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Here's some homework for you and your ears so you can judge for yourself. Ossie Ahsen compares these following pickups for VH1 tone.
Duncan PAF
Duncan 78'
Duncan Frankenstien
Mighty Mite 1800
Mighty Mite 1400
Mighty Mie 1300
Ibanez Super 70
Vintage DImarzio Super Distortion
DiMarzio SUper Distortion new issue
DiMarzio Super II
As for my opinion on VH1 Tone, the one that ticks all the boxes that my ears hear would be a Mighty Mite 1400. Then followed by a MM1300. Then a Seymour Duncan 78 model PAF. The Duncan SH-5 custom isn't bad but I think anything over 13K has too much mids and they are less balanced like a PAF. I think anything from 8.5K-13K works best IMHO. Then the rest depends on your ears and what your ears like because really you can make quite a few pickups for for VH1 but my ears tell me it was a Mighty Mite 1400 or 1300. Now Gaustad can make a PAF work just fine if you got the chops, fire and attack in your playing.
Here is my 2009 Duncan 78 model wound by MJ doing most things ED through a 1969 Marshall Ed spec superlead with NOS parts with a Lar/Mar PPIMV. I still feel the MM1400 is more exact for VH1 but the SD78 model sounds damn good for VH1 stuff but especially excellent for VHII.
Great post! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks to you guys, I have an SD 78 on order now to try. I have 2 guitars loaded with a BKP VHII and they NAIL the VHII vibes. That’s my fav VH tone btw (VHII album). It’s all about that aggressive but non intrusive high end to capture that sound.