Buyer drama, lets let rig talk decide.

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Maybe Jerry wasn't able to take off his helmet while building this amp.
The pics of the back panel, O.T. legs, and exclusion of insulators tell me everything I need to know about this builder. The only reason that a builder would ship any product in that condition to a customer, is that he simply doesn't give a shit, and has a complete lack of pride in his craftsmanship. There is no way that anyone that actually cared about customer satisfaction could look at that amp, and think it was okay to ship.
I don't think that things being brought to light in this thread is unfortunate at all. Well, maybe for the Jackleg that cobbled that POS together it is, but not for the guy that is looking to shell out his hard earned $$ for an amp.
Also, if a business can't afford to issue a refund to a rightly dissatisfied customer, that business has no business doing business. You asked for opinions, and mine is that you need to seriously tighten your shit up.

Boobers. Au naturale..

So, did the last buyer of the amp ask for it be modded to AKA specs?
jerrydyer":39gr4lbi said:
I wish to keep the best name I can in this crazy business ( futile I know) ?
I am sure all your racist and homophobic remarks in the past have helped with this.
neilrocks25":wmwph972 said:
jerrydyer":wmwph972 said:
I wish to keep the best name I can in this crazy business ( futile I know) ?
I am sure all your racist and homophobic remarks in the past have helped with this.

Yikes... I think I missed those
neilrocks25":1vcynaw7 said:
jerrydyer":1vcynaw7 said:
I wish to keep the best name I can in this crazy business ( futile I know) ?
I am sure all your racist and homophobic remarks in the past have helped with this.

For real, or are you part of the wussification of America party who thinks disliking Obama is racist? The term racist is one of the most serious yet grossly misused descriptors in the English vocabulary...I'm just trying to get a sense of where you're coming from by leveling those harsh allegations.
neilrocks25":334j0arm said:
jerrydyer":334j0arm said:
I wish to keep the best name I can in this crazy business ( futile I know) ?
I am sure all your racist and homophobic remarks in the past have helped with this.

Agreed. People in the business of selling things should keep their religious and political beliefs quiet on public forums. It's too easy to offend potential customers.
rupe":23sgyhjt said:
neilrocks25":23sgyhjt said:
jerrydyer":23sgyhjt said:
I wish to keep the best name I can in this crazy business ( futile I know) ?
I am sure all your racist and homophobic remarks in the past have helped with this.

For real, or are you part of the wussification of America party who thinks disliking Obama is racist? The term racist is one of the most serious yet grossly misused descriptors in the English vocabulary...I'm just trying to get a sense of where you're coming from by leveling those harsh allegations.

No he's part of the group that witnessed Jerry being openly racist and homophobic on harmony cental.
rupe":357904of said:
neilrocks25":357904of said:
jerrydyer":357904of said:
I wish to keep the best name I can in this crazy business ( futile I know) ?
I am sure all your racist and homophobic remarks in the past have helped with this.

For real, or are you part of the wussification of America party who thinks disliking Obama is racist? The term racist is one of the most serious yet grossly misused descriptors in the English vocabulary...I'm just trying to get a sense of where you're coming from by leveling those harsh allegations.
Jerry started out at HCAF where he proceeded to make an ass out of himself by saying a bunch of homophobic and racist shit. We called him on it, he freaked out, then he left and came here. He's been pretty well known as a fucking lunatic. Look at the emails he sent a CUSTOMER. Completely unacceptable but hilarious none the less. :lol: :LOL:
I'm not a business owner, but I would imagine a couple things you don't do....a) throw a customer under the bus on an internet forum...b) talk to a customer in that way. That's bound to backfire.

As for an exchange policy, I'm not sure how much that applies to shoddy workmanship. If I received an amp that I didn't like, fine, I lost money. If I receive an amp that looked like that, I wouldn't want to exchange it for another one. On the other hand, I suppose that is a risk of buying from small builders.

All that said, I can't begin to imagine how Jerry thought this was going to go his way.
Telephant":1vqe1lca said:
rupe":1vqe1lca said:
neilrocks25":1vqe1lca said:
jerrydyer":1vqe1lca said:
I wish to keep the best name I can in this crazy business ( futile I know) ?
I am sure all your racist and homophobic remarks in the past have helped with this.

For real, or are you part of the wussification of America party who thinks disliking Obama is racist? The term racist is one of the most serious yet grossly misused descriptors in the English vocabulary...I'm just trying to get a sense of where you're coming from by leveling those harsh allegations.
Jerry started out at HCAF where he proceeded to make an ass out of himself by saying a bunch of homophobic and racist shit. We called him on it, he freaked out, then he left and came here. He's been pretty well known as a fucking lunatic. Look at the emails he sent a CUSTOMER. Completely unacceptable but hilarious none the less. :lol: :LOL:


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LMFAO! And thanks for the boobies everyone :rock:

On another note, Jerry claims the amp was damaged in shipping and he had to make all these repairs... perhaps he could have shared that with Mark sometime after he received the amp in early August, rather than claiming it now? Not that the sale could have been salvaged due to everything else, but at least might have saved a little bit of rep. Oh well.
This may end up being the most veiwed topic in RT history bump.
Like I said one page one but only a couple people read, Ultimately this whole thing is my screw up and I take full credit. My apologies.

Amp was obviously damaged by marks own words, noisy masters, hiss etc. Then when it came back, the problem was obvious. I fixed it. Done deal.

The frustrating part is I have had amps arrive damaged a couple times now. I pay for shipping back to me, fix amp, ship back on my dime of course and all is well.

The whole thing about "not bonding" really bothered me. He should of just said hey the amp is damaged, I'm sending it back.

Technically, professionally yeah that hole should have insulators but my chassis guy did such a good job, deburring, brushing and polishing its like mirror smooth there and consequently I got lazy on a couple.

Anyways, my apologies to rig talk and Mark. I should have handled it all better.
jerrydyer":3fe3moyv said:
The whole thing about "not bonding" really bothered me. He should of just said hey the amp is damaged, I'm sending it back.


Agreed, with everything else in this thread aside. If that was the only issue I would have said sorry broham better go on a camping trip with it or something.
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