Buyer drama, lets let rig talk decide.

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jerrydyer":2y9ac2ry said:
crazy. :confused:

I was wrong.
problem has been resolved
everything else is just HCAF cockroach bullshit.

Its obvious rig talk has been wrecked by them. I asked for rig talk opinions and I honored those opinions. The rest is just hate filled rants based on what someone else heard from a friend from a friend and so on. On HCAF its perfectly acceptable behavior to take someones quote and change it. Then down the road when a search is done, there are incorrect quotes attached to you.. Great job HCAF. You've almost wrecked every forum out there. "great minds discuss ideas, Simple minds discuss people" I don't know who said it. Carry on HCAF. Enjoy your delusional satisfaction of destroying Surreal Amplification. In reality, you haven't changed one thing.
:no: This has nothing to do with HCAF, this is all your doing. If anything, HCAF/GAB are the ones who weed out the builders with shitty business practice, and then call them on it so that hopefully no one else will have to go through a shit ton of drama over purchasing an amp.
jerrydyer":2ajswecz said:
crazy. :confused:

I was wrong.
problem has been resolved
everything else is just HCAF cockroach bullshit.

Its obvious rig talk has been wrecked by them. I asked for rig talk opinions and I honored those opinions. The rest is just hate filled rants based on what someone else heard from a friend from a friend and so on. On HCAF its perfectly acceptable behavior to take someones quote and change it. Then down the road when a search is done, there are incorrect quotes attached to you.. Great job HCAF. You've almost wrecked every forum out there. "great minds discuss ideas, Simple minds discuss people" I don't know who said it. Carry on HCAF. Enjoy your delusional satisfaction of destroying Surreal Amplification. In reality, you haven't changed one thing.

After reading the emails you sent your customer one thing has changed. I would never purchase anything from you.

I read this whole thread, and there is a lot of garbage in it, but the sheer truth is you treated a customer like crap, sent a product out that would not even come close to passing out the doors of Bogner, Suhr, Splawn, etc..... and thought you could turn the forum against the original customer to make yourself feel better. In reality, your are correct that nobody from HCAF or Rig Talk has changed a thing, it is you personally that has changed things for you and your business.

Good luck with damage control, you will need it if you can ever recover from this.
bionicmark":1bmlxklj said:

What sort of noob crap is that. You put a grommet in a hole you drill through a metal panel when you're gonna run wires through it.

That's to say nothing of the obvious bent tranny feet.
madryan":845fya1o said:
bionicmark":845fya1o said:

What sort of noob crap is that. You put a grommet in a hole you drill through a metal panel when you're gonna run wires through it.

That's to say nothing of the obvious bent tranny feet.
Thats the $1600 dollar amp with Plexi mod upgrade ... lol. :doh:
rrguitar":a4n8qlcx said:
I wouldn't pay you for a Chinese midget hooker with one leg and a wooden kickstand if it were 5 cents.
Sorry, but I sure as shit would give that a spin for the money :yes:

As for the rest of this shitter, I'm not from HCAF, I only hang here. This thread's over - jury's been in and out and said and done - lessons learned I am sure - and hey, a dude bought an amp and he's stoked - another dude got his funds back - and a problem was aired, called and decided.

I agree some downtime for Jerry would be smart.
I see what Heritage did with the leg sweep statement.
I agree with TTosh's sentiments and perspective.

Done like dinner.
Next :salute:
jerrydyer":23n5vlsk said:
crazy. :confused:

I was wrong.
problem has been resolved
everything else is just HCAF cockroach bullshit.

Its obvious rig talk has been wrecked by them. I asked for rig talk opinions and I honored those opinions. The rest is just hate filled rants based on what someone else heard from a friend from a friend and so on. On HCAF its perfectly acceptable behavior to take someones quote and change it. Then down the road when a search is done, there are incorrect quotes attached to you.. Great job HCAF. You've almost wrecked every forum out there. "great minds discuss ideas, Simple minds discuss people" I don't know who said it. Carry on HCAF. Enjoy your delusional satisfaction of destroying Surreal Amplification. In reality, you haven't changed one thing.

Here's an idea. Study up on best practices before trying to build anything. Some time in the future when the leads for your Transformers start wearing through (cause I'm assuming if you didn't use grommets on this one you didn't use them on anything) and catching peoples houses on fire and whatnot in the ensuing high voltage short I seriously doubt you'll be around to sue.
jerrydyer":u6oinnru said:
crazy. :confused:

I was wrong.
problem has been resolved
everything else is just HCAF cockroach bullshit.

Its obvious rig talk has been wrecked by them. I asked for rig talk opinions and I honored those opinions. The rest is just hate filled rants based on what someone else heard from a friend from a friend and so on. On HCAF its perfectly acceptable behavior to take someones quote and change it. Then down the road when a search is done, there are incorrect quotes attached to you.. Great job HCAF. You've almost wrecked every forum out there. "great minds discuss ideas, Simple minds discuss people" I don't know who said it. Carry on HCAF. Enjoy your delusional satisfaction of destroying Surreal Amplification. In reality, you haven't changed one thing.

What's that saying about a pot and a kettle?
danyeo":2q93qryb said:
What's that saying about a pot and a kettle?
Hey danyeo, everytime I see your avatar I can't help but start humming AIC's "I'mmmmmmm the maaaaaaaaan, in the box".

Just FYI.
jcm800x4":3hw56bxk said:
R45VT":3hw56bxk said:
Where is the dude who bought this amp saying how good it is after the preamp was changed and the amp repaired....

It's almost a totally new amp and you rush in to defend a lunatic?

That would be me wise guy. And I'm not defending anyone. I really like the tone of the amp I recieved. As I stated before, I didn't know the situation between Mark and Jerry when I purchased it. The price was right and I dig it. Thats it. Now please explain to me what i did wrong?

Yeah I read your early posts wrong. Sorry. I had been drinking and managed to get a few more beers down before I hit page 6. I re-read just now and there was no ill intent in your posts.

Glad you like. Sorry for the confusion.
Ventura":1gnh87uv said:
rrguitar":1gnh87uv said:
I wouldn't pay you for a Chinese midget hooker with one leg and a wooden kickstand if it were 5 cents.
Sorry, but I sure as shit would give that a spin for the money :yes:
A picture from my last trip to China. There's no kickstand involved, but they were accepting donations. Hear ya' go, Brother :D


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Surreal Amps: pissing people off one customer at a time ... :thumbsup:
charveldan":2hdp2y9i said:

Surreal Amps: pissing people off one customer at a time ... :thumbsup:
For someone who doesn't like it when people pile on you, you sure haven't held back in this thread. Keep that in mind the next time you pull a douchebag move (which we all know will happen soon).
rupe":bog8440y said:
charveldan":bog8440y said:

Surreal Amps: pissing people off one customer at a time ... :thumbsup:
For someone who doesn't like it when people pile on you, you sure haven't held back in this thread. Keep that in mind the next time you pull a douchebag move (which we all know will happen soon).
Oooohhhh ....mmmmm like i give 2 fucks.

This thread isnt about me lip-shits, nice try tho

Go back to GAB and blow bills caulk dewd. :gethim:
charveldan":1rgr0b0t said:
rupe":1rgr0b0t said:
charveldan":1rgr0b0t said:

Surreal Amps: pissing people off one customer at a time ... :thumbsup:
For someone who doesn't like it when people pile on you, you sure haven't held back in this thread. Keep that in mind the next time you pull a douchebag move (which we all know will happen soon).
Oooohhhh ....mmmmm like i give 2 fucks.

Who has ever held back dogpiling on me >

Go back to GAB and blow bills caulk dewd. :gethim:
I don't hang there....but you know that since you're obsessed with the place and lurk there. And I've held back from dogpiling on you...until fat-assed piece of shit hack :D
rupe":3osea1ed said:
charveldan":3osea1ed said:
rupe":3osea1ed said:
charveldan":3osea1ed said:

Surreal Amps: pissing people off one customer at a time ... :thumbsup:
For someone who doesn't like it when people pile on you, you sure haven't held back in this thread. Keep that in mind the next time you pull a douchebag move (which we all know will happen soon).
Oooohhhh ....mmmmm like i give 2 fucks.

Who has ever held back dogpiling on me >

Go back to GAB and blow bills caulk dewd. :gethim:
I don't hang there....but you know that since you're obsessed with the place and lurk there. And I've held back from dogpiling on you...until fat-assed piece of shit hack :D
goodbye roop-poop eat shit fuck off & die. :thumbsup:

In the spirit of forgivness i give you none ...

Jerry's suicide is not by my hands. :doh:
rupe":1jgijn7r said:
For someone who doesn't like it when people pile on you, you sure haven't held back in this thread. Keep that in mind the next time you pull a douchebag move (which we all know will happen soon).

I noticed the same thing but didn't care to waste the effort to comment on it. Now I have wasted the effort to comment on it.
Bob Savage":14o0h2u3 said:
rupe":14o0h2u3 said:
For someone who doesn't like it when people pile on you, you sure haven't held back in this thread. Keep that in mind the next time you pull a douchebag move (which we all know will happen soon).

I noticed the same thing but didn't care to waste the effort to comment on it. Now I have wasted the effort to comment on it.

Rainbow Trout ....
charveldan":urna9dhq said:
rupe":urna9dhq said:
charveldan":urna9dhq said:
rupe":urna9dhq said:
charveldan":urna9dhq said:

Surreal Amps: pissing people off one customer at a time ... :thumbsup:
For someone who doesn't like it when people pile on you, you sure haven't held back in this thread. Keep that in mind the next time you pull a douchebag move (which we all know will happen soon).
Oooohhhh ....mmmmm like i give 2 fucks.

Who has ever held back dogpiling on me >

Go back to GAB and blow bills caulk dewd. :gethim:
I don't hang there....but you know that since you're obsessed with the place and lurk there. And I've held back from dogpiling on you...until fat-assed piece of shit hack :D
goodbye roop-poop eat shit fuck off & die. :thumbsup:

In the spirit of forgivness i give you none ...

Jerry's suicide is not by my hands. :doh:

Wow, not sure how to match the level of sophistication that you bring to a textual confrontation. I've hired a scientist with your mental capacity to assist me with an appropriate rebuttal...working on it now, stay tuned

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