FORTIN's Evil Pumpkin – Made in China?

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psychodave":1ebmc0qz said:
And there it is..... DAM!
Yes, I bet it sounded better in the room, and I can't tell how it felt playing it, but here's what I can tell-
Its very aggressive and percussive, all the notes in chords while being ever so slightly compressed, ring out beautifully and with an amazing amount of harmonic content, it does palm muted rhythm's with absolute authority and still has the right amount of chewy goodness within that. Its not overly stiff feeling (even though I have not played it) Leads have a stunning amount of harmonic character and juice for miles, and its very likely that lead notes will evolve into a beautiful harmonic feedback if you milk them with minimal effort... I do think that Dave's hands and the way he's hitting the strings do contribute to a % of the harmonic content, but none the less, you can clearly hear it...
Dave, am I close??
That clip haunted me for years, I must have listened to it at least 40 times :lol: :LOL:
Dave, what was the recording signal chain?
Racerxrated":3rkmtntm said:
JTyson":3rkmtntm said:
Racerxrated":3rkmtntm said:
JTyson":3rkmtntm said:
Thunkful":3rkmtntm said:
Krull":3rkmtntm said:
novosibir":3rkmtntm said:
Set the Output control (Master) of a DINO at 0.3 and expect a overwhelming killer sound?
At a loudness level just so loud, that your baby sleeping in the next room doesn't wake up.
Or what else do you expect of a Larry amp?
Dumb ass!

Here is the same guy who posted the Larry clip. He’s playing the Evil Pumpkin at NAMM and the master isn’t set crazy high.

That's really boxy and solid State sounding amp..

Krull":3rkmtntm said:
Sound even with a master volume really low 1000x better than the pumpkin clip.
:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Sorry, but the Larry sounds like shit in that clip... I would take that off the internet. Half of it is the guy playing, but the other half does not sound half as good as the pumpkin in a room full of noise no less. Maybe the guy does not know how to dial an amp in, I would be stunned if the Larry did not do any better than that after 23 pages of talk about them being better than anything else out there, is there a better clip anywhere to reverse the damage that clip has done? Maybe REZA will put up a proper clip, he can actually play, and he knows how to dial an amp
Carry on
:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

You really think that blumkin clip sounds better??? OMG. Now, that Larry clip sounds bad too but its clearly better that that horseshit NAMM thing. Good god that NAMM vid sounds like Charvel Dan at his best. And that's pretty bad. Clearly the common denominator is the player, he needs some work that's for sure.

Here's one thing I know...

Clips are shit. Period. A good player can make a 20 dollar Gorilla special sound like GOD. And a shit player makes the 3K flavor of the week sound like ASS.

Hey ever hear that great SLO clip? Crickets.

How about the amazing Wizard clip? More crickets.

Wait wait what about that 2C+ clip??? Yeah that sounds just like my Mark III. Haha sure man.

Point is, maybe those amps aren't for everybody BUT many feel they are amazing and are one of a kind, Iconic amps. Oh yeah, and they cost between 3-6K depending on the model, or if you order a new custom Wizard with KT88s that will cost nearly 6K with taxes customs etc.

Clips don't ever reflect or even come close to demonstrating what the power section does to the tone/push the amp has.

Like I said, clips are shit. None of the amps I mentioned has had any decent clips over the years, yet they are very desirable and well respected.
I mean, how ever did they sell these amps without clips??????

