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I prefer the term demoncraps, tbh. Mildly libtarded as I may be on things like pot, music, tattoos, gothwear, seasonal hair color changes, and fuck who you want but quit shoving it down societies throat; I would never vote for any moron willing to be party to a party that doesn't have US interests in mind first and foremost, every time. Every single time.

You don't shape policy to cater to foreigners, you don't shape policy catering to lunatics with identity crises, you don't shape policy to cater to equity. They're all idiots, con artists, grifters, and mostly traitors. Fantasies about "rights" being taken that actually give MORE rights to society as a whole when relegated to states is about the last fucking straw, imo. These people (as in all of them, politicians and voters) are detrimental to our future. You'll notice most don't have children, but want control to shape our future for some reason. It's about power, nothing else. Scum.
analraw show me the link to the tgp clique secret forum
Well I 100% never said you fantasized about killing people. I just called all the scenerios in your head that you made up to justify the need to have a gun as fantasies, because that’s what they were.

YOU are the one that keeps using faggy terms like “attack your family” when I never used such a word. I just told you (twice) not to bring my family into things.

YOU are the one talking about punching people in the mouth though.
I will be honest, it baffles me sometimes how you so flagrantly use the term faggy, faggots and other derogatory slurs, but are so quick to run under the cover of being offended when another uses similar language.
I will be honest, it baffles me sometimes how you use the term faggy, faggots and other derogatory slurs, but are so quick to run under the cover of being offended when another uses similar language.

I don’t think I give people crap for using slurs very often. I’ve said stuff when people call them mentally ill and demonic, or call them groomers and pedophiles any number of actually negative things.
But slurs? I’m generally ok with them. Gays aren’t a protected species. I’m sure they can handle me calling a straight person that

But I’ll add if anyone ever tells me it bothers them and asks me to stop, I will happily oblige. Just like when VB asked to stop with the JFC stuff.
I don’t think I give people crap for using slurs very often. I’ve said stuff when people call them mentally ill and demonic, or call them groomers and pedophiles any number of actually negative things.
But slurs? I’m generally ok with them. Gays aren’t a protected species. I’m sure they can handle me calling a straight person that

But I’ll add if anyone ever tells me it bothers them and asks me to stop, I will happily oblige. Just like when VB asked to stop with the JFC stuff.
Alright so Faggots is okay, Demonic is bad. I am just putting this together.
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Alright so Faggots is okay, Demonic is bad. I am just putting this together.

Personally I see a difference.
Especially since I’m not aware of ever calling an actual gay person any sort of slur.
Well I 100% never said you fantasized about killing people. I just called all the scenerios in your head that you made up to justify the need to have a gun as fantasies, because that’s what they were.

YOU are the one that keeps using faggy terms like “attack your family” when I never used such a word. I just told you (twice) not to bring my family into things.

YOU are the one talking about punching people in the mouth though.
You told me ? Ha ha. Fuck off Dan. You don't get to tell me shit fuckboy. Think I'll bring your family into every fucking post I make here now dickhead.
You told me ? Ha ha. Fuck off Dan. You don't get to tell me shit fuckboy. Think I'll bring your family into every fucking post I make here now dickhead.

If that’s what makes ya feel good dude
Mildly libtarded as I may be on things like pot, music, tattoos, gothwear, seasonal hair color changes, and fuck who you want but quit shoving it down societies throat
Do you view your own personal opinions through the lens of modern politics? It strikes me as strange and more than a little sad that you are okay with pot and music, but somehow hold it against yourself as "libtarded" instead of simply your opinion.

For the record, I agree with everything I quoted above except calling it libtarded.
Do you view your own personal opinions through the lens of modern politics? It strikes me as strange and more than a little sad that you are okay with pot and music, but somehow hold it against yourself as "libtarded" instead of simply your opinion.

For the record, I agree with everything I quoted above except calling it libtarded.

This thread is about politics. Hence...
well I mean you did bring them up twice, that’s why I asked you, or told you or whatever, not to.
I didn't Dan. I brought up a hypothetical, imaginary family. How the fuck could I bring your family up when I don't know them or anything about them ? I knew you were married and had a baby. From 10 years ago on the gay page. So no, I didn't bring up your family. It's just that you are discounting the fact that you are an idiot. :)
I didn't Dan. I brought up a hypothetical, imaginary family. How the fuck could I bring your family up when I don't know them or anything about them ? I knew you were married and had a baby. From 10 years ago on the gay page. So no, I didn't bring up your family. It's just that you are discounting the fact that you are an idiot. :)

So if you didn’t actually mean my family, why are you so fucking butthurt about it? Why do you care that I asked you not to?

I mean you said that since I’ve talked about them here that they are fair game, but that was hypothetical too right?
Just stop being a spaz all the time lol it was a simple request from me that you went all Karen on and made it in to a big deal
I will be honest, it baffles me sometimes how you so flagrantly use the term faggy, faggots and other derogatory slurs, but are so quick to run under the cover of being offended when another uses similar language.

the answer is really simple:

So if you didn’t actually mean my family, why are you so fucking butthurt about it? Why do you care that I asked you not to?

I mean you said that since I’ve talked about them here that they are fair game, but that was hypothetical too right?
Just stop being a spaz all the time lol it was a simple request from me that you went all Karen on and made it in to a big deal
Wait, so was it a request or were you "Telling" me? Make your fucking mind up homo.

And I'm not the one who keeps bringing it up Danielle. You are. I hadn't thought about it since it happened. Clearly it was on your mind since you brought it up a couple hours ago.
Do you view your own personal opinions through the lens of modern politics? It strikes me as strange and more than a little sad that you are okay with pot and music, but somehow hold it against yourself as "libtarded" instead of simply your opinion.

For the record, I agree with everything I quoted above except calling it libtarded.
spoken like a libtard. :poke:
Wait, so was it a request or were you "Telling" me? Make your fucking mind up homo.

And I'm not the one who keeps bringing it up Danielle. You are. I hadn't thought about it since it happened. Clearly it was on your mind since you brought it up a couple hours ago.

I was telling you. You said that was inaccurate so I changed it I’m trying to work with you bro but you are making it hard.

And you are just one of many people here that are ok with stooping to that level. It wasn’t singling you out when I said that people talk about my family here.
spoken like a libtard. :poke:

You don’t see the contradiction? Someone can say they have a bunch of shared interests with “libtards” that are in no way political, yet that same person will also still consider those non political things as “liberal”