Well-known member
Lol, I hear ya man, was just joking, I wouldn't just come by.The MCII is probably what you're after for everything from 70's, 80's rock/hair metal, 90's etc. I have a KT88 75w MCII here that packs a punch - have various 4x12 with different speaker combos (V30, Creamback 75, Redback, Alnico 90, Greenback - I may be alright with someone coming to try stuff but if you're a wacko or think there's more than 2 genders I'll probably pass.
not a libtard, no worries there
yea, I spoke to Rick at length via email about it and he was pushing me towards an MCII as well. There is a cat named Jason Hobbs on youtube that does some really good demo's of his Wizards (MCII, Hybrid and W800) and of all of them I think the MCII sounds the best, but he says the W800 is his fav, so I'm kinda torn. I'll probably go MCII.
question, i'm just a bedroom player, and I like the pricetag on the MCii 25 watt, but don't want to take cheap route and end up regretting getting a small headroom amp. Have you any experience with the 25 watt version? Does it have balls / is it a big step away from the 50 or 100 watt versions?
Rick says the MV on the biggies is fine at bedroom volumes, but I don't know. Tubes want volume.