiced and racist. Sorry for your case of denial.
What you said was most definitely xenophobic, prejudiced and racist. Sorry for your case of denial.

Wow, I simply want people to be able to enter his country legally through the proper channels and vetting. Yet you are for lawlessness and illegally entering... and you say anyone that is for the rule of law is a xenophobic, prejudiced and racist. For someone who claims to be a card carrying member of Mensa, you really aren’t too intelligent.

I do give you props for sticking to your guns and at not denying you are homophobic. ?

Thanks for playing and no need to respond. ?
Nope. You said this:

"Except this time they have opened the flood gates for illegals to enter and continue to spread disease. Population control 101"

Thanks for Racist 101 taught by Psychodave.
The illegal thing pisses me off because of work, white collar is not effected by this so much/ really not at all. When I have to bid a job against a bunch of hispanics where the ring leader speaks english and the rest dont but they are all illegal. I dont stand a chance to get the job.
Illegal immigration hurts low wage income earners. It drives wages for hard working Americans in lower income brackets way down. It’s amazing to me that many liberals don’t get this. Illegal immigration hurts the very communities they claim they are “fighting” for.
Nope. You said this:

"Except this time they have opened the flood gates for illegals to enter and continue to spread disease. Population control 101"

Thanks for Racist 101 taught by Psychodave.
You really aren’t good at this whole internet thing.?.

Seriously, you seem like you have some intelligence...
We are in a full blown pandemic and trying to get citizens vaccinated. If you let illegal people enter the country unvetted, including for diseases, you undermine and put all citizens at risk...including yourself. That’s why we need to have borders: to prevent unvaccinated and sickly people from spreading disease. It seems the current powers that be don’t care about spreading disease in the hopes that people die for population controls ?!? ?. As it stands now, we are close to 90,000 deaths due to the Covid virus under president Biden. Where is his plan he said he would immediately implement?

Nothing of what I said has anything to do with racism, xenophobia or anything else you dream up. You know it and everyone else who reads this knows it. It’s a bullshit response when you have nothing intelligent to respond back with. It’s your ilks M.O. I’m waiting for you to use the other bullshit response of “whataboutism”... ?
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Racism... nope, nothing I have ever posted has been racist. Only you and your ilk do that. Ahhh, when all else fails, just arbitrarily throw out the race card. I’m surprised you just didn’t report it like you did with other posts. However, I’ve seen multiple posts of yours that are blatenly homophobic and disturbing and never reported them. You lose, again.

On another note, 15 days in and already a scandal and removal of staff ?

Lie Manchu is a total piece of shit.
Illegal immigration hurts low wage income earners. It drives wages for hard working Americans in lower income brackets way down. It’s amazing to me that many liberals don’t get this. Illegal immigration hurts the very communities they claim they are “fighting” for.

They don't really care about any of the "causes" they argue for.

They're much more interested in looking good (hence "virtue signalling" and the like).

It's all about appearances and lording it over others to boost their flaccid self-esteem.

They loathe themselves deep down; this is the source.
What you said was most definitely xenophobic, prejudiced and racist. Sorry for your case of denial.

Hey, let's all play the liberal "slap the phobic suffix on the end" word game today.

Here's one:

You're intelligenceophobic.
Exactly how I feel about you.

I back up, when possible, everything I state.

One example (which I brought up again recently) is the fact that hospitals were paid ~$5K per patient if they could show ~162 COVID patients as part of the COVID programs. I linked to the exact, official document which stated so. Which of course proved my point that the data is skewed and that hospitals would do anything for more $$$$$$$$$.

I've done this countless times including election lawsuits, etc... direct links to actual lawsuits, etc... SCOTUS hearings, etc... on the now-gone subforum.

As for you, most of the time you just make a statement and hope no one questions you. That's when you'll find me asking you your source; to make sure it wasn't pulled out of your arse.

And you've been caught several times lying out of your arse.

Your latest is accusing psychodave of:

Lie Manchu said:
What you said was most definitely xenophobic, prejudiced and racist. Sorry for your case of denial. regards to his statements about keeping illegals out; especially considering COVID and all the lockdowns.

Xenophobic, prejudiced and racist? Bullshit. Pure, unadulterated bullshit.

I stuck the "intellectually dishonest" label on you a long time ago... and it's still there. You're a piece of shit; period.
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