Everybody Can Relax Now !

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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Dude, really ?

I’m not going to fully address this because I have no desire to argue with you, but as a guy with more hours of respirator training than most, I can tell you unequivocally that N-95 masks are incapable of stopping Covid molecules from passing through them. And the vast majority of people who wear masks are not wearing N-95 level masks and they are wearing them incorrectly.
The reason surgeons wear masks is to limit the distance particles can be expelled through breath, sneezing or coughing.

Didn’t you notice that people wearing masks and people who were “ Vaccinated “ contracted and passed the C-19 virus as much or more than people who didn’t ?

Lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccinations were completely ineffective. And as usual democrats employed the Rahm Emanuel doctrine of not letting a crisis go to waste. They used the “ pandemic” to effectively oust the president and to set a dangerous precedent of massive government overreach and control over the population. Not only that but they have insured that in the event there is an actual pandemic the vast majority of people no longer have any faith or trust in politicians or government agencies. Fauci effectively turned the CDC into a joke. And yes, he is on record with a lot of other people pointing out that masks are ineffective. Though depending on what day it was he was just as likely to claim they were.

Ok, sorry buddy. I guess I did address it pretty fully.

For the record, I am not anti vax and I certainly believe C-19 is a real thing that killed vulnerable people. The C-19 shots are not vaccinations though. And comparing them to actual vaccines such as polio and measles or whatever is dishonest and ridiculous. Those vaccines actually prevent contraction of the disease and spreading of the disease.
There are a few types of N95 masks. And of course masks and sheltering in place slowed the spread. It is stupid to suggest otherwise.
There are a few types of N95 masks. And of course masks and sheltering in place slowed the spread. It is stupid to suggest otherwise.
How do you explain Sweden ? And a few other countries who didn’t do all the ridiculous shit we were forced to do yet had way less death and lower infection rates ?

Yeah, masks probably played a very small part in as much as it limits the distance particles fly out of your nose and mouth. But that assumes people sneezed and coughed into the mask. It also assumes people’s mom’s all did a rotten job teaching them to cover their face when coughing or sneezing.

People got infected WHILE wearing masks. And in reality nothing was going to slow anything down or stop it. All the lockdowns and mandates managed to do was trash the economy and make billions of dollars for big pharma. Under any other circumstances the left hates corporate America, including big pharma. And since 2020 they have been handing them blank checks. All the while pretending like this wasn’t an orchestrated move by China.
Floyd I know you're smarter than this. You being intentionally obstinate is frustrating.

You KNOW that Covid is more like the common cold or the flu than Measles or Polio. It's a quickly mutating virus and of course a vaccine can't prevent infections from a new mutation.

And if everyone would have been vaccinated to start with the probability of the virus getting passed on and mutating would be exponentially smaller. Resistance to vaccination made the original vaccines less effective. So, thank you to all the anti vaxers who exacerbated the number of deaths due to their ignorance.
Now you’re getting somewhere. Covid is a virus. And you can’t vaccinate against a virus. Not effectively. And I guarantee you people who got shots for specific strains then got infected with those strains.

At best the Covid shots lessened the symptoms FOR SOME PEOPLE. Like the flu shot. Do you support mandatory flu shots ?

I got the two Pfizer shots early in 2021 because my work forced me to. Never any boosters. To my knowledge I have never had Covid. Though I kinda think everyone has had it by now. I also think I may have had it at the end of ‘19, before anyone knew about it. I was sick with flu like symptoms for over a month. That never happened before.
My parents are in their 80s. Mom has emphysema and my dad breathes through a hole in his neck and his carotids are almost fully blocked off. They both got Covid in 2020 and were sick as hell for two weeks. A guy I know and his wife were both vaccinated. They were both healthy. They got Covid and his 32 year old wife died from it. Vaccinated, healthy and not fat. Now dead.

May be psychosomatic but ever since I got this Pfizer shots I’ve felt kinda low grade shitty every day. Lots of headaches, shortness of breath. My fully vaxxed and boosted wife says I’m just an idiot. Who knows.

All I know is this is a free-ish country and the fact that people were forced to take a less than thoroughly vetted vaccine, which in the end did little or nothing to protect society, is utterly fucking ridiculous.
Under any other circumstances the left hates corporate America, including big pharma.

What does that have to do with Covid-19?
Masks and shutdowns were, except for a few exceptions, a worldwide thing.
Some countries did better than others with the pandemic.

