Build quality.....Old vs. New

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C-4":3623dbtm said:
Am I missing something here?
duesentrieb":2v4xc1om said:
Sehen wir uns auf der Messe, Piero?

Only if Dr.Duese is not so busy with recording like last year ;)

...or maybe it's time to record some german shred :lol: :LOL:

@ topic - wanna see some bad soldering? Here we go

duesentrieb":2v4xc1om said:
Früher war sowieso alles besser . . .

Oh yeah, remember when Diezel had their own tubes?

(okay, streched enough of Brads bandwith) :aww:


  • IMGP2084.JPG
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Diezel 12AX7 :thumbsup:
Die hab´ ich noch im Wohnzimmer in der Vitrine.
Wo hast Du die denn her, Du Schlawiner :D
Is nicht meine Peter, die steckte in dem blue-face VH4 drin.

Du solltest wieder Röhren selektieren und labeln lassen.

Der Kultfaktor ist enorm :rock:
Der Kultfaktor ist enorm

Actually, I may have actually understood a german translation to this!

is it: The Cool Factor is HUGE!

i pealed my 2007 Herbert apart and it was very well put together, no slop. It was a work of art!

that's my story.
RoidRage":36lyuwo9 said:
Mine's a 2008 and it is AMAZING!


Spelt 'roid wrong... no biggy.

I've had a few Diezels, maybe 3 were signed off by Lars - never a problem.

why are you taking your amp apart & checking out its guts if you arent a tech or have any know how of whats going on?? Would be like someone saying they are a doctor and removing your liver..when they arent. If it works great & sounds great..leave it be!! if anything fails, we all know Herr Diezel would bend over backwards for us!!!
On a separate note, having checked this thread and the "related link" out, did Terry (aka Duolos) get the boot? If so, I'm sorry to hear/read that - he was nothing but professional and ultra-helpful and accommodating in my dealings with him.


PS - Yo Pauly...good call.
sometimes i come up with some smart things V...LOL

and yeah, whats up with Terry?? didn't want to be the one who asked.. but he was always polite, professional,courteous & went out of his way for me.
WTF ? 54 posts discussing an amazingly sounding amp solder joints??? Is that for real? :thumbsdown:
Besides - that's HCAF territory - do not go there.

I haven't checked in HCAF for the last 3 years, just because of this sort of stuff, apart from the meaningless re-iterating on led colors implication over the sound of an overdrive pedal. :D

Now go play yer guitar and great amp.
mraajr":27ikfiyi said:
This is the internet and every now and again it is fun to "stir the pot" a little. If you notice I think I posted a total of 5 times in both of those threads combined.

Its not fun to "stir the pot" when you put a company's reputation on the line and accuse them of poor quality control.

Peter does this for a living and it may seam all fun and games to you but you are fucking with his livelihood and income by making threads like this. That is nothing to play games with. :thumbsdown:
For the record: Two Diezels here so far, late 06 Herbert (not a single problem ever), 08 Einstein combo (no problem ever). Carry on...

Oh yeah, PICS?
this is a silly thread now.

All Diezel amps are wonderfully made, and if their is any trouble peter will help.

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