Well-known member
Who would even send money to a pos who runs his shop like he does. Especially a straight ripoff who has no skills other than to Xerox everyone else's work. Fuck Fortin?
311splawndude":2fdhx86p said:I'm not an EE nor a patent lawyer but it was my understanding that in order for that to be a thing:guidedbyechoes":2fdhx86p said:I know this isn't the gear page but do we have any patent lawyers here? I'm curious how much of a modification is needed to be considered a different circuit.
a.) Larry would need to have a pretty unique design element
b.) Larry would need to have registered that officially as intellectual property (IP)
c.) Larry would need to have proven that his design was unique and proactively protected it himself
It doesn't appear any of these things were done.
There was a deeper discussion about this in this thread around Feb 19th, 2020:
Mike Fortin didn't do anything illegal per say. I think it is his morals and marketing that come into question.
exo-metal":16tfu1xk said:Who would even send money to a pos who runs his shop like he does. Especially a straight ripoff who has no skills other than to Xerox everyone else's work. Fuck Fortin?
The sad thing is, when you look at the long ago question/answer thread on the Metro forum, and another forum (Plexi Palace, back in 2006 i think) you can see for your own eyed the help Larry gave Mike F when it came to specifics on certain circuits...at the time Fortin was waiting for his Larry amps to be completed. Little did Larry know that Fortin was preparing himself for the cloning of those very amps he sold to Mike. All questions pertaining to certain parts of the Larry circuit, like Punch/Bite etc. Pretty obvious and damn shady to say the least.exo-metal":3azyr0ax said:Who would even send money to a pos who runs his shop like he does. Especially a straight ripoff who has no skills other than to Xerox everyone else's work. Fuck Fortin?
triggered much?exo-metal":147u2bug said:And people know and you tell me people don't care. I know I do so if you are one of them worthless fucks you're on the list, FU too. Nothing cool about you.
I agree it is super shady. Back in 2006 I probably couldn't have named one component in an amplifier nor probably cared. Thing is, didn't people realize they were on a public forum? That people might steal something from you? That the tones everyone was talking about and wanting might get copied? Again, not condoning it all - just sayin'Racerxrated":147u2bug said:The sad thing is, when you look at the long ago question/answer thread on the Metro forum, and another forum (Plexi Palace, back in 2006 i think) you can see for your own eyed the help Larry gave Mike F when it came to specifics on certain circuits...at the time Fortin was waiting for his Larry amps to be completed. Little did Larry know that Fortin was preparing himself for the cloning of those very amps he sold to Mike. All questions pertaining to certain parts of the Larry circuit, like Punch/Bite etc. Pretty obvious and damn shady to say the least.exo-metal":147u2bug said:Who would even send money to a pos who runs his shop like he does. Especially a straight ripoff who has no skills other than to Xerox everyone else's work. Fuck Fortin?
Story checks oat, eh!ZEEGLER":2fmc2ra3 said:Canadians are kinda sketchy
The real theft happened after Fortin received the amps from Larry. I'd imagine the 'question-answer' session dealt with specifics of how the circuit worked, i.e. how everything interacted within the circuit...things that couldn't be gleaned from just 'paint by numbers' cloning.311splawndude":1rqre718 said:triggered much?exo-metal":1rqre718 said:And people know and you tell me people don't care. I know I do so if you are one of them worthless fucks you're on the list, FU too. Nothing cool about you.
I agree it is super shady. Back in 2006 I probably couldn't have named one component in an amplifier nor probably cared. Thing is, didn't people realize they were on a public forum? That people might steal something from you? That the tones everyone was talking about and wanting might get copied? Again, not condoning it all - just sayin'Racerxrated":1rqre718 said:The sad thing is, when you look at the long ago question/answer thread on the Metro forum, and another forum (Plexi Palace, back in 2006 i think) you can see for your own eyed the help Larry gave Mike F when it came to specifics on certain circuits...at the time Fortin was waiting for his Larry amps to be completed. Little did Larry know that Fortin was preparing himself for the cloning of those very amps he sold to Mike. All questions pertaining to certain parts of the Larry circuit, like Punch/Bite etc. Pretty obvious and damn shady to say the least.exo-metal":1rqre718 said:Who would even send money to a pos who runs his shop like he does. Especially a straight ripoff who has no skills other than to Xerox everyone else's work. Fuck Fortin?
JerEvil":3budfm4t said:Story checks oat, eh!ZEEGLER":3budfm4t said:Canadians are kinda sketchy
(Went phonetically...)
exo-metal":112gji1x said:@splawnboy, nope never.
Markedman":1w1mlt6w said:What about James Brown?
C'mon, the poor guy's gotta put up with the fact his name is used by about 5 guys more famous than he is. Make it 10, no 20 guys more famous going around with that name.
Well, that is shady as fack if that is true. It appears, on the surface anyway, that Mike Fortin found a person who was willing to share all their secrets. Something I'm guessing other builders/modders were not as willing to do. Question is, did he befriend Larry for the sole purpose of ripping him off? I'm asking rhetorically I believe. That said, if his ish was so important to him, why did Larry share that level of detail to begin with?Racerxrated":1bjoejsk said:The real theft happened after Fortin received the amps from Larry. I'd imagine the 'question-answer' session dealt with specifics of how the circuit worked, i.e. how everything interacted within the circuit...things that couldn't be gleaned from just 'paint by numbers' cloning.
311splawndude":2g31nier said:Honestly, both of these guys screwed up.
Also, I'm confident Mike is aware of this thread and has purposely decided not to post or defend. And Larry, as much as I feel for the guy, probably regrets a lot of his posts in here.
@swamptrash - thanks man