Mike Soldano, Rick St Pierre and Larry don't seem to have a problem selling amps, yet their amps don't have much out there for clips.
Like I said, who cares about clips. Clips are shit anyway.
Meh, Ive heard lots of clips by guys who could not play that demonstrated the tone of the amp reasonably well, Ive heard clips of guys who killed and they did not sound good at all. To say all clips are shit and we all have to take that as the end of the story is simply untrue. Yes, I agree the guy can't play which did not help at all, and I also agree that no clip will convey the feel of any amp or the exact sound in the room, most studio recordings dont do that either. I was simply pointing out that after 23 pages of fluff about Larrys amp the clip of it was a joke. For you to say all clips of all amps suck is simply untrue. I would prefer a clip that was simply done but done well to an album recording any day. Psychodaves clips are a prime example, he dosent go to a lot of trouble on them, but who has heard his Cameron Marshall clip recorded with his red Charvel that didn't think it sounded absolutely massive?
Anyone who has heard that clip will instantly know the one Im speaking of, it was that good. Dave also picks stuff to play that will exhibit the stronger qualities of the amp he is playing through. I may be wrong, but I think they were simple iPhone clips, and they were amazing. Not because of Dave's playing, although he can play his ass off, but because I could hear the full spectrum of the amp, and Dave played what he knows is important to a lot of us- Does it chug well? How percussive is it? How do the chords ring out? How do leads sound? The rest of it probably is a non issue. I love JS's tone on the albums, I know the amps are better than that clip.
We are in agreement that the clip sucks, Im fully aware of the pitfalls of clips vs feel vs sound in the room, Ive been at this a long time, gigged for years, recorded for even many more years, and have owned a metric shit ton of high gainers, probably close to 30 of various brands. I'm down to several of them.
23 pages.... That clip sucked balls.. Yes, the guy can't even chug the low string properly... I will wait for Reza to do a proper one..
An explanation of why all clips suck and this one- One of the only clips in existence of the amp in question- is not a proper clip to convey everything about the amp is really not needed, its obvious the guy is only used to bedroom volumes and had probably only had the amp a short time.
And Krull, Im not sure the same guy posted both of those clips at all, one of them can do what the other cannot seem to
:lol: :LOL:
I have heard good clips sure, like I said most if not all of them are stock or modded Marshalls. Maybe its the mids? Amps with great juicy mids like a Marshall have the best translation to iPhone or other simply recorded clips. My point was more to the fact that some really well thought of amps, like Wizards/SLO/Larry, just don't have great or even good clips to go by. A few guys here have made the comment about Wizards..I think it was 46-2..."can anyone show me a decent Wizard clip?" and that's what I'm talking about. Yet people who own/have owned them all say the same killer in the room a Wizard is. That's the amp that gets great reviews will need the power section to really cook before it does its thing. Clips just aren't going to show that, ever.

What about a Dumble, another iconic amp that will get snapped up before it's even listed anywhere..and for what, 20, 40, 60, 100K or more??? Show me a good Dumble clip. I'd bet it sounds like just an amp..clean to a little dirty. Nothing in those vids/clips equals 5-6 figures, that's for sure. But yet they will sell quick for unreal money. Why? Partly because of the rarity..but if that was it my Coliseum, one of less than 90 made would be worth a shit ton...mostly because of the word of mouth of how amazing those Dumbles are. No one has ever been able to really replicate one.

Clips serve a purpose of course..but to judge an amp based on a crappy clip, and only the crappy clip would leave many great amps never selling. I mean that NAMM clip sounded like he strung up rubber bands and strummed. I don't think the Larry clip was very good either...but I'm quite sure both amps can sound way better. I learned to not ever take any clip seriously after I bought my first SLO 7 yrs ago...I had listened to a 6505 vs SLO youtube clip...I've played 6505s and they are ok...wouldn't buy one though. I waffled on the SLO because I didn't want to drop 2500 on a 6505 clone. Lol. Thankfully when I first played the SLO with a boost and some volume, hahaha no chance anyone would mistake the SLO with a 6505.
That's why RT and other forums are great info sources...we can ask about these amps and actual owners will chime in and give an honest review. I'll take that 6 days a week and twice on Sunday over some clip that doesn't really reflect the tone that you actually hear in the room.
And this I would agree with, I would take someone I trusted who had proven themselves over the years over a crappy clip anyday. My point about the Larry clip was all I could hear was mids, likely due to the way he had dailed the amp and had no volume to it. The pumpkin at least had enough gain in the clip that you could tell it would palm mute rhythms well. Yes, he was not that good playing, but he was better than the guy in the Larry clip. I don't think its the same guy although it may be listed as such. The Larry clip sounds like the gain was at 2 and the mids were dimed. You didn't seem to have anything to say about the clip until I said it sucked, then it seemed you were out to rationalize why it sucked when there was no need to, I was just pointing out the obvious.. I totally get that clips are risky when evaluating the amp, but some of the simplest ones actually do a decent job.
JTyson":3tfr0cyx said:
Racerxrated":3tfr0cyx said:
JTyson":3tfr0cyx said:
Racerxrated":3tfr0cyx said:
JTyson":3tfr0cyx said:
Thunkful":3tfr0cyx said:
Krull":3tfr0cyx said:
novosibir":3tfr0cyx said:
Set the Output control (Master) of a DINO at 0.3 and expect a overwhelming killer sound?
At a loudness level just so loud, that your baby sleeping in the next room doesn't wake up.
Or what else do you expect of a Larry amp?
Dumb ass!

