Only if you believe that public/government interference/financing should be involved to combat the outcomes of live and let live. Otherwise it's more libertarian than anything, imo. To me I'm okay with awareness funding, not okay with repercussion funding.
Don't go ruining what little I have here by lopping Dan in with me, please.
The "pussy" or "act like a girl" comments is fine by me and should continue, though.
I grew up surrounded by guys, so none of that bothers me and on some level I encourage it towards men who act like little whiny children.
Yeah, totes.
I was gone on vacation for a week and you went full ALT syndrome thinking someone else was me. Guess in your world that equates to 5 seconds. The difference between me and some others calling people alts and you calling people alts is that one of us has had access to the server you're using. Pretty sure it wasn't you