Everybody Can Relax Now !

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben Waylin
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The mask works with saliva, spittle, snot, etc.

The microscopic virus bits can't travel through the air by themselves.
They hitch a ride on our mucous - mouth, nose, sneeze, cough, they don't care.
It's all spit to them.

Disclaimer. Growing up my mom was an RN and my older sister is the head nurse
at a elderly care home after spending most of her career in hospitals.
The microscopic virus bits can't travel through the air by themselves.
They hitch a ride on our mucous - mouth, nose, sneeze, cough, they don't care.
It's all spit to them.

Disclaimer. Growing up my mom was an RN and my older sister is the head nurse
at a elderly care home after spending most of her career in hospitals.

Because she was working with a large number of old people 24/7 (literally) during the
initial breakout, she was privy to all sorts of stuff that would be too boring to be on
the news.

Found out about the stomach thing through her.

The virus is nano sized. Saliva and mucus on a mask worn all day eventually dries and becomes airborne. Those masks will not filter nano sized particles.

MASSIVE FRAUD: Evidence shows that covid data is 100% false​


It is hard to believe that such a global deception could occur, yet the evidence is all here. Thousands of medical doctors, nurses, and patients around the world testify of completely false covid registrations. Funeral directors confirm countless false death certificates.
Check the evidence for yourself...

Hospitals commit fraud​

All over the world thousands of people testify how false Covid registrations are made in hospitals and medical centers. Patients tell how they went to the hospital, for example, for a heart attack, a traffic accident, a painful fall, or a stroke. Without performing a test, medical staff promptly registered them as covid-19 patients. Someone on Facebook started sharing this kind of testimony and became a hotline for countless fake Covid registrations. Nursing staff confirms this deception. Here are some examples from the hundreds of testimonies (10):

Funeral directors:
'They fill in the stats.'​

Fake covid-hospitals in Brazil​

A member of the Brazilian government broke into a campaign hospital, set up to treat large numbers of Covid patients. He and his security team weren't allowed to enter the hospital, but forced their way into it. They filmed everything and revealed how the hospital is a scam, with hardly anybody present. There were coffins that supposedly contained dead covid patients, but when opened they turned out to be empty.

This hospital was however touting alarming Covid numbers: 5,000 covid-patients and 200 deaths. It turned out to be 100% fraud.​

Hospitals get big money for every covid-19 registration. No testing required. The result is massive fraud with covid-numbers.'

Shameless lies by the media​

Same footage, different locations​

The CBS showed alarming news stories about refrigeration trucks used in San Antonio, Texas, to transport large numbers of dead bodies. A viewer however noted that this same footage had been used to tell the same story about New York City and New Jersey.


More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms​


Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘Only Morons wear Masks’​


In the beginning when you start to wear a mask acute warning signs like headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, issues in concentration and slowing down of reaction time of the cognitive system is common . As you continue to wear the masks all of these symptoms disappear, because you get used to it. Don't be fooled , what's happening at this point is the under-supply of oxygen in your brain is progressing rapidly

While you’re thinking that you have gotten used to wearing your mask and rebreathing your own exhaled air, the degenerative processes in your brain is getting amplified and accelerated as your oxygen deprivation continues while you think everything is fine because you're used to it . Often there are no symptoms but the damaging degradation of the brain continues.

The second problem is that the nerve cells in your brain are unable to divide themselves and the lost nerve cells in the brain from constantly wearing a mask will no longer be regenerated. What is gone is gone. This applies to everybody of any age .

To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed.

Dementia is going to increase exponentially and the younger generations in particular will develop dementia possibly decades earlier than they normally would is susceptible to the disease.

I know how damaging oxygen deprivation is for the brain, cardiologists know how damaging it is for the heart, pulmonologists know how damaging it is for the lungs. Oxygen deprivation damages every single organ.
Keep reading
It was hard to get passed the first few paragraphs. Aside from the name, the fact that no one claimed it was the most dangerous or contagious anything and it absolutely did decimate some health care systems, it read like a fishing story
Almost as if people were quarantining, and taking measure not to contract viruses. Yeah, it's really strange other viruses would be minimized too :hys:

Jesus Christ, when you guys communicate It's sooo clear how mentally broken you are. :ROFLMAO:

Sorry dude, it disappeared before that bullshit started.??
The virus is nano sized and becomes airborne.

Glad you brought this up. There's a ton of confusion with airborne vs aerosol going on here.

