Megadeth7684":9f204 said:
Just out of sheer curiosity, what would be your favorite 10 games ever?
Hard to pick 10, so here's as close as I can easily get:
Donkey Kong Country 3
Zelda: A Link To The Past
Super Metroid
Unreal Tournament/UT2k4 (sort of cheating, but it depends)
Asheron's Call, at least for the first year or two on the PVP server
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Resident Evil 1 (mostly the GC one, it's actually better)
Maybe Final Fantasy 8, though I haven't played that in years. I want to play it again, but I don't have the time. I remember it took me 80 hours to beat it once lol.
Some other runner ups that I have played the crap out of and still love, but wouldn't be so likely to spend much time with today:
Command & Conquer Generals
all the old Dooms
Tyrian 2000
One Must Fall
Gradius III
random Street Fighter IIs
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Goldeneye 64
Twisted Metal 2
Gran Turismo
Vigilante 8 1 and 2
Final Fantasy Tactics and the GBA one
Castlevania Circle of The Moon
I never had Symphony of The Night.

My friend got it for 360, and I started playing it a little, though.
Haha I loved the original Pokemon when it came out, too. Those got lame, though.