Here is the same guy who posted the Larry clip. He’s playing the Evil Pumpkin at NAMM and the master isn’t set crazy high.

That's really boxy and solid State sounding amp..

Krull":3tfr0cyx said:
Sound even with a master volume really low 1000x better than the pumpkin clip.
:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Sorry, but the Larry sounds like shit in that clip... I would take that off the internet. Half of it is the guy playing, but the other half does not sound half as good as the pumpkin in a room full of noise no less. Maybe the guy does not know how to dial an amp in, I would be stunned if the Larry did not do any better than that after 23 pages of talk about them being better than anything else out there, is there a better clip anywhere to reverse the damage that clip has done? Maybe REZA will put up a proper clip, he can actually play, and he knows how to dial an amp
Carry on
:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

You really think that blumkin clip sounds better??? OMG. Now, that Larry clip sounds bad too but its clearly better that that horseshit NAMM thing. Good god that NAMM vid sounds like Charvel Dan at his best. And that's pretty bad. Clearly the common denominator is the player, he needs some work that's for sure.

Here's one thing I know...

Clips are shit. Period. A good player can make a 20 dollar Gorilla special sound like GOD. And a shit player makes the 3K flavor of the week sound like ASS.

Hey ever hear that great SLO clip? Crickets.

How about the amazing Wizard clip? More crickets.

Wait wait what about that 2C+ clip??? Yeah that sounds just like my Mark III. Haha sure man.

Point is, maybe those amps aren't for everybody BUT many feel they are amazing and are one of a kind, Iconic amps. Oh yeah, and they cost between 3-6K depending on the model, or if you order a new custom Wizard with KT88s that will cost nearly 6K with taxes customs etc.

Clips don't ever reflect or even come close to demonstrating what the power section does to the tone/push the amp has.

Like I said, clips are shit. None of the amps I mentioned has had any decent clips over the years, yet they are very desirable and well respected.
I mean, how ever did they sell these amps without clips??????

Mike Soldano, Rick St Pierre and Larry don't seem to have a problem selling amps, yet their amps don't have much out there for clips.
Like I said, who cares about clips. Clips are shit anyway.
Meh, Ive heard lots of clips by guys who could not play that demonstrated the tone of the amp reasonably well, Ive heard clips of guys who killed and they did not sound good at all. To say all clips are shit and we all have to take that as the end of the story is simply untrue. Yes, I agree the guy can't play which did not help at all, and I also agree that no clip will convey the feel of any amp or the exact sound in the room, most studio recordings dont do that either. I was simply pointing out that after 23 pages of fluff about Larrys amp the clip of it was a joke. For you to say all clips of all amps suck is simply untrue. I would prefer a clip that was simply done but done well to an album recording any day. Psychodaves clips are a prime example, he dosent go to a lot of trouble on them, but who has heard his Cameron Marshall clip recorded with his red Charvel that didn't think it sounded absolutely massive?
Anyone who has heard that clip will instantly know the one Im speaking of, it was that good. Dave also picks stuff to play that will exhibit the stronger qualities of the amp he is playing through. I may be wrong, but I think they were simple iPhone clips, and they were amazing. Not because of Dave's playing, although he can play his ass off, but because I could hear the full spectrum of the amp, and Dave played what he knows is important to a lot of us- Does it chug well? How percussive is it? How do the chords ring out? How do leads sound? The rest of it probably is a non issue. I love JS's tone on the albums, I know the amps are better than that clip.
We are in agreement that the clip sucks, Im fully aware of the pitfalls of clips vs feel vs sound in the room, Ive been at this a long time, gigged for years, recorded for even many more years, and have owned a metric shit ton of high gainers, probably close to 30 of various brands. I'm down to several of them.
23 pages.... That clip sucked balls.. Yes, the guy can't even chug the low string properly... I will wait for Reza to do a proper one..
An explanation of why all clips suck and this one- One of the only clips in existence of the amp in question- is not a proper clip to convey everything about the amp is really not needed, its obvious the guy is only used to bedroom volumes and had probably only had the amp a short time.
And Krull, Im not sure the same guy posted both of those clips at all, one of them can do what the other cannot seem to
:lol: :LOL:
I have heard good clips sure, like I said most if not all of them are stock or modded Marshalls. Maybe its the mids? Amps with great juicy mids like a Marshall have the best translation to iPhone or other simply recorded clips. My point was more to the fact that some really well thought of amps, like Wizards/SLO/Larry, just don't have great or even good clips to go by. A few guys here have made the comment about Wizards..I think it was 46-2..."can anyone show me a decent Wizard clip?" and that's what I'm talking about. Yet people who own/have owned them all say the same killer in the room a Wizard is. That's the amp that gets great reviews will need the power section to really cook before it does its thing. Clips just aren't going to show that, ever.