Covid-19 is an aerosol virus. The germ itself is too heavy to float on air - it has to hitch a ride.
That's why masks allow people to come and go in large public places - and washing your hands a lot.

Anthrax is a spore that can float on air all by itself. Remember the stories after 9/11 about letters
containing white powder and everyone would freak the fuck out? That's why.
According to real-world data from around the world, mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, have been falsely hailed for their effectiveness in protecting against the alleged Sars-CoV-2 virus.

However, it is essential to understand that vaccine effectiveness is largely a measure of an individual’s immune system response.

This article explores the relationship between mRNA vaccines and the immune system, the concept of waning immunity, and the hypothetical scenario where an mRNA vaccine may potentially lead to autoimmune disease.

Sadly, it also reveals the unfortunate reality of the official data showing that mRNA Covid-19 vaccines have already led to many recipients suffering serious autoimmune diseases that could be as serious as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
I posted this a while back in the facemask thread and I think it's relevant here. This is whiy it's pointless to wear facemasks with references included...

With surgical masks there are 3 levels of protection (see chart for details). The single use disposable masks that most people are using are not rated and are not surgical masks. Neither are the fabric cloth masks. Even if they were rated, they would be rated by efficiency at 3 microns for bacteria. The average bacterial cell is 1-2 microns in diameter. Streptococcus pneumoniae; a common BP is 0.5 - 1.25 microns in diameter, for which none of the surgical masks are rated. Taken a step further a virus is even smaller than bacterial cells at an average of 500 nm; therefore, surgical masks are not rated for the size of viruses. It should also be noted that surgical masks do not provide protection against airborne diseases.

You may have noticed in the chart that surgical masks are rated for efficiency at 0.1 microns in relation to particulate matter. Before you go saying bacteria is larger than 0.1 microns; particulate matter is not the same as bacteria and viruses. Particulate matter is defined as aerosols - a solid or liquid suspended in a gas.

So yes, surgical masks will block the aerosol particles; for instance he droplets formed when someone sneezes, but it won't necessarily block pathogens contained within those droplets once they've made contact with the mask. Remember, surgical masks are rated at 3 microns for bacterial/pathogen filtration. Also remember that what people are typically wearing are not surgical masks. What this translates to is that once any particulate matter comes into contact with the mask, a number of pathogens can still be inhaled through the mask and infect the mask wearer

In everyday life; and I don't mean to be crass, but I have literally seen people doing what appear to be digging in their butthole then directly after touch all over their face and mask. People come into contact with any number of contaminated surfaces giving multiple chances to be infected with a disease or pathogen. And as I've briefly explained, the surgical masks are not going to protect a person from infection if a pathogen makes contact with their mask; i.e. block it from entering the body.

So you then may ask why do doctors wear the surgical masks during surgery? It is because of the job they were designed to do. As in the beginning of COVID it was promoted that wearing a mask would protect others from you if you were unknowingly infected. This is indeed the case and exactly what surgical masks were designed for in use during surgery. The mask will provide a physical barrier against the aerosols produced when breathing, but not necessarily any pathogens contained within. It protects the any exposed wounds on the patient and the doctor's mouth/nose from direct contact with an aerosol and lessens the chance of spreading an infectious disease. Again that is not to say the pathogen will not escape the mask; it still could through the force of breathing. What would you surmise would be the most likely outcome once that aerosol comes into contact with the mask. Any pathogens contained within being breathed in by the mask wearer or being forced out to come in contact with someone else? In a surgical setting, by blocking aerosols it's less likely for the surgeon to infect the patient when wearing a mask. Hence the practice, to protect the patient.

In plain English what this says is that surgical masks do not protect the wearer from infection.

And not to make too much of an assumption, but I have asked some who are still masking why. The answer from them has been so they do not get sick. I can somewhat extrapolate from this that others who are still masking are doing so for the same reason.

CFR 42 Chapter I Subchapter G
ASTM Method F2299
ASTM Method F2101
ASTM Method F1862
NIOSH-Approved Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators


To also add to this discussion I want to note that the masks that have been used by the general public don't really protect people from you as much as you would think. Once a person breathed a virus into the mask it will still survive long enough to become dislodged, airborne and come into contact with someone else.

Another thing I want to add is when mask mandated were first put into effect I said it would make things worse. I predicted that this would facilitate a new, more infectious strand becoming predominant. My reasoning was that the more infectious mutations would be the ones that would survive to make it past the mask barrier to infect people. Then shortly after we had Omicron.

