Everybody Can Relax Now !

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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Meanwhile people in other parts of the country were saying it’s all made up and was “just the flu”. Fuck them man.

We sold the home in 2018, so I found out about Jim after we'd lost touch with the family a bit.

For just under 20 years this was us - we were on the right.

Our families really liked each other so we grew close - as neighbors go.

He got a serious flu and thought he could ride it out.
By the time they went to the ER his oxygen levels were crashing.
Was on a machine within a day and died 3 weeks later.

Man, I absolutely lost my shit around here after that happened.
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Masks were never about protecting you they were always about conditioning you and making you sicker .

Study Reveals MOST People’s Lungs Now Riddled With Microplastics Found in Disposable Masks​

A shocking new study has revealed that most people have microplastics, commonly found in disposable masks, in all areas of their lungs.

Not only are masks uncomfortable, make it hard to breathe, and essentially pointless, but surgical masks worn during the pandemic could have a far unhealthier effect than we all thought. According to a new study published in the Science of the Total Environment, microplastics commonly used in surgical masks have been discovered in the lungs of most people.

According to thoracic surgeon Dr. Osita Onugha, the presence of microplastics in the lungs is a public health ticking time bomb with the potential to cause an explosion of cancer cases in the coming years.

Researchers in the United Kingdom looked at lung tissue obtained from study participants and found microplastics in all regions of the lungs, including the deeper section. According to the study, this is the first time microplastics have been found in human lung tissue samples using μFTIR spectroscopy.

Though the researchers did not confirm the source of the microplastic contamination, the plastic fibers found in the lungs are most commonly found in surgical masks.

TFTP reports: Researchers identified 39 microplastics in 11 of the 13 lung tissue samples, with an average of 3 microplastics per sample.

There were 12 types of microplastic found in samples.

The 4 microplastics present in the most considerable quantities included:

  • polypropylene (PP:) found in carpets, clothing, automotive plastics, and surgical masks
  • polyethylene terephthalate (PET:) present in clothing, beverage, and food containers
  • resin: a constituent of protective coating and paints
  • polyethylene (PE:) a component of food wrappers, milk containers, toys, and detergent bottles
In 2020, the amount of disposable face masks littered into the environment increased by a staggering 9000 percent. Billions of people strapped polypropylene masks to their faces every day for two years and sucked their air through plastic fibers for 8 hours or more. To not have discovered plastic in lungs would have been surprising.

The confirmation of microplastics in the lungs also backs up a study conducted in 2020 which predicted a microplastic inhalation risk posed by wearing masks.

According to researchers in that study, the inhalation risk posed by spherical- and fiber-like microplastics was high while wearing a mask. Unfortunately, researchers in that study continued to recommend the use of plastic masks despite the risk of inhalation.

Dr. Osita Onugha, thoracic surgeon and assistant professor of thoracic surgery at Saint John’s Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California told Medical News Today that the implications for microplastics in the lungs are unknown given our current knowledge on this type of contamination but it can’t be good.

“The real question is what does something within the body […] do? The body does not like things that cause inflammation […] and things that are foreign [like plastics]. So, if it leads to chronic inflammation, that’s where you can have things that develop years down the road,” Onugha said.

As MNT reports, Dr. Onugha said a follow-up study should address if microplastics within the lungs can lead to inflammatory lung disease or cancer. He added that it should be carried out in a significant population to determine “a cause and effect.”

When researchers do finally determine the source of contamination, it won’t take genius to figure out that strapping an endless supply of microplastics to the entrance of your lungs increases your chance of breathing them in.

States who continue to force children to wear masks, like New York, would do well to realize the potentially catastrophic health impacts they are having unsuspecting, innocent lives.

Wow, the mask conversation was hillarious. All masks are not created equal.

Medical masks provide the wearer with a reasonable level of droplet/spray protection both on inhalation and exhalation. It does not provide protection against particles (including viruses) that are not encapsulated in droplets or spray. But it is not 100%, spray and droplets can be expelled from the edges of the mask, bypassing filtering.

KN95 masks protect the wearer by filtering inhaled particles both large and small. They provide better protection than a medical mask, but spray and droplets can escape the edges of the mask, bypassing filtering.

N95 masks particularly surgical grade N95 masks work well, but require sizing for each wearer and training to ensure you are wearing it properly. If not properly fitted and worn, spray and droplets can escape the edges of the mask, bypassing filtering.

Cloth masks protect against droplets. Spray and droplets can easily escape the edges of the mask, bypassing filtering.

Painters masks… see cloth masks above.

So do masks work? Yes. Each type of mask is effective for what it was designed to do. Any mask type if worn improperly will be ineffective.

Are masks effective? Yes. If you are wearing a mask that was designed to protect against the threat you are worried about.

You have to wear the correct mask for the threat you are trying to protect against. If you are wearing a cloth mask to protect you against viral shed, your mask is not protecting you from that threat.

The masks that provide highly effective, broad spectrum protection must be fit to the wearer and the wearer must wear it properly.

The guidance regarding masks is not a statement that masks don’t work, but rather an admission that most people either were not wearing the right type of mask and/or weren’t wearing their mask correctly and this nullifies the rationale for mask wearing.
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Before I go through the effort, can you provide a list of sources you deem trustworthy?
They don't have to be from the USA either.
Anything that doesn't have a stake in the results and is only interested in facts, whatever they may be.
Anything that doesn't have a stake in the results and is only interested in facts, whatever they may be.

You need to tell me. There's literally hundreds of sources. I don't want to waste my time.

How about the Karolinska Institute in Sweden?