What about a Dumble, another iconic amp that will get snapped up before it's even listed anywhere..and for what, 20, 40, 60, 100K or more??? Show me a good Dumble clip. I'd bet it sounds like just an amp..clean to a little dirty. Nothing in those vids/clips equals 5-6 figures, that's for sure. But yet they will sell quick for unreal money. Why? Partly because of the rarity..but if that was it my Coliseum, one of less than 90 made would be worth a shit ton...mostly because of the word of mouth of how amazing those Dumbles are. No one has ever been able to really replicate one.

Clips serve a purpose of course..but to judge an amp based on a crappy clip, and only the crappy clip would leave many great amps never selling. I mean that NAMM clip sounded like he strung up rubber bands and strummed. I don't think the Larry clip was very good either...but I'm quite sure both amps can sound way better. I learned to not ever take any clip seriously after I bought my first SLO 7 yrs ago...I had listened to a 6505 vs SLO youtube clip...I've played 6505s and they are ok...wouldn't buy one though. I waffled on the SLO because I didn't want to drop 2500 on a 6505 clone. Lol. Thankfully when I first played the SLO with a boost and some volume, hahaha no chance anyone would mistake the SLO with a 6505.
That's why RT and other forums are great info sources...we can ask about these amps and actual owners will chime in and give an honest review. I'll take that 6 days a week and twice on Sunday over some clip that doesn't really reflect the tone that you actually hear in the room.
And this I would agree with, I would take someone I trusted who had proven themselves over the years over a crappy clip anyday. My point about the Larry clip was all I could hear was mids, likely due to the way he had dailed the amp and had no volume to it. The pumpkin at least had enough gain in the clip that you could tell it would palm mute rhythms well. Yes, he was not that good playing, but he was better than the guy in the Larry clip. I don't think its the same guy although it may be listed as such. The Larry clip sounds like the gain was at 2 and the mids were dimed. You didn't seem to have anything to say about the clip until I said it sucked, then it seemed you were out to rationalize why it sucked when there was no need to, I was just pointing out the obvious.. I totally get that clips are risky when evaluating the amp, but some of the simplest ones actually do a decent job.
I agree both clips are no good. The one Larry clip I liked was a rebuilt 800 that he did way back in the late 80s, according to Larry. That sounded killer imo.

Either way, most clips that I’ve heard of amps that I feel are great amps, are bad to ok at best. Just my opinion.
I know 3 guys that have Larry amps, they have a laundry list of great amps in the past and they all say great things about the Larry. And they’re not selling.
6K and a long wait is a tough sell for most guys. But then again we search out the rarest stuff here on RT, and sometimes it’s worth the wait and expense.
If I found a Langner modded Marshall I’d be all over it..yet I’ve never heard or played one. Why? Because of you and a few others’ experience with them. That’s what it’s all about here, for me anyway.
Racerxrated":zg41yr2m said:
The one Larry clip I liked was a rebuilt 800 that he did way back in the late 80s, according to Larry. That sounded killer imo.
It's been anywhen between 1993 and 1995 - still built on double solder strips at that time:


