Everybody Can Relax Now !

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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@Findthetone1 Unless your wife put on an infected mask she did not get sick from it.

Do you know what a clean room is? IC chips are made in them as well as high precision optics,
and similar type stuff where even a spec of dust is lethal to the product.
Rooms are under a negative pressure too.

8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year.


You keep posting that. Why? Everyone knows he never said that. I'll admit I have no clue as why you think that's funny/relevant/whatever.
There is a super weird obsession with him here lol.
We get accused of drinking the koolaid and being brainwashed, but then at the same time will use Fauci to argue against us.
Fuckin weird man
What part of NOVEL virus do some people not get?

It was a coronavirus but a brand new strain with its own particular challenges.
Most medical folks were learning as they went along just like everyone else.

Did ya know we were about a month into it being a top story before doctors
started realizing that patients were absorbing more oxygen into their bloodstream
when laying on their stomachs as apposed to their sides or backs?

The whole deal with Fauci and masks and his story changing is cause he was learning
and compiling new data all the time.

You guys just look for any tiny crack and then you exploit the fuck out of it like it's
this outrageously meaningful thing that erases all of the official news the rest of the
world pays attention to.
What part of NOVEL virus do some people not get?

It was a coronavirus but a brand new strain with its own particular challenges.
Most medical folks were learning as they went along just like everyone else.

Did ya know we were about a month into it being a top story before doctors
started realizing that patients were absorbing more oxygen into their bloodstream
when laying on their stomachs as apposed to their sides or backs?

The whole deal with Fauci and masks and his story changing is cause he was learning
and compiling new data all the time.

You guys just look for any tiny crack and then you exploit the fuck out of it like it's
this outrageously meaningful thing that erases all of the official news the rest of the
world pays attention to.
100% bullshit, Donnie.

Thanks for playing.

came from the Biden Campaign. how else do you think he won
I really wouldn't put it past Schumer and company with inside help from the CIA

Barack Obama Responsible For Ukraine’s Bio Warfare Labs.​

Sensitive biolabs documents deleted by US Embassy and published by GreatGameIndia expose that it was former US President Barack Obama himself who authorized the construction of biolabs in Ukraine for creating dangerous pathogens.

All a part of the plan since Obama was always a big time supporter of the WEF's Great Reset.


The Plan. WHO Plans to Have 10 Years of Pandemics (2020-2030). “Proof that the Pandemic was Planned with a Purpose”​

What part of NOVEL virus do some people not get?

It was a coronavirus but a brand new strain with its own particular challenges.
Most medical folks were learning as they went along just like everyone else.

Did ya know we were about a month into it being a top story before doctors
started realizing that patients were absorbing more oxygen into their bloodstream
when laying on their stomachs as apposed to their sides or backs?

The whole deal with Fauci and masks and his story changing is cause he was learning
and compiling new data all the time.

You guys just look for any tiny crack and then you exploit the fuck out of it like it's
this outrageously meaningful thing that erases all of the official news the rest of the
world pays attention to.
How do masks all of a sudden work on a new virus that didn't work on older viruses?
Everything we were originally told about the Coronavirus has turned out to be wrong.

In fact, it’s not a “novel” one-of-a-kind infection at all, but a member of a larger family of which there have been many iterations in the recent past.

It’s also not the most contagious or most lethal virus we’ve ever seen, but a fairly-mild infection that has no impact on the majority of people and that only kills somewhere between 1 in every 200 to 1 in every 1,000 people. (CDC-IFR- 0.26%)

Also, there was no real danger that our public health system was going to collapse, because the projected number of potential deaths (1 to 2 million in the US) never approached the estimates of the flawed computer models that were used to decide the policy.

In short, just about everything we were told from the very beginning turned out to be demonstrably wrong. Why is that? Why do you think that the people who provided us with the information –many of them supposedly “experts” in their field– were so wrong about everything? And why haven’t they made any effort to publicly correct their mistakes when they realize how much confusion they’ve caused?