The last piece that I want to add is that I thought all the "precautions" such as mask mandates were going to prolong the pandemic. Everything that was instated from lockdowns to masks prolonged the pandemic. And really anything they did to "slow" the spread was a fruitless effort. COVID is basically a cousin to the common cold virus. Nothing that was done was going to stop to spread. All it accomplished was allow more time for the virus to mutate again & again to avoid the barriers the mandates tried to put in place. It may be a cold hearted thing to say, but the best course of action would have been to let the initial strand spread and let it burn itself out. That may or may not have caused more deaths, but it would have been over sooner. Kind of like ripping the band-aid off. Eventually is did burn itself out, but it took longer because of all the mandates.

One final thought that is beyond the facemask thing; I want to pose this about the vaccine. The common cold is a coronavirus, has been around forever and is in the same family as COVID19. In all this time there has never been a vaccine/cure for the common cold which they have been working with for decades. But a COVID19 vaccine was pumped out in less than a year. If they couldn't cure the common cold (as the saying goes) how could they create a a COVID19 vaccine so quickly. That suggests one of two things... 1. The vaccine is total BS or 2. A vaccine for the common cold could/has been produced but is being withheld from the public. *I've seen this in the cure for cancer; there's many potential true cures for cancer that could virtually eradicate a particular form. But it's buried because there's more money in the treatment than the cure.* Anyway, whichever the case of the COVID vaccine; not that I had much to begin with because of what I've seen from the inside, it gives me ZERO faith in the so called "experts" of the medical community. There's always an agenda that doesn't involve what best for the populist.
I posted this a while back in the facemask thread and I think it's relevant here. This is whiy it's pointless to wear facemasks with references included...

With surgical masks there are 3 levels of protection (see chart for details). The single use disposable masks that most people are using are not rated and are not surgical masks. Neither are the fabric cloth masks. Even if they were rated, they would be rated by efficiency at 3 microns for bacteria. The average bacterial cell is 1-2 microns in diameter. Streptococcus pneumoniae; a common BP is 0.5 - 1.25 microns in diameter, for which none of the surgical masks are rated. Taken a step further a virus is even smaller than bacterial cells at an average of 500 nm; therefore, surgical masks are not rated for the size of viruses. It should also be noted that surgical masks do not provide protection against airborne diseases.

You may have noticed in the chart that surgical masks are rated for efficiency at 0.1 microns in relation to particulate matter. Before you go saying bacteria is larger than 0.1 microns; particulate matter is not the same as bacteria and viruses. Particulate matter is defined as aerosols - a solid or liquid suspended in a gas.

So yes, surgical masks will block the aerosol particles; for instance he droplets formed when someone sneezes, but it won't necessarily block pathogens contained within those droplets once they've made contact with the mask. Remember, surgical masks are rated at 3 microns for bacterial/pathogen filtration. Also remember that what people are typically wearing are not surgical masks. What this translates to is that once any particulate matter comes into contact with the mask, a number of pathogens can still be inhaled through the mask and infect the mask wearer

In everyday life; and I don't mean to be crass, but I have literally seen people doing what appear to be digging in their butthole then directly after touch all over their face and mask. People come into contact with any number of contaminated surfaces giving multiple chances to be infected with a disease or pathogen. And as I've briefly explained, the surgical masks are not going to protect a person from infection if a pathogen makes contact with their mask; i.e. block it from entering the body.

So you then may ask why do doctors wear the surgical masks during surgery? It is because of the job they were designed to do. As in the beginning of COVID it was promoted that wearing a mask would protect others from you if you were unknowingly infected. This is indeed the case and exactly what surgical masks were designed for in use during surgery. The mask will provide a physical barrier against the aerosols produced when breathing, but not necessarily any pathogens contained within. It protects the any exposed wounds on the patient and the doctor's mouth/nose from direct contact with an aerosol and lessens the chance of spreading an infectious disease. Again that is not to say the pathogen will not escape the mask; it still could through the force of breathing. What would you surmise would be the most likely outcome once that aerosol comes into contact with the mask. Any pathogens contained within being breathed in by the mask wearer or being forced out to come in contact with someone else? In a surgical setting, by blocking aerosols it's less likely for the surgeon to infect the patient when wearing a mask. Hence the practice, to protect the patient.

In plain English what this says is that surgical masks do not protect the wearer from infection.

And not to make too much of an assumption, but I have asked some who are still masking why. The answer from them has been so they do not get sick. I can somewhat extrapolate from this that others who are still masking are doing so for the same reason.

CFR 42 Chapter I Subchapter G
ASTM Method F2299
ASTM Method F2101
ASTM Method F1862
NIOSH-Approved Particulate Filtering Facepiece Respirators


To also add to this discussion I want to note that the masks that have been used by the general public don't really protect people from you as much as you would think. Once a person breathed a virus into the mask it will still survive long enough to become dislodged, airborne and come into contact with someone else.

Another thing I want to add is when mask mandated were first put into effect I said it would make things worse. I predicted that this would facilitate a new, more infectious strand becoming predominant. My reasoning was that the more infectious mutations would be the ones that would survive to make it past the mask barrier to infect people. Then shortly after we had Omicron.

The last piece that I want to add is that I thought all the "precautions" such as mask mandates were going to prolong the pandemic. Everything that was instated from lockdowns to masks prolonged the pandemic. And really anything they did to "slow" the spread was a fruitless effort. COVID is basically a cousin to the common cold virus. Nothing that was done was going to stop to spread. All it accomplished was allow more time for the virus to mutate again & again to avoid the barriers the mandates tried to put in place. It may be a cold hearted thing to say, but the best course of action would have been to let the initial strand spread and let it burn itself out. That may or may not have caused more deaths, but it would have been over sooner. Kind of like ripping the band-aid off. Eventually is did burn itself out, but it took longer because of all the mandates.

One final thought that is beyond the facemask thing; I want to pose this about the vaccine. The common cold is a coronavirus, has been around forever and is in the same family as COVID19. In all this time there has never been a vaccine/cure for the common cold which they have been working with for decades. But a COVID19 vaccine was pumped out in less than a year. If they couldn't cure the common cold (as the saying goes) how could they create a a COVID19 vaccine so quickly. That suggests one of two things... 1. The vaccine is total BS or 2. A vaccine for the common cold could/has been produced but is being withheld from the public. *I've seen this in the cure for cancer; there's many potential true cures for cancer that could virtually eradicate a particular form. But it's buried because there's more money in the treatment than the cure.* Anyway, whichever the case of the COVID vaccine; not that I had much to begin with because of what I've seen from the inside, it gives me ZERO faith in the so called "experts" of the medical community. There's always an agenda that doesn't involve what best for the populist.

Thank you, Sir. Very true.
Hopefully the next strain of whatever wipes these idiots out.

As I'm sitting here and diving into The Last of Us, maybe the next one takes a weird U-turn
at some point during the early strains and that'll be the end for 99.9% of us.

Finished Station 11 last week too. :D Nowhere near as good as the book.

We came really close with Ebola once and hardly anyone even knows about it.

Google: Reston Virus Washington DC.
Again, one crazy mutation and we would have been royally screwed.
Brother Krull, please stop reposting the Fauci-on-60-Minutes video. Way-too-many-times bro'.

You could simply link people back to any of the many posts in which you embedded it, adding any new info or reasons why they should check it out, of course.
Yea I’m the ignorant one. Why have doctors and surgeons worn masks for like the last century?
Dude, really ?

I’m not going to fully address this because I have no desire to argue with you, but as a guy with more hours of respirator training than most, I can tell you unequivocally that N-95 masks are incapable of stopping Covid molecules from passing through them. And the vast majority of people who wear masks are not wearing N-95 level masks and they are wearing them incorrectly.
The reason surgeons wear masks is to limit the distance particles can be expelled through breath, sneezing or coughing.

Didn’t you notice that people wearing masks and people who were “ Vaccinated “ contracted and passed the C-19 virus as much or more than people who didn’t ?

Lockdowns, mask mandates and vaccinations were completely ineffective. And as usual democrats employed the Rahm Emanuel doctrine of not letting a crisis go to waste. They used the “ pandemic” to effectively oust the president and to set a dangerous precedent of massive government overreach and control over the population. Not only that but they have insured that in the event there is an actual pandemic the vast majority of people no longer have any faith or trust in politicians or government agencies. Fauci effectively turned the CDC into a joke. And yes, he is on record with a lot of other people pointing out that masks are ineffective. Though depending on what day it was he was just as likely to claim they were.

Ok, sorry buddy. I guess I did address it pretty fully.

For the record, I am not anti vax and I certainly believe C-19 is a real thing that killed vulnerable people. The C-19 shots are not vaccinations though. And comparing them to actual vaccines such as polio and measles or whatever is dishonest and ridiculous. Those vaccines actually prevent contraction of the disease and spreading of the disease.