  • DINO822-04.jpg
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JTyson":2v8vepmw said:
psychodave":2v8vepmw said:
And there it is..... DAM!
Yes, I bet it sounded better in the room, and I can't tell how it felt playing it, but here's what I can tell-
Its very aggressive and percussive, all the notes in chords while being ever so slightly compressed, ring out beautifully and with an amazing amount of harmonic content, it does palm muted rhythm's with absolute authority and still has the right amount of chewy goodness within that. Its not overly stiff feeling (even though I have not played it) Leads have a stunning amount of harmonic character and juice for miles, and its very likely that lead notes will evolve into a beautiful harmonic feedback if you milk them with minimal effort... I do think that Dave's hands and the way he's hitting the strings do contribute to a % of the harmonic content, but none the less, you can clearly hear it...
Dave, am I close??
That clip haunted me for years, I must have listened to it at least 40 times :lol: :LOL:
Dave, what was the recording signal chain?

That amp ripped. Like you said above, it was tight, but still felt great. Notes exploded off the fretboard. Just listen to the note around the 1 minute mark. It goes harmonic as it rings out. It’s was the amp. Only reason why I sold it was because I felt the CCV I received sounded very similar. I do regret selling it. If anyone believes it, I sold John P a 100 watt Jose that was even better. The amp dripped tone.

I recorded it using a Sony Handicam from across the room. I’m using a promod Charvel with a Suhr Aldrich pickup. Going into a Timmy pedal, set for a very slight boost... you can hear it tighten up the bottom end when I use it. Then into the amp. I’m using Celestion G12H30’s.
psychodave":3gkcypb5 said:
I’m using Celestion G12H30’s.
vintage or modern ones? 55Hz or 75Hz cones?
I have a pair of pre-Rola (april '71) 55Hz versions waiting to be thrown in a nice 2x12. Should pair nicely with the EVH 50W. :rock:

The clip does sound really great -listening through the simple camera sound- and would also be the type of tone I'm looking for.
Oh, and one can appreciate the irony of that clip in this Larry thread, playing Iced Earth riffs. :lol: :LOL:
Speeddemon":3ueoqbka said:
Oh, and one can appreciate the irony of that clip in this Larry thread, playing Iced Earth riffs. :lol: :LOL:
No it's a Fortin Evil Pumpkin thread.
I'm only here as a ghost writer :D
novosibir":2crj4s2y said:
Speeddemon":2crj4s2y said:
Oh, and one can appreciate the irony of that clip in this Larry thread, playing Iced Earth riffs. :lol: :LOL:
No it's a Fortin Evil Pumpkin thread.
I'm only here as a ghost writer :D

As opposed to the typical ghost builder? :lol: :LOL: :D
Racerxrated":1lzwuamc said:
JTyson":1lzwuamc said:
Racerxrated":1lzwuamc said:
JTyson":1lzwuamc said:
Racerxrated":1lzwuamc said:
JTyson":1lzwuamc said:
Thunkful":1lzwuamc said:
Krull":1lzwuamc said:
novosibir":1lzwuamc said:
Set the Output control (Master) of a DINO at 0.3 and expect a overwhelming killer sound?
At a loudness level just so loud, that your baby sleeping in the next room doesn't wake up.
Or what else do you expect of a Larry amp?
Dumb ass!

Here is the same guy who posted the Larry clip. He’s playing the Evil Pumpkin at NAMM and the master isn’t set crazy high.

That's really boxy and solid State sounding amp..

Krull":1lzwuamc said:
Sound even with a master volume really low 1000x better than the pumpkin clip.
:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:
Sorry, but the Larry sounds like shit in that clip... I would take that off the internet. Half of it is the guy playing, but the other half does not sound half as good as the pumpkin in a room full of noise no less. Maybe the guy does not know how to dial an amp in, I would be stunned if the Larry did not do any better than that after 23 pages of talk about them being better than anything else out there, is there a better clip anywhere to reverse the damage that clip has done? Maybe REZA will put up a proper clip, he can actually play, and he knows how to dial an amp
Carry on
:lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL: :lol: :LOL:

You really think that blumkin clip sounds better??? OMG. Now, that Larry clip sounds bad too but its clearly better that that horseshit NAMM thing. Good god that NAMM vid sounds like Charvel Dan at his best. And that's pretty bad. Clearly the common denominator is the player, he needs some work that's for sure.

Here's one thing I know...

Clips are shit. Period. A good player can make a 20 dollar Gorilla special sound like GOD. And a shit player makes the 3K flavor of the week sound like ASS.

Hey ever hear that great SLO clip? Crickets.

How about the amazing Wizard clip? More crickets.

Wait wait what about that 2C+ clip??? Yeah that sounds just like my Mark III. Haha sure man.

Point is, maybe those amps aren't for everybody BUT many feel they are amazing and are one of a kind, Iconic amps. Oh yeah, and they cost between 3-6K depending on the model, or if you order a new custom Wizard with KT88s that will cost nearly 6K with taxes customs etc.

Clips don't ever reflect or even come close to demonstrating what the power section does to the tone/push the amp has.

Like I said, clips are shit. None of the amps I mentioned has had any decent clips over the years, yet they are very desirable and well respected.
I mean, how ever did they sell these amps without clips??????

Mike Soldano, Rick St Pierre and Larry don't seem to have a problem selling amps, yet their amps don't have much out there for clips.
Like I said, who cares about clips. Clips are shit anyway.
Meh, Ive heard lots of clips by guys who could not play that demonstrated the tone of the amp reasonably well, Ive heard clips of guys who killed and they did not sound good at all. To say all clips are shit and we all have to take that as the end of the story is simply untrue. Yes, I agree the guy can't play which did not help at all, and I also agree that no clip will convey the feel of any amp or the exact sound in the room, most studio recordings dont do that either. I was simply pointing out that after 23 pages of fluff about Larrys amp the clip of it was a joke. For you to say all clips of all amps suck is simply untrue. I would prefer a clip that was simply done but done well to an album recording any day. Psychodaves clips are a prime example, he dosent go to a lot of trouble on them, but who has heard his Cameron Marshall clip recorded with his red Charvel that didn't think it sounded absolutely massive?
Anyone who has heard that clip will instantly know the one Im speaking of, it was that good. Dave also picks stuff to play that will exhibit the stronger qualities of the amp he is playing through. I may be wrong, but I think they were simple iPhone clips, and they were amazing. Not because of Dave's playing, although he can play his ass off, but because I could hear the full spectrum of the amp, and Dave played what he knows is important to a lot of us- Does it chug well? How percussive is it? How do the chords ring out? How do leads sound? The rest of it probably is a non issue. I love JS's tone on the albums, I know the amps are better than that clip.
We are in agreement that the clip sucks, Im fully aware of the pitfalls of clips vs feel vs sound in the room, Ive been at this a long time, gigged for years, recorded for even many more years, and have owned a metric shit ton of high gainers, probably close to 30 of various brands. I'm down to several of them.
23 pages.... That clip sucked balls.. Yes, the guy can't even chug the low string properly... I will wait for Reza to do a proper one..
An explanation of why all clips suck and this one- One of the only clips in existence of the amp in question- is not a proper clip to convey everything about the amp is really not needed, its obvious the guy is only used to bedroom volumes and had probably only had the amp a short time.
And Krull, Im not sure the same guy posted both of those clips at all, one of them can do what the other cannot seem to
:lol: :LOL:
I have heard good clips sure, like I said most if not all of them are stock or modded Marshalls. Maybe its the mids? Amps with great juicy mids like a Marshall have the best translation to iPhone or other simply recorded clips. My point was more to the fact that some really well thought of amps, like Wizards/SLO/Larry, just don't have great or even good clips to go by. A few guys here have made the comment about Wizards..I think it was 46-2..."can anyone show me a decent Wizard clip?" and that's what I'm talking about. Yet people who own/have owned them all say the same killer in the room a Wizard is. That's the amp that gets great reviews will need the power section to really cook before it does its thing. Clips just aren't going to show that, ever.

What about a Dumble, another iconic amp that will get snapped up before it's even listed anywhere..and for what, 20, 40, 60, 100K or more??? Show me a good Dumble clip. I'd bet it sounds like just an amp..clean to a little dirty. Nothing in those vids/clips equals 5-6 figures, that's for sure. But yet they will sell quick for unreal money. Why? Partly because of the rarity..but if that was it my Coliseum, one of less than 90 made would be worth a shit ton...mostly because of the word of mouth of how amazing those Dumbles are. No one has ever been able to really replicate one.

