sah5150":da5eb said:
Cool. So, which candidate are you going to vote for that has a better answer on health care. When has she said that she would not pull the troops out? Why were her reasons bad? What are the policies she wants in place that show she wants the government to be larger and more powerful? Why is a larger and more powerful government, in regards to the specific policies she advocates a bad thing for you?
I'm not fucking with you, I'm seriously interested.
Generalities like those you make are almost as useless as calling her a "kankle fat ass". Also, who is your alternative and why?
Hey Steve, no offense taken. Im wierd in that I can talk politics and religion and not get mad a bit. I know you arent fucking with me and I understand my why you ask and the reson for my not going inot detail was at the time I didnt want to get into details but since you ask and I have a bit of time while I render something I can give you my point of view.
None of the politicians have had any good answers for healthcare. I have seen ideas that are working to make some things better as we speak well but of those morons of Capitol Hill are talking about them nor supporting them. They are too busy dialing for dollars for thier next campain so they can sell all the voters on the idea that they will solve your problems so just vote for them.
Hillary has said she will "redeploy" the troops. Thats no bringing them home out of harms way by any streatch. She has said nothing about leading our country in staying out of entangling allies with other countries and thier leadership and just keeping those relationships as ones of trade. As long as we have troops on foreign soil wher we arent welcome we'll have problems IMHO.
I think history shows that anytime you give any government more money you give them more power. Power always goes hand in hand with money if not follows it. In Hillary's case she wants us to give the government more money to fund a universal healthcare plan. Seriously name one thing the Federal Government has been in charge of that hasnt been a major mess up? Katrina and FEMA come to mind. Our elected officals cant keep their fingers out of the Social Security pie so much so its in a major crisis is another good example of why they arent good sterwards off our money we give them. They even get us into unjust wars and fund them with borrowed money that is driving us so far into debt its rediculous. Think healthcare will be any different?
Just a bit of info did you know that every penny of tax dollars we pay in goes directly to interst on the countries debt? If this is the case where will themoney for the univeral healthcare come from? More than likely borrowed money. You want to go into more debt for a system that will be mangaed poorly? Dont get me wrong we need our federal government and we nedd to fund some important things such as funding a national defense to protect ourselves but alot of those bloated buerocracies in Washington can and should be cut over time.
There is so much about here that screams she is the typical "tell you what you want to hear" politician its not funny in my mind.
To be honest there not many Id vote for and definately not in the two major parties. Im still watching and reading as I havent made up my mind who I think is best. IMHO its still a bit early.