Now you’re getting somewhere. Covid is a virus. And you can’t vaccinate against a virus. Not effectively. And I guarantee you people who got shots for specific strains then got infected with those strains.

At best the Covid shots lessened the symptoms FOR SOME PEOPLE. Like the flu shot. Do you support mandatory flu shots ?

I got the two Pfizer shots early in 2021 because my work forced me to. Never any boosters. To my knowledge I have never had Covid. Though I kinda think everyone has had it by now. I also think I may have had it at the end of ‘19, before anyone knew about it. I was sick with flu like symptoms for over a month. That never happened before.
My parents are in their 80s. Mom has emphysema and my dad breathes through a hole in his neck and his carotids are almost fully blocked off. They both got Covid in 2020 and were sick as hell for two weeks. A guy I know and his wife were both vaccinated. They were both healthy. They got Covid and his 32 year old wife died from it. Vaccinated, healthy and not fat. Now dead.

May be psychosomatic but ever since I got this Pfizer shots I’ve felt kinda low grade shitty every day. Lots of headaches, shortness of breath. My fully vaxxed and boosted wife says I’m just an idiot. Who knows.

All I know is this is a free-ish country and the fact that people were forced to take a less than thoroughly vetted vaccine, which in the end did little or nothing to protect society, is utterly fucking ridiculous.
Polio is a virus.

No, the flu isn't a virulent or deadly as CV19. I think anyone who doesn't get one is, well, taking an unnecessary risk but ...
No, the flu isn't a virulent or deadly as CV19.

True - but only because it was novel.
Covid-19 in and of itself is no more deadly that the usual flu that goes around every year.

But our immune system's had never dealth with C19 - so it is able to sneak in and get embedded
deep in out lungs before the alarm bells start ringing.

Now the anti-bodies get going but they panic and send in EVERYONE to destroy the invaders.

That's what kills people - not the C19 - our own defenses over-reacting and damaging too many
areas responsible for transferring oxygen into our blood.

It's collateral damage that kills ya.
Polio is a virus.

No, the flu isn't a virulent or deadly as CV19. I think anyone who doesn't get one is, well, taking an unnecessary risk but ...
True - but only because it was novel.
Covid-19 in and of itself is no more deadly that the usual flu that goes around every year.

But our immune system's had never dealth with C19 - so it is able to sneak in and get embedded
deep in out lungs before the alarm bells start ringing.

Now the anti-bodies get going but they panic and send in EVERYONE to destroy the invaders.

That's what kills people - not the C19 - our own defenses over-reacting and damaging too many
areas responsible for transferring oxygen into our blood.

It's collateral damage that kills ya.
This never gets old :hys: :hys: :hys: :hys: 🤡🤡:hys::hys::hys::hys:🤡🤡
How do you explain Sweden ? And a few other countries who didn’t do all the ridiculous shit we were forced to do yet had way less death and lower infection rates ?

Yeah, masks probably played a very small part in as much as it limits the distance particles fly out of your nose and mouth. But that assumes people sneezed and coughed into the mask. It also assumes people’s mom’s all did a rotten job teaching them to cover their face when coughing or sneezing.

People got infected WHILE wearing masks. And in reality nothing was going to slow anything down or stop it. All the lockdowns and mandates managed to do was trash the economy and make billions of dollars for big pharma. Under any other circumstances the left hates corporate America, including big pharma. And since 2020 they have been handing them blank checks. All the while pretending like this wasn’t an orchestrated move by China.

It’s pretty near impossible to know how many people were infected in any country. Accurate data requires proper testing and reporting.

Even here the US, how many people do you think that tested positive with at home tests reported it to anyone besides friends and their employer? I’d guess less than 10% we have no idea how many people actually got it.
Even here the US, how many people do you think that tested positive with at home tests reported it to anyone besides friends and their employer?

Wife and I both had it, and an old neighbor of 20 years died from it, before it was even top story on the evening news every night.
Wife and I both had it, and an old neighbor of 20 years died from it, before it was even top story on the evening news every night.

My grandmother got it recently but luckily no one else in our family has gotten it. I worked with 2 people who died from it though.

My youngest daughter was born in a completely shut down hospital, save for a couple people in the ER and a small staff in the maternity area. Not even cooks or janitors were allowed in so we cooked and cleaned for ourselves. A larger neighboring hospital got hit with an early outbreak and practically had to restaff from smaller hospitals to keep it going.

Meanwhile people in other parts of the country were saying it’s all made up and was “just the flu”. Fuck them man.