Clips serve a purpose of course..but to judge an amp based on a crappy clip, and only the crappy clip would leave many great amps never selling. I mean that NAMM clip sounded like he strung up rubber bands and strummed. I don't think the Larry clip was very good either...but I'm quite sure both amps can sound way better. I learned to not ever take any clip seriously after I bought my first SLO 7 yrs ago...I had listened to a 6505 vs SLO youtube clip...I've played 6505s and they are ok...wouldn't buy one though. I waffled on the SLO because I didn't want to drop 2500 on a 6505 clone. Lol. Thankfully when I first played the SLO with a boost and some volume, hahaha no chance anyone would mistake the SLO with a 6505.
That's why RT and other forums are great info sources...we can ask about these amps and actual owners will chime in and give an honest review. I'll take that 6 days a week and twice on Sunday over some clip that doesn't really reflect the tone that you actually hear in the room.
And this I would agree with, I would take someone I trusted who had proven themselves over the years over a crappy clip anyday. My point about the Larry clip was all I could hear was mids, likely due to the way he had dailed the amp and had no volume to it. The pumpkin at least had enough gain in the clip that you could tell it would palm mute rhythms well. Yes, he was not that good playing, but he was better than the guy in the Larry clip. I don't think its the same guy although it may be listed as such. The Larry clip sounds like the gain was at 2 and the mids were dimed. You didn't seem to have anything to say about the clip until I said it sucked, then it seemed you were out to rationalize why it sucked when there was no need to, I was just pointing out the obvious.. I totally get that clips are risky when evaluating the amp, but some of the simplest ones actually do a decent job.
I agree both clips are no good. The one Larry clip I liked was a rebuilt 800 that he did way back in the late 80s, according to Larry. That sounded killer imo.

Either way, most clips that I’ve heard of amps that I feel are great amps, are bad to ok at best. Just my opinion.
I know 3 guys that have Larry amps, they have a laundry list of great amps in the past and they all say great things about the Larry. And they’re not selling.
6K and a long wait is a tough sell for most guys. But then again we search out the rarest stuff here on RT, and sometimes it’s worth the wait and expense.
If I found a Langner modded Marshall I’d be all over it..yet I’ve never heard or played one. Why? Because of you and a few others’ experience with them. That’s what it’s all about here, for me anyway.
Agreed, I feel the same way :thumbsup:
The Langners are amazing, but I'd be a liar if I said they were perfect, they are a bit more compressed than I'd ultimately hope for, but its in a good way. They are the one thing Ive kept for all these years. They dont roll off well at all, but I dont think they were ever meant to. Dave's Cameron Hose Marshall in that clip sounded perfect to me.
Maybe we could do an ampfest and get someone to show up with a Larry in the future, between all of us we would be able to cover everything under the sun :rock:
psychodave":2qf89iu0 said:
JTyson":2qf89iu0 said:
psychodave":2qf89iu0 said:
And there it is..... DAM!
Yes, I bet it sounded better in the room, and I can't tell how it felt playing it, but here's what I can tell-
Its very aggressive and percussive, all the notes in chords while being ever so slightly compressed, ring out beautifully and with an amazing amount of harmonic content, it does palm muted rhythm's with absolute authority and still has the right amount of chewy goodness within that. Its not overly stiff feeling (even though I have not played it) Leads have a stunning amount of harmonic character and juice for miles, and its very likely that lead notes will evolve into a beautiful harmonic feedback if you milk them with minimal effort... I do think that Dave's hands and the way he's hitting the strings do contribute to a % of the harmonic content, but none the less, you can clearly hear it...
Dave, am I close??
That clip haunted me for years, I must have listened to it at least 40 times :lol: :LOL:
Dave, what was the recording signal chain?

That amp ripped. Like you said above, it was tight, but still felt great. Notes exploded off the fretboard. Just listen to the note around the 1 minute mark. It goes harmonic as it rings out. It’s was the amp. Only reason why I sold it was because I felt the CCV I received sounded very similar. I do regret selling it. If anyone believes it, I sold John P a 100 watt Jose that was even better. The amp dripped tone.

I recorded it using a Sony Handicam from across the room. I’m using a promod Charvel with a Suhr Aldrich pickup. Going into a Timmy pedal, set for a very slight boost... you can hear it tighten up the bottom end when I use it. Then into the amp. I’m using Celestion G12H30’s.
I wondered if you still had it :cry: :cry: For whatever reason I thought it was an iPhone clip. You must have set that thing down in the perfect spot in the room, it still floors me all this time later.... I can't imagine how the 100 watter could be better, except 100 Watters usually are :lol: :LOL:
The first time I heard that clip I couldn't sleep that night over it, it almost drove me mad. Id been chasing that tone for nearly 20 years and had tried everything under the sun.. :lol: :LOL: The 5 stage Langners were as close as I ever got and for a very long time, they were as close to perfect as I could get...
I was gonna call dibs, but its probably better that its gone :doh:

That amp ripped. Like you said above, it was tight, but still felt great. Notes exploded off the fretboard. Just listen to the note around the 1 minute mark. It goes harmonic as it rings out. It’s was the amp. Only reason why I sold it was because I felt the CCV I received sounded very similar. I do regret selling it. If anyone believes it, I sold John P a 100 watt Jose that was even better. The amp dripped tone.

I recorded it using a Sony Handicam from across the room. I’m using a promod Charvel with a Suhr Aldrich pickup. Going into a Timmy pedal, set for a very slight boost... you can hear it tighten up the bottom end when I use it. Then into the amp. I’m using Celestion G12H30’s.[/quote]

And I still have that 100 watt Jose and it will never leave my hands until I'm dead. That amp is a MONSTER!!!

That amp ripped. Like you said above, it was tight, but still felt great. Notes exploded off the fretboard. Just listen to the note around the 1 minute mark. It goes harmonic as it rings out. It’s was the amp. Only reason why I sold it was because I felt the CCV I received sounded very similar. I do regret selling it. If anyone believes it, I sold John P a 100 watt Jose that was even better. The amp dripped tone.

I recorded it using a Sony Handicam from across the room. I’m using a promod Charvel with a Suhr Aldrich pickup. Going into a Timmy pedal, set for a very slight boost... you can hear it tighten up the bottom end when I use it. Then into the amp. I’m using Celestion G12H30’s.[/quote]

And I still have that 100 watt Jose and it will never leave my hands until I'm dead. That amp is a MONSTER!!![/quote]
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
Im very very jealous of you my friend, if it sounds better than that 50 watter, we probably need new words just to describe it :lol: :LOL:
If anything ever changes, please contact me (seriously)
I would likely be willing to do whatever it took ;)
Speeddemon":2ev27sdu said:
psychodave":2ev27sdu said:
I’m using Celestion G12H30’s.
vintage or modern ones? 55Hz or 75Hz cones?
I have a pair of pre-Rola (april '71) 55Hz versions waiting to be thrown in a nice 2x12. Should pair nicely with the EVH 50W. :rock:

The clip does sound really great -listening through the simple camera sound- and would also be the type of tone I'm looking for.
Oh, and one can appreciate the irony of that clip in this Larry thread, playing Iced Earth riffs. :lol: :LOL:

I use Anniversary G12H30’s. I just replaced four cabinets with fresh speakers.

Glad someone realized the Iced Earth clips. :D
Larry should get Dave to make him a Sonycam clip of the amp, it would take him 10 minutes....
Just sayin ;)
JTyson":3mcvduym said:
Larry should get Dave to make him a Sonycam clip of the amp, it would take him 10 minutes....
Just sayin ;)

Fortin released a terrible clip of me playing his Larry...and Larry got mad. I had driven 3+ hours in rotten traffic, didn’t warm up and started to play the amp. Someone hit record. :lol: :LOL: No excuses though. ;)
panhead":1ay6zzol said:
They aint no way an amps worth 6k I don't care who made it.
I'm just gonna go on record and agree. There are a LOT of killer amps in the world and many I'd love to get "handsy" with but +$3500.... that's a hard sell for me.
JTyson":uawah9dc said:
Larry should get Dave to make him a Sonycam clip of the amp, it would take him 10 minutes....
Just sayin ;)
You want to hear a Sonycam clip?
If you're pleased with it, here we go: