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That’s because you think science is leftist and proven scientific theories and processes are political. Your idea is facts are blurred
Here’s an example. The last few days I went down a rabbit hole looking at glacial melt effects on land mass. Did you know the St Francois mountains ( which I roam freely in very often) are the oldest mountains in the United States ?

That somehow led me to this. Which is very interesting.
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In conversation I generally refer to them all as leftists.

I think it would be great if they’d all get the fuck out of my very red state and move to Kaliforniastan.
Ca. can use them properly; crops need harvesting and you can teach a chimp to pick tomatoes.
Since you went there, let’s break down where and who are murdering people with guns. By race and location.

Sarcastic? Check. I'm not bombastic in the least, and mealy-mouthed is a good insult. Not sure what it means, but I like the sound of it. As for calling someone's mom a c***, never gonna be my style. But if you don't like folks around here who aren't in lockstep with your apparent point of view on all things politics, I may mosey on. There's plenty to critique on all sides of American politics.
He’s only saying that because we’ve watched it happen a thousand times in here..
And it’s mostly guys from TGP aside from a half dozen resident sheep we had here for years..
Even they started out the same way. The dead giveaway is they always comment about those dam right leaning people….
Just like Anusrar (Justin Bailey)
Just sayin
Aside from the absurdity of you comparing a single organization to literally every other company on the planet that “reads to people”, you willfully ignore that drag story hour is hired to do events. They go where people ask them to go. They do offer several “not children” options as well. If anyone takes them up on it or not, I have no idea, I reckon you just don’t hear about them because less people get butthurt by them.
You just can’t see it can you?
The difference is nobody gives a shit what legal adults do, but brainwashing children into sexual perversion is different to normal people with fully functioning brains..
You just can’t see it can you?
The difference is nobody gives a shit what legal adults do, but brainwashing children into sexual perversion is different to normal people with fully functioning brains..

That was not something someone with a normally functioning brain would say. That is something a brain riddled with fear and prejudice would say.
He’s only saying that because we’ve watched it happen a thousand times in here..
And it’s mostly guys from TGP aside from a half dozen resident sheep we had here for years..
Even they started out the same way. The dead giveaway is they always comment about those dam right leaning people….
Just like Anusrar (Justin Bailey)
Just sayin
Here's what's really happening: There are a handful of toxic Trumpublicans in here who attack anyone on a hair trigger who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid, and these people are incapable of having a civil discussion about anything without resorting to disrespect and insults. Which, of course, eventually drags the new people down to their level of pointless vitriol. Your own comment includes a petty insult for no reason. This General OTC section is nothing but a festering, stinking political-groupthink sinkhole, and some people here desperately need to have their heads examined.

If someone doesn't agree with you 100% politically, it doesn't make them evil or a demon. It just makes them someone who doesn't agree with you.
Here's what's really happening: There are a handful of toxic Trumpublicans in here who attack anyone on a hair trigger who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid, and these people are incapable of having a civil discussion about anything without resorting to disrespect and insults. Which, of course, eventually drags the new people down to their level of pointless vitriol. Your own comment includes a petty insult for no reason. This General OTC section is nothing but a festering, stinking political-groupthink sinkhole, and some people here desperately need to have their heads examined.

If someone doesn't agree with you 100% politically, it doesn't make them evil or a demon. It just makes them someone who doesn't agree with you.

Well said.
I never knew I was a lefty until I came here lol.
Here's what's really happening: There are a handful of toxic Trumpublicans in here who attack anyone on a hair trigger who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid, and these people are incapable of having a civil discussion about anything without resorting to disrespect and insults. Which, of course, eventually drags the new people down to their level of pointless vitriol. Your own comment includes a petty insult for no reason. This General OTC section is nothing but a festering, stinking political-groupthink sinkhole, and some people here desperately need to have their heads examined.

If someone doesn't agree with you 100% politically, it doesn't make them evil or a demon. It just makes them someone who doesn't agree with you.

your flattery is appreciated

Here's what's really happening: There are a handful of toxic Trumpublicans in here who attack anyone on a hair trigger who isn't drinking the Kool-Aid, and these people are incapable of having a civil discussion about anything without resorting to disrespect and insults. Which, of course, eventually drags the new people down to their level of pointless vitriol. Your own comment includes a petty insult for no reason. This General OTC section is nothing but a festering, stinking political-groupthink sinkhole, and some people here desperately need to have their heads examined.

If someone doesn't agree with you 100% politically, it doesn't make them evil or a demon. It just makes them someone who doesn't agree with you.
Victim-hood and manipulation are key components of a libs arsenal.

The vitiol comes from watching assholes like you destroy this country with your Marxist bullshit.

You can link it to DT all you want but we all know that's just a bullshit tactic.

If the dems put a head of cabbage in front of a teleprompter and played a recording, you would vote for it.

So, get used to the "vitriol" because assholes like you deserve it.
Victim-hood and manipulation are key components of a libs arsenal.

The vitiol comes from watching assholes like you destroy this country with your Marxist bullshit.

You can link it to DT all you want but we all know that's just a bullshit tactic.

If the dems put a head of cabbage in front of a teleprompter and played a recording, you would vote for it.

So, get used to the "vitriol" because assholes like you deserve it.
Yeah...again, I'm not a lib or a lefty. I don't like Trump. That doesn't make me an asshole. In fact, being an asshole is a prerequisite FOR liking him. So look to the plank in thine own eye, little lady.

Also, for the last time, put your skirt back on.