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Krull":3n2vd3z8 said:braintheory":3n2vd3z8 said:I like to play many different styles. I’m primarily a classical guitarist, but for electric I play mostly metal ranging from quite modern to more old school metal and also hard rock. I like to have gear that I feel is among the best for what it’s trying to do. That’s why I have amps like the Vibroverb, which I feel has one of the best cleans out there, the Jim Kelley is amazing for bluesy and fusion type leads, Ampeg Gemini II has these warm, hairy cleans, etc, every amp that I own and plan to keep has its place for something. It sounds like you go for different things than I do with gear and that’s fine. To each their ownKrull":3n2vd3z8 said:braintheory":3n2vd3z8 said:I had a similar experience with the 2 Fortin’s I’ve tried (Meshuggah and Natas) and always stress the importance of AB comparisons. I never form any conclusive opinions of any piece of gear anymore until I AB with something I know well. I think the AB comparisons are crucialSBlue":3n2vd3z8 said:swamptrashstompboxes":3n2vd3z8 said:So far I have yet to heard a Larry sound better than a Fortin.
So far, I’ve haven’t heard a Fortin that comes even close to any Larry, Cameron or the Steavens Poundcake 100. And I’ve heard three Fortin mods and a Meshuggah. And that’s by A/Bing them side by side, not by online random audio clips.
On one occasion, a Fortin modded 75 Marshall, with Fortins Jose mod, was put side by side with a Cameron Ocean, and the Fortin pretty much sounded broken. It was like comparing a stock JCM900 to a properly done Jose mod.
Also, the Meshuggah who was shipped to Brazil, was thought it was damaged during shipment, because it sounded nothing like it did on the advertising audio clips. So, they’ve made a copy of it with what they thought would be a better. Voice for component values... it sounded 10x better than the Fortin.
Since I’m too old to be an internet troll, or to just play the online douche, I get my facts from my own experience, or by an unbiased direct a/b comparison. Not by random online audio.
Stay safe
I’ve AB’ed the Meshuggah and Natas with other amps that I felt were great and the Meshuggah sounded comparatively very unimpressive, small and toy-like and I felt similarly about the Natas. The Meshuggah was AB’ed with 2 Cameron modded Marshall’s (Jose and Aldrich mods) and a stock ‘80’s Silver Jubilee. All those 3 amps sounded light years better than the Meshuggah
I never tried a Fortin modded Marshall, but have owned a Gower Killer Kali ++ and Rockmonster, which I heard from others are similar and some have told me even better than the Fortin versions. I thought they sounded good (but not amazing) when I first had them, but again the Cameron modded Marshall’s I had at the time smoked them
First off, what type of music do you play? You have a gjika 10n for crying out loud. Everyone had their own preference I get it. Tone is all subjective. I’ve read your descriptions of amps and it’s like reading a thesaurus when it comes to the words you use. I mean you described a VH4 blueface as being an uncompressed amp. WTF?
The Gjika as I've mentioned before is top notch for everything but metal. I never once said it’s good for metal or hard rock. It though has a level of complexity and quality to its tone that none of my other amps quite have. This has nothing to do with style of music, just quality in tone, very 3D and the fullest sounding amp I’ve tried. Although it’s not a metal or hard rock amp, I appreciate any form of top notch tone and in this case it’s really a beautiful thing to experience even though it’s not really an amp for what I typically play, but I also don’t like to pigeonhole amps for styles. It’s just a great amp. For me playing an amp like this with high quality tone is much more inspiring and enjoyable than playing something like a Fortin, which is actually perfectly suited for the style I usually play, but is sterile and uninteresting in tone
I never said my Blueface was uncompressed, but maybe my wording before implied that somehow. It’s certainly less compressed than most amps I’d use for metal, but I think my Wizard MTL is more open. What I did say about (and stand by) is how huge and heavy it sounds. No amp I’ve tried has such a deep bottom end and such evilness to its tone. You gotta get the master up very high on it, but when you do it’s in many ways the biggest and heaviest sounding amp I’ve tried, the Wizard MTL sounds small in comparison, but I’ve kept it because it’s also in comparison tighter, more defined, faster response and hits you harder
Like I said tone is all subjective. What you like and describe as being the best sounding is strictly your opinion. For example, I have owned 3 Wizards and currently have none. Just not for me. Also owned a Soldano SLO, also not for me. These amps have specific genres of music associated with them. They may be high quality builds and hand wired and all that jazz, but it’s not for me. So really in the end it’s all up to the individual and one can’t go by statements like “oh this is the best amp ever it eats other amps for breakfast” type descriptions.
So what amps are... for you?