It’s politics, right? What other explanation could there be? Our leaders and their behind-the-scenes puppet-masters are using science as a vehicle for achieving their own narrow political objectives. In broader terms, COVID–19 or, should we say, CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019, is the plan to manipulate virus-hysteria “to drastically and irrevocably” change the “fundamental structure of society” to establish a totalitarian world order. (Quote: from CJ Hopkins) That’s what’s happening, and the Democrats, the media and the many infectious disease experts are playing key roles in this operation that’s bound to continue until its objectives are achieved.

But let’s forgo the political analysis for now and review what we actually know about the virus itself. This, of course, would not be necessary if the media had been doing its job by providing accurate information rather than fueling public hysteria. Sadly, the majority of people are just as misinformed now as they were 6 months ago when the outbreak began. How could that be if the media was actually doing its job? It couldn’t.

What we know for certain is that the doomsday scenarios never materialized. 2 million Americans did not die and the world did not come to an abrupt end. We also know that the computer model predictions from the Imperial College were bogus just as we know that the countries that ignored those absurd models did better than the others. As Nobel prize winner Michael Levitt points out in an article at Haaretz:

The same type of models predicted that in Sweden, the number of deaths from COVID-19 would reach about 100,000 by June, if the Swedish government continues to refuse to impose lockdown measures. Sweden rejected these models and bravely adopted… a democratic policy that broadly enabled normal life to continue. Despite the large nursing homes in Sweden...the number of deaths turned out to be 6% of the one predicted, about 6,000 people, at an average age of 81. Half of the victims were nursing home residents who, in Sweden, have a median life expectancy of 9 months after admission.” (“Countering the Second Wave with Facts, not Misconceptions” Haaretz)
Repeat: Sweden’s death toll turned out to be just 6% of the original estimate. By comparison, the US death toll (167,000) is not quite 10% of the original (Imperial College) estimate. Both estimates were catastrophically wrong, and yet, we shut down the economy, drove unemployment up to levels not seen since the Great Depression, and condemned the country to years of agonizing restructuring. And for what??

Well, to promote a ghastly, authoritarian political agenda, that’s why. And this just helps to underscore what Covid-19 is really all about. It’s politics masquerading as science.

The Haaretz article also sheds light on the issue of “herd immunity” which is routinely mischaracterized in the media as the point at which 60% (or more) of the population have been infected and therefore have developed antibodies to the virus. This is wrong, in fact, the threshold for herd immunity is much lower than that, perhaps 5 to 15% of the population.

But, how can that be, after all, we were told that this was an entirely new “novel” virus that our species had never before experienced and for which we had no built-up immunity?

That was another lie. Here’s Michael Levitt again:

How do masks all of a sudden work on a new virus that didn't work on older viruses?

The mask works with saliva, spittle, snot, etc.

The microscopic virus bits can't travel through the air by themselves.
They hitch a ride on our mucous - mouth, nose, sneeze, cough, they don't care.
It's all spit to them.

Disclaimer. Growing up my mom was an RN and my older sister is the head nurse
at a elderly care home after spending most of her career in hospitals.

Because she was working with a large number of old people 24/7 (literally) during the
initial breakout, she was privy to all sorts of stuff that would be too boring to be on
the news.

Found out about the stomach thing through her.

Everything we were originally told about the Coronavirus has turned out to be wrong.

In fact, it’s not a “novel” one-of-a-kind infection at all, but a member of a larger family of which there have been many iterations in the recent past.

It’s also not the most contagious or most lethal virus we’ve ever seen, but a fairly-mild infection that has no impact on the majority of people and that only kills somewhere between 1 in every 200 to 1 in every 1,000 people. (CDC-IFR- 0.26%)

Also, there was no real danger that our public health system was going to collapse, because the projected number of potential deaths (1 to 2 million in the US) never approached the estimates of the flawed computer models that were used to decide the policy.

In short, just about everything we were told from the very beginning turned out to be demonstrably wrong. Why is that? Why do you think that the people who provided us with the information –many of them supposedly “experts” in their field– were so wrong about everything? And why haven’t they made any effort to publicly correct their mistakes when they realize how much confusion they’ve caused?

It’s politics, right? What other explanation could there be? Our leaders and their behind-the-scenes puppet-masters are using science as a vehicle for achieving their own narrow political objectives. In broader terms, COVID–19 or, should we say, CODENAME: Operation Virus Identification 2019, is the plan to manipulate virus-hysteria “to drastically and irrevocably” change the “fundamental structure of society” to establish a totalitarian world order. (Quote: from CJ Hopkins) That’s what’s happening, and the Democrats, the media and the many infectious disease experts are playing key roles in this operation that’s bound to continue until its objectives are achieved.

But let’s forgo the political analysis for now and review what we actually know about the virus itself. This, of course, would not be necessary if the media had been doing its job by providing accurate information rather than fueling public hysteria. Sadly, the majority of people are just as misinformed now as they were 6 months ago when the outbreak began. How could that be if the media was actually doing its job? It couldn’t.

What we know for certain is that the doomsday scenarios never materialized. 2 million Americans did not die and the world did not come to an abrupt end. We also know that the computer model predictions from the Imperial College were bogus just as we know that the countries that ignored those absurd models did better than the others. As Nobel prize winner Michael Levitt points out in an article at Haaretz:

Repeat: Sweden’s death toll turned out to be just 6% of the original estimate. By comparison, the US death toll (167,000) is not quite 10% of the original (Imperial College) estimate. Both estimates were catastrophically wrong, and yet, we shut down the economy, drove unemployment up to levels not seen since the Great Depression, and condemned the country to years of agonizing restructuring. And for what??

Well, to promote a ghastly, authoritarian political agenda, that’s why. And this just helps to underscore what Covid-19 is really all about. It’s politics masquerading as science.

The Haaretz article also sheds light on the issue of “herd immunity” which is routinely mischaracterized in the media as the point at which 60% (or more) of the population have been infected and therefore have developed antibodies to the virus. This is wrong, in fact, the threshold for herd immunity is much lower than that, perhaps 5 to 15% of the population.

But, how can that be, after all, we were told that this was an entirely new “novel” virus that our species had never before experienced and for which we had no built-up immunity?

That was another lie. Here’s Michael Levitt again:

Everyone on earth knew it was a part of a larger family. It is literally in the name

New Study Published by Top British Biomedical Scientist Proves the COVID-19 Fraud Is a Crime Against Humanity .​

The purported novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, has not been proven to exist in nature and has not been established as the cause of “COVID-19”, the pandemic disease concocted by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Likewise, there are no variants of the “virus”, which also only exist hypothetically in computers, and in online gene banks.

This COVID-19 fraud has enabled the widespread use of highly experimental and dangerous injections that contain a computer-generated spike protein mRNA sequence that instructs the body to poison itself. These injections also contain undeclared non-biological substances for unknown purposes and are killing many thousands of people worldwide and seriously harming many more.

Virological fraud enables these crimes against humanity because SARS-CoV-2 has never been physically isolated or shown to be the causal agent of COVID-19.

The genome of a “virus” that hadn’t been isolated and purified, was published in early January 2020, named SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses on 11 February, the same day the WHO’s Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced its supposed resultant disease (COVID-19) with symptoms that are indistinguishable from other respiratory diseases.

The vast majority of the public and the medical profession are unaware that modern virology uses anti-scientific methods to claim the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as well as other viruses. Most people would be surprised to learn that the “virus” has never been found inside a human or shown to be the cause of any disease.

The COVID-19 fraud requires the absence of this virus so there is no material reference against which the computer-generated genome can be cross-checked.

Virology’s double deception is as follows: