Bud Light?

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That’s what I’m saying though, it is not politics. If your reasoning for the dismissal of someone’s lifestyle is because of a political party, you are doing it wrong.
It’s a human issue, between humans. Think for yourself as a person and think of the other people as persons too

You think you are putting down a political party but you are putting down actual people, and that’s why you look like assholes
I can multitask and do both buddy. The world has coddled stupid people for way too long and that's why it's in the shitty place it is. Sometimes, stupid people need to be told they are stupid. There is some value behind tough love. If you really think your paving a better world for your daughter by giving a pass to all in the name of "inclusion", you're too far gone to realize the mistakes you're making.
And I'm totally fine being called an asshole. Some of the greatest people in history were thought of as such.
I know it's hard to discern, being the interwebz and all, but don't confuse being an asshole with someone with integrity standing up for what they believe.
Enjoy your weekend, Woolite.
I don't know Aynirar 27 but I feel truly terrible for his children, I really do . He thinks the uproar is just about ignorant people that have a problem with other peoples lifestyle and it's not even remotely close to what this is all about .

Only explanation I can think of is he is still relying on main stream media sources for his information because the way he thinks is the way the mainstream wants everybody to think .
I don't know Aynirar 27 but I feel truly terrible for his children, I really do . He thinks the uproar is just about ignorant people that have a problem with other peoples lifestyle and it's not even remotely close to what this is all about .

Only explanation I can think of is he is still relying on main stream media sources for his information because the way he thinks is the way the mainstream wants everybody to think .
@ccn He IS a product of his upbringing and teachings of these times. The infiltration within the media and education systems has been going for decades now.

Were the old days the GOOD old days? No, not always by a long shot BUT people were more open, caring, honest and community minded for the well being of others and not just themselves. And THIS is where the difference is we're seeing everywhere. The aggressive sense of only one's self is the problem and will be the downfall of everything soon enough.

Things NEED to change as we're at our lowest point in history today.
I can multitask and do both buddy. The world has coddled stupid people for way too long and that's why it's in the shitty place it is. Sometimes, stupid people need to be told they are stupid. There is some value behind tough love. If you really think your paving a better world for your daughter by giving a pass to all in the name of "inclusion", you're too far gone to realize the mistakes you're making.
And I'm totally fine being called an asshole. Some of the greatest people in history were thought of as such.
I know it's hard to discern, being the interwebz and all, but don't confuse being an asshole with someone with integrity standing up for what they believe.
Enjoy your weekend, Woolite.
Then just be honest with what you are standing up for and get on with it. You don’t like rainbows but you say you aren’t anti gay, just the trans people. It’s a mental disease and people are spreading it to our children. Plant the goal posts man.

Own up to your shit and let your freak flag fly. Take a note from the gays. They fought for what they wanted and it sure seems to be working for them.
Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth released a weak statement on Friday.

“We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” CEO Brendan Whitworth said.

“We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer,” he said.


Were the old days the GOOD old days? No, not always by a long shot BUT people were more open, caring, honest and community minded for the well being of others and not just themselves. And THIS is where the difference is we're seeing everywhere. The aggressive sense of only one's self is the problem and will be the downfall of everything soon enough.
Let’s go back to where everyone cared for everyone except for gays, minorities, immigrants and anyone else that didn’t fit in your Norman Rockwell American Dream bullshit painting.
That's an example of mainstream media brain scrubbing at it's very best . My God man , so sad.
This seems to be your thing so keep pounding it out man, But I’m pretty sure the last time watched any of the mainstream outlets was 2003. They televised some bombing in Iraq. I was with my college roommate who had just signed up for ROTC. He was getting hard over the shit and I thought “this seems unnecessary to be showing”
And that was about it. I dig local news even though it doesn’t much exist in my area
Let’s go back to where everyone cared for everyone except for gays, minorities, immigrants and anyone else that didn’t fit in your Norman Rockwell bullshit painting.
@TagThis If you had HALF a brain you would realise that the old days were built on Christian values and the country worked cohesively and it grew and grew and became the juggernaut it 'was'.

With the introduction of your ways the place is collapsing and FIGHTING itself................and rapidly.

The laws of nature are under attack and you support this.............you're a fucking imbecile. :jerkit:

Multiculturalism DOES NOT work...............as seen every day and everywhere. Are you that fucking blind. :poke:

Minorities? Isn't that what democracy is and built on and voted for. The majority win and they rule..............dickhead.

Next time come back with a brain you blind, deaf and dumb moron. 🙏

Want support for yourself?.................check with @PLX as he says I'm always wrong..............and fucking stupid.
@TagThis If you had HALF a brain you would realise that the old days were built on Christian values and the country worked cohesively and it grew and grew and became the juggernaut it 'was'.

With the introduction of your ways the place is collapsing and FIGHTING itself................and rapidly.

The laws of nature are under attack and you support this.............you're a fucking imbecile. :jerkit:

Multiculturalism DOES NOT work...............as seen every day and everywhere. Are you that fucking blind. :poke:

Minorities? Isn't that what democracy is and built on and voted for. The majority win and they rule..............dickhead.

Next time come back with a brain you blind, deaf and dumb moron. 🙏
I’ve noticed how Jesus like you are here.

Oh before I forget,
Fuck your fraudulent Christian values bs.
I’ve noticed how Jesus like you are here.

Oh before I forget,
Fuck your fraudulent Christian values bs.
@TagThis Christian values may be fraudulent, at times, but what have you got that's any better?

Are you married? If so, it's null and void because Christianity is fraudulent.

Would you give your kid gay porn or the bible to read?

Fucking idiot clown head.

Neither Republic, nor Democracy Today​

Article IV, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;

Yet, for decades now, Americans have been Pavlov trained to think the USA is a democracy, not a Constitutional Republic, and because most Americans don’t read or don’t comprehend what they read anymore, they believe anything they are told by so-called “scholars” and “experts.”

Foundationally, a Republican form of government relies upon Constitutional protections to prevent any majority from ruling over any minority, so long as the contents of the Constitution are tightly enforced by the people. The U.S. Federal Government is established and governed by the U.S. Constitution. It is further specifically restricted by the Bill of Rights. A republican form of government is limited to only the duties and authorities granted it in the Constitution, treating every citizen as an equal via the General Welfare clause.

By contrast, a Democratic form of government is a system run entirely by voter referendum. Government representatives can propose policies, but those proposals must be adopted by voters via State or National ballot referendums. Our Founders referred to a democracy as “mob rule” wherein a simple majority (50.01%) of voters can dictate government policies to the minority (49.99%) by simply outvoting them in the ballot box.

In a “two-party” true democracy, (democrats and republicans), 50.01% of the vote can run roughshod over 49.99% of voters and set official policy. So-called “independent” voters can simply jump back and forth between the two, based on the ballot initiative at hand. The 50.01% voters are the new “ruling class.” As an example, this would also be true with the elimination of the Electoral College system.

In a multi-party or no party system, the single largest majority voting group will become the “ruling class.” As an example, if we had five national political parties, splitting the popular vote by five options on the ballot, (averaging 20% of voters each), it would be possible for 30% of voters or less, the single largest voting bloc, to set official policy. The only way to prevent that, would be to require at least 50% voter support for any referendum issue, which would bring us right back to a two-party system.

In reality, a true democracy creates a “socialist” system, wherein a simple majority voting bloc can set policy for 100% of the people, with only 50.01% of the vote, which is why the recognized Father of Socialism, Karl Marx, said this, “Democracy is the road to socialism.”

How would life in the USA be today if we were a true democracy?

Every official government policy would have to be adopted by the voters in a referendum on the ballot. 50.01% of the vote would decide the future of every government policy placed on a referendum for the people to decide. Let’s look at how that would work out for the hottest political social issue of 2022…

GUN CONTROL – Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?

Right out of the gate, this one proves why the USA was never to be a true democracy. On the heels of recent mass-shooting events, even many gun owners are being emotionally gaslighted into surrendering the most fundamental Right to Freedom, the Right to protect that freedom. Here, with 36M poll respondents, 43% said YES to more gun control laws and 39% said NO, among American respondents. In a true democracy, the 43% would set the policy for 100% of the people.

ABORTION – What is your stance on abortion?

With over 36M overall poll respondents, only 31% of American respondents voted Pro-Life, while 52% voted Pro-Abortion. The 52% would control the national policy.

LGBT RIGHTS – Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?

With only 1.3M American respondents, 73% said YES, and only 15% said NO. The low respondent participation indicates that this issue is of little or no interest to most Americans. Still, those who are interested, could set the national policy for everyone, in a true democracy.

GAY MARRIAGE – Do you support the legalization of same sex marriage?

34.2M American respondents answered 61% YES and 28% NO. The policy would be set by the 61%. The other 39% would be forced to go-along to get-along.

GOV HEALTH CARE SYSTEM – Do you support a single-payer healthcare system?

Despite the fact that our government is only good at creating disasters, 41% of American respondents said YES, while only 31% said NO. Again, this was a low respondent issue with only 1.2M overall respondents. The 41% would rule, 59% be damned.

All of these responses are the direct result of massive gaslighting of the American population by our own anti-American government. I’ll stop here more examples here, because if you don’t already get the point, more examples won’t help you.

This is exactly why our nation’s Founders took great care to avoid creating a “democracy” for all future generations. This is why they instead, guaranteed every state and citizen in the union, a “republican form of government” in Article IV, Section 4:, established and regulated by the Supreme Law of the Land, the US Constitution.

In any pure democracy, it is indeed mere “mob rule,” and this is why every true democracy in world history, failed within about 200-years of existence.

Our Constitutional Republic is currently 235-years old, having already outlasted every true democracy in world history. It has lasted this long only due to all of the protections for the people, codified in our Charters of Freedom, the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Everything in these three documents preserves and protects not only our freedom and liberty, but that of all future generations.

Our Republic is in grave danger today though, largely because most living American generations have been intensely indoctrinated to not know, or not care about the facts presented here. Most have long been trained to vote themselves gifts from the public treasury in every election, driving our nation into bankruptcy.

If not for our three founding documents, the USA would already be gone. However, very few Americans know it today, and even fewer are working to keeping them intact and enforced. If this doesn’t change quickly, the clock will soon run out on American freedom and liberty.

Last, everything in the Charters of Freedom is protected and preserved by only one specific amendment in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd Amendment. The most fundamental inalienable Right protected by a single clear sentence, is indeed “necessary to the security of a free state” and any free people.

At present, our country is not functioning as a Constitutional Republic or a “mob rule” Democracy. Right now, we are governed by unconstitutional criminal tyrants via unlawful orders, court opinions and legislation, all of which is repugnant to every foundation of freedom. This cannot end well at this point…unless THE PEOPLE wake up fast and take action.
@TagThis Christian values may be fraudulent, at times, but what have you got that's any better?

Are you married? If so, it's null and void because Christianity is fraudulent.

Would you give your kid gay porn or the bible to read?

Fucking idiot clown head.
Where to begin with this ridiculous blathering..

I didn’t say Christianity is fraudulent just the type you believe in that excludes people, and or doesn’t really believe in acting like Christians.

I know this is going to be very hard for you to accept, but, not every marriage is a Christian marriage.

Giving a kid any porn is immoral and illegal.

Fucking dipshit dummy.
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Where to begin with this ridiculous blathering..

I didn’t say Christianity is fraudulent just the type you believe in that excludes people, and or doesn’t really believe in acting like Christians.

I know this is going to be very hard for you to accept, but, not every marriage is a Christian marriage.

Giving a kid any porn is immoral and illegal.

Fucking dipshit dummy.

